
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Crossing Over: Rainbow Rowell Edition

This is a feature I started a while ago to recommend adult books based on if you liked a similar YA book. For me the classifications of books by age group is pretty superficial and there is so much crossover. I originally thought I would pick a "Geek Book" and I had a few ideas, then I realized they were both from the same author. So this time instead of picking a specific genre I decided to pick Rainbow Rowell.

Rainbow's second "adult" book, and fourth overall, Landline, came out yesterday and I could essentially just recommend her adult books to you, which are just as wonderful as her more popular YA, but that's too easy. So here are a few recommendations based on Rainbow Rowell's fantastic young adult books!

(can I just point out the creative use of headphones in both cover designs)

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Amazon - Goodreads - My Review
Eleanor & Park is a completely wonderful look at first love that will not only make you swoon and laugh out loud, but will leave you sobbing on the floor with the dreaded book hangover. The teen protagonists are complex and likable and the punk rock influences will leave a song in your head while reading. With this book Rainbow Rowell shows how she is a master of the Contemporary genre by effortlessly balancing the lighthearted and heavy moments in life.

Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby
Amazon - Goodreads
If you liked Landline then definitely check out Juliet, Naked. It is a totally engaging look at romance that will make you laugh out loud and think very critically about love. It may also leave you sobbing on the floor with the dreaded book hangover. The protagonists are realistic and likable and the punk rock influences will leave a song in your head while reading. Nick Hornby absolutely proves he is a master of the Contemporary genre by effortlessly balancing the lighthearted and heavy moments in life.

I may have read Juliet, Naked first but now that I think about it, it could very well be a look at Eleanor & Park in the future (although it's not the future I want for them). Nick Hornby and Rainbow Rowell have similar writing styles and both really know how to craft a Contemporary novel that will leave you thinking about it well after you've finished reading! If you liked Eleanor & Park and their story of love with a punk rock soundtrack check out Juliet, Naked. But be warned it is not a happy love story.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 
Amazon - Goodreads - My Review
Set during her freshman year of college, Fangirl is an exploration of Cath Avery and her inability to adjust to the changes that are before her. She's a little insecure, a lot nerdy, and all kinds of easy to empathize with. Enter Levi, an amazing and swoonworthy romantic lead, there to help Cath through the challenges. The book is full of interesting and complex characters and a great balance to the light and heavy. It's the perfect book for someone "in transition" and it really felt like I was reading a book about me.

College Girl by Patricia Weitz
Amazon - Goodreads
Set during her senior year of college, College Girl is an exploration of Natalie Bloom and her inability to adjust to the changes that are before her. She's a little nerdy, a lot insecure, and all kinds of easy to empathize with. Enter Patrick, her perfect guy, there to help Natalie through the challenges. Again this book will make you question romance and love, probably leaving you sobbing but it does still balance those depressing moments with ones that are lighthearted and funny. This is perfect book for anyone feeling "in transition" and it really felt like I was reading a book about me.

I'm not sure how long ago I read College Girl but I know one thing for sure, this book shook me to my core. I think I read it when I was experiencing my quarter-life crisis and it felt like I was reading a page out of my own diary. Similar to Fangirl it not only felt like it was book for me but a book about me! If you liked reading about Cath's coming of age story and struggle to find herself then check out Natalie's. But be aware this book is definitely aged up and does deal a lot with sex and the consequences of losing your virginity before you're really ready.


  1. This such a creative way to recommend books to people. I love this. Juliet, Naked has been on my list for like ever, I almost bought when visiting a book shop in Philadelphia, but I didn't. I totally regret it now.

  2. This is awesome! What a great way to introduce people to new books. Now I totally want to read Juliet, Naked. Thanks for sharing!

    Jenny @ Reading on the Farm

  3. I like this idea of if you like this YA book, try this adult book. awesome! Thanks for the book recs..
