
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Stacking the Shelves: April Haul

A weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews

Let's stop pretending like I'm on a book buying ban, shall we. I mean not to say I wasn't good this month and that I bought a ton of books, no that was last month. But I just think pretending I'm on a ban is silly because I'm not really (more on this next week). But I did get some exciting books this month both from purchase and from publishers. So here you go, all the books I got.


The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli - My Review
My one preorder of the month. I really loved Becky's debut, Simon Vs, so I was excited for her second book. I was a little nervous because it sounded more heavy on the romance but Becky did not disappoint.

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor - Add to Goodreads
And so begins my audiobook purchase binge of the month. I picked this one up because not only did it sound amazing but the audio is narrated by Steve West who is the dreamiest.

Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick - My Review
Audible was having a 50% off the entire website sale and I needed a little retail therapy so I spent some money. I picked this one up because I've been really enjoying celebrity memoires lately and I very much enjoy Anna Kendrick.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander (really J.K. Rowling)Add to Goodreads
They recently released this on audio because of the movie with Eddie Redmayne narrating it. I was super interested and then the sale knocked the price down to a can't miss price.

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab - My Review
I have a few rereads that I am trying to do this summer and fall to prepare for new releases and this is one of them. I wanted to buy one reread for the Audible sale and I picked this one.

For Review

Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee - Add to Goodreads
Let's start with the exciting ones and not beat around the book. I received a copy of this one through the publisher and I don't really know how. I wish I did so I could repeat the process. I think because the author asked who wanted to be put on the list and I jumped on that so fast.

Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco - Add to Goodreads
I may have gone a bit overboard here and emailed both the main publicity email address and also the publicist listed on the author's website. But it worked and I am insanely happy that it did. This book is so pretty and I can't wait to read it.

Sleeper by Mackenzie Cadhenhead - Add to Goodreads
I picked this up because it's pitched as Heathers meets Inception. But either way, it sounds like a really interesting science fiction book.

Every Last Lie by Mary Kubica Add to Goodreads
I am a very big fan of Mary Kubica. I have read and enjoyed all of her books. She knows how to do a great mystery. That's really all I need to want a book but this one says it's her "most chilling thriller to date." Which is like so exciting!

The Hanging Girl by Eileen Cook - Add to Goodreads
I really enjoyed With Malice which was my first Eileen Cook book. When I saw she had a new one coming out I snagged it. Plus this is about a fake psychic who gets asked by police to help solve a mystery she has details on. How freaking amazing does that sound?

The Night Ocean by Paul La Forge Add to Goodreads
A few days ago I mentioned I can smell a historical mystery a mile away and I smell one here. Plus I love these kinds of books when they involve authors or artists, and this one the author is Lovecraft. Yup, this sounds great.

Strangers in Budapest by Jessica Keener - Add to Goodreads
I think this is straight up historical fiction but it sounds pretty interesting and like it's part coming of age story and maybe part mystery. We'll see. It sounds good though.

Those are the books that I got in April. What books did you get? Are you excited for any of these? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

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