
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday

A weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Title: Not if I Save You First
Author: Ally Carter
Published: March 27, 2018 by Scholastic

Synopsis: Maddie thought she and Logan would be friends forever. But when your dad is a Secret Service agent and your best friend is the president's son, sometimes life has other plans. Before she knows it, Maddie's dad is dragging her to a cabin in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness.

No phone.
No Internet.
And not a single word from Logan.

Maddie tells herself it's okay. After all, she's the most popular girl for twenty miles in any direction. (She’s also the only girl for twenty miles in any direction.) She has wood to cut and weapons to bedazzle. Her life is full. Until Logan shows up six years later . . .
And Maddie wants to kill him.

But before that can happen, an assailant appears out of nowhere, knocking Maddie off a cliff and dragging Logan to some unknown fate. Maddie knows she could turn back- and get help. But the weather is turning and the terrain will only get more treacherous, the animals more deadly. Maddie still really wants to kill Logan. But she has to save him first.

Why I'm Waiting:

I really enjoy Ally Carter. I have not read all her books but every book from her I have read I really enjoyed. I love the idea of this one because it seems to find of combine some elements from all the other series. It's not quite a spy novel like Gallagher Girls but I'm sure there will be elements of that. It's not quite a heist novel like The Heist Society but it's a rescue mission so I'm down. And it's not quite a political thriller like Embassy Row but the president's son does go missing so I'm sure there will be some politics involved. I hope.

Anyway, either way, I'm very excited. This book sounds fun and with a really fantastic mystery/thriller. Plus it's Ally Carter so probably there will be a lot of humor. I'm really excited to read it and I am sure it will be amazing and fun.

I am definitely going to get myself a copy of this book. I still haven't decided which new releases to get this winter but I know this one will be among them. I meant to request a review copy but I totally forgot and probably now it is too late. But that's fine. I'll read this book regardless because it sounds so good.

What about you? What are you waiting for this Wednesday? Are you waiting on Not if I Save You First along with me? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I haven't read any book by this author before but I'm really liking the synopsis!!

  2. This one does sound rather intriguing! Love a good mystery! Will have to remember to keepan eye on this one!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. This does sound good! I read her first Heist Society book, but I need to get to more of hers! Great pick. :)

  4. I love this meme I haven't come across one before but it sounds like your really excited about Alley carters next book! I love her too!
    Happy reading!
