
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Books to Make You Swoon

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Last week was so easy for me and this week was so hard! Apparently I'm not really prone to swooning, hence me reading Anti-Love novels for the month of February. I mean don't get me wrong, I love a good romance and it can definitely make a story better. But honestly in most books there is too much insta-love and too many love triangles (bitter tirade over). But here are the books where I did swoon.

Swoonworthy Couples

Eleanor and Park from Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
Ah first love it's so pure and adorable! I'm a big fan of this love story.

Diana and Henry from The Luxe Series by Anna Godbersen
This is a seriously epic love story that puts Veronica and Logan to shame with their ruined lives and bloodshed!

Parzival and Art3mis in Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
A love that began online. Parzival is just adorable and Art3mis's reluctance made me enjoy their relationship so much more!

Buttercup and Wesley in The Princess Bride by William Golding
I can't even handle how adorable Wesley is and he and Buttercup have such a swoonworthy story.

Every Couple in Manor of Secrets by Katherine Longshore
After mentioning how I wanted more romances that take time to develop that's what I got in this book and it was AMAZING!

Book with Swoonworthy Characters

The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo
I'm absolutely Team Mal because he's so disgustingly romantic but there's also the Darkling and Sturmhond who are pretty swoonworthy!

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
All the ships in these books are fantastic but I'm a HUGE fan of Wolf and Thorne's not so bad either.

Divergent by Veronica Roth
One word: Four

One for the Money by Janet Evonavich
These are fabulous mysteries made better with Joe Morelli and Ranger. No wonder Stephanie can't make a decision. (PS... This movie is terrible, read the book!)

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
This is my favorite Austen novel because I adore the canon love stories! Colonel Brandon FTW!

What books and characters make you swoon? Leave me a comment and tell me all about it and of course HAPPY READING!


  1. I just read Sense & Sensibility. I love Colonel Brandon too! :)

    1. He's amazing! Have you seen the movie? Alan Rickman plays Colonel Brandon, it's fantastic!

  2. OOh nice topic twist! I must say I LOVE your Disney gifs!? (that's the right word, right? I am soooo bad with technology!) And I hear you about Insta love! To me, that can only and should only be pulled off by Disney! Heehee!

    Love The Princess Bride as well! I grew up with that movie and know it pretty much by heart! So when it came up in high school (maybe middle school) and a college course, I soooo had the questions sheet down and done before the movie even started!

    I ended up tweaking mine as well, saying that for the most part my book choices had some swoon worthy moments, since it seems people might be picking more romances then not. My books have romance in them, but they are not officially romances in my opinion. Just Urban Fantasy...with some swoon worthy (romantic) moments and that's exactly how I like it! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yeah, it was kind of hard for me to list swoonworthy books. I don't read a lot of contemporary and I almost never read romances. It was really hard to put a lot of the books where I swoon over the characters. Like I LOVE Jon Snow and Jamie Lannister but there is no way any A Song of Ice and Fire book is swoonworthy! But it was really hard cause I don't often focus on the romance even if there is a lot of it in the books I read.

  3. Love the Gifs. Couldn't agree more on that one word: Four!!
    My TTT
