
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Stacking the Shelves: December Haul

A weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews

It's been a few months since I did a Stacking the Shelves and with the holidays I figured I should totally do one of these. Not to mention the fact that I recently got a bunch of books for review from Netgalley including some in November that I never talked about so I wanted to make sure I played a little catch up. Okay, a lot of catch up. Alright, let's look at what I picked up...


Heartless by Gail Carriger My Review and Timeless by Gail Carriger - My Review
I have been marathoning the Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger because I was loving it so much. So this month I bought the last two books in the series on e-books. I should include the other two I bought last month but I won't so I feel better about my book buying

Take the Key and Lock Her Up by Ally Carter - Add to Goodreads
I have enjoyed this series so far and am really excited to see how it all ends. My copy of this book just arrived yesterday so I will be spending New Years Eve reading it.  


The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough Add to Goodreads
I got this book from my Secret Santa (the amazing Alyssa who was hilariously my Secret Sister a few rounds back). It's a book I didn't know I needed until I unwrapped it. It sounds amazing.

A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis - Add to Goodreads
I read my first Mindy McGinnis book recently and cannot believe that it was a contemprary. I should have been this book. I mean this is totally up my alley and I know I will love it based on how I felt about The Female of the Species.

Arcanum Unbound by Brandon Sanderson - Add to Goodreads
How excited was I opened this on Christmas? SO excited. My brother and sister-in-law got it for me because as my brother said "it sounded like the most interesting book on your wishlist." he has good taste. It runs in the family.

For Review

The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon - Add to Goodreads
I love The Bone Season series so much and the way that the final book in the series ended made me desperately need this book so I was over the moon when Bloomsbury approved my request on Netgalley

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones - Add to Goodreads
This is one of my most anticipated debuts of 2017 and I am so excited to be a part of the blog tour through the publisher. They sent me a copy and I can't wait to read it.

The Fallen Kingdom by Elizabeth May - Add to Goodreads
I cannot wait to read this one as well. It's the last book in The Falconer trilogy and these books know how to leave you on a cliffhanger, man.

Done Dirt Cheap by Sarah Nicole LemonAdd to Goodreads
This sounds like a super interesting contemporary. I am really intrigued by the characters and the Thelma and Louise meets Sons of Anarchy tagline.

The Whole Thing Together by Ann Brashares - Add to Goodreads
Ann Brashares' books can be a little hit or miss but I am generally a fan of her contemporaries. I am pretty interested in this one so I am excited to give it a try.

Shadow Run by AdriAnne Strickland and Michael Miller Add to Goodreads
I am always a sucker for science fiction books that are compared to Firefly. It's hard to live up to that awesomeness but it usually means a quirky cast and fun adventures which I am down for.

The Inconceivable Life of Quinn by Marianna Baer - Add to Goodreads
I am very intrigued by this book. It sounds like it has a very interesting mystery that is kind of like Scandal meets Jane the Virgin.

The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Amanda Quick - Add to Goodreads
This sounds like a really interesting historical fiction novel. I mean it's set in Hollywood in the 1930's which like old Hollywood glamour? Yes, please.

The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova - Add to Goodreads
This is maybe the book I am most excited about. I am a huge, huge fan of Elizabeth Kostova. The Historian is one of my all-time favorite books. I didn't know she had a new book coming out until I saw this for review on Netgalley. And then I lost my chill when I was approved.

Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero - My Review
This book just looks so fun. I'm a huge Scooby Doo fan, I attribute my mystery solving abilities to watching a ton of Scooby Doo as a child. But teen detectives all grown up investigating again, I'm in.

Those are the books that I got in November and December. I obviously went a little overboard when it comes to review books but it's for two months which is probably not too bad. What books did you get? Are you excited for any of these? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

1 comment:

  1. OOoh nice! I remembering hearing you say something about Elizabeth having a new book out! I remember enjoying The Historian myself as well! Curious to see what her new book will be about! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
