(Amazon / Goodreads / Comixology)
Synopsis: The Runaways say good-bye to the past, and make hard decisions about their future. Plus: Still reeling from the events of Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways, the teenage heroes must now confront a horrific enemy who threatens to tear the team apart!
Collects Runaways #19-24.
My Thoughts:
I have read the original Runaways for awhile now. I don't know why I have been waiting so long because I seriously love it. It's definitely my kind of comic. It has a unique cast of teenage characters, mystery, and a little bit of a sci-fi flair.
And this one was just as good as all the other previous books. Volume 6 seriously broke my heart and in this one I totally felt for Chase. I mean Chase may be my favorite character in the series and so him struggling really hit me. But in general the character development in this series has been amazing. You really connect with them over seven books and you want them to succeed so it's hard to see them not.
Only the whole, this is an amazing series and I think the perfect comic for people who may not necessarily big fans of comics. It's super accessible if you are new to comics and for people who do love them there is enough to enjoy.
(Amazon / Goodreads / Comixology)
This is another series that I am really dragging my feet on reading. I really enjoyed the first two volumes and I wanted to keep reading it but for some reason it took me a year or so to actually do that. But this is such a fun series. It's geared a little bit younger but it's still got great characters and lots of fun and engaging storylines.
The interesting thing in volume three is that it's one of the first ones where the gang is split up. Mal and Molly kind of take focus as they go on their own solo adventure. I loved seeing these two get a little bit more of the attention because I think sometimes they can get lost among some of the more vivacious characters in the group.
This was definitely a great volume in the Lumberjanes series and I am really glad I took the time and continued reading it. Again, this is a comic that is really accessible. It's fun and super readable with great characters and is perfect for a preteen or teenage girl who wants comics where they can see themselves represented.
Trying to take advantage of the first quiet day at camp in a while, Mal and Molly's date takes a bizarre turn with the appearance of the Bear Woman! Back at camp, Jo, April, and Ripley must stay on their toes as they try and earn every badge possible, which ends up being a lot harder than any of them ever planned.
This New York Times bestselling series continues with Lumberjanes #9, "If You Got It, Haunt It Badge;" #10, "Abscence Make the Heart Grow Fondant Badge;" #11, "Go Ball-istic Badge;" and #12, "Oldie but Goodie Badge."
My Thoughts:
Trying to take advantage of the first quiet day at camp in a while, Mal and Molly's date takes a bizarre turn with the appearance of the Bear Woman! Back at camp, Jo, April, and Ripley must stay on their toes as they try and earn every badge possible, which ends up being a lot harder than any of them ever planned.
This New York Times bestselling series continues with Lumberjanes #9, "If You Got It, Haunt It Badge;" #10, "Abscence Make the Heart Grow Fondant Badge;" #11, "Go Ball-istic Badge;" and #12, "Oldie but Goodie Badge."
My Thoughts:
This is another series that I am really dragging my feet on reading. I really enjoyed the first two volumes and I wanted to keep reading it but for some reason it took me a year or so to actually do that. But this is such a fun series. It's geared a little bit younger but it's still got great characters and lots of fun and engaging storylines.
The interesting thing in volume three is that it's one of the first ones where the gang is split up. Mal and Molly kind of take focus as they go on their own solo adventure. I loved seeing these two get a little bit more of the attention because I think sometimes they can get lost among some of the more vivacious characters in the group.
This was definitely a great volume in the Lumberjanes series and I am really glad I took the time and continued reading it. Again, this is a comic that is really accessible. It's fun and super readable with great characters and is perfect for a preteen or teenage girl who wants comics where they can see themselves represented.

Synopsis: The mystery of history!
Jen just wants a normal lesson with her cabin, teaching Jo, April, Mal, Molly, and Ripley the basic survival skills needed without any supernatural intervention. But when a blizzard hits camp, Jen finds herself separated from the girls and in more trouble than ever... until a mysterious taxidermist swoops in to save the day. Who is she and what is her relationship to Rosie? Join Jen as she finds a way back to her girls, and a way to save the day!
This New York Times Bestseller and Eisner Award-Nominated series is written by Noelle Stevenson (Nimona, ADVENTURE TIME™), and Lumberjanes co-creator Shannon Watters, and illustrated by Brooke Allen (A Home For Mr. Easter).
My Thoughts:
Another amazing Lumberjanes volume. I seriously need to read the rest of this series, I am loving it a lot. In this one we get to see Jen take a little bit more of the spotlight. She is usually way in the background and I loved being able to see here get more attention. Plus it was fun seeing the girls try to rescue her. It was a fun role reversal.
But the thing I liked most about this volume is the fact that you learn a lot about the camp. You learn more about Rosie and her history, plus Bear Woman, and the camp when it was originally founded. I really loved that and I am such a sucker for things that show historical things and how they impact the present day, even comics.
Yeah, I definitely need to read the rest of this series. I know there are like six more volumes so I better get on that. This series is really just amazing and it's a totally great escapist kind of comic. You can read it in a day and fall for the Lumberjanes.
(Amazon / Goodreads / Comixology)
The "IT" book of the early 2000s with the original cast is back--Nico! Karolina! Molly! Chase! Old Lace! And, could it be...GERT?!
The heart of the Runaways died years ago, but you won't believe how she returns! Superstar author Rainbow Rowell (Eleanor & Park, Carry On) makes her Marvel debut with fan-favorite artist Kris Anka (ALL-NEW X-MEN, CAPTAIN MARVEL) in the series that will shock you and break your heart! Did Chase and Gert's love survive their time apart? Have Karolina and Nico's feelings made their friendship impossible? What emotional landmines lie in wait to DESTROY the Runaways?!
My Thoughts:
So I love Rainbow Rowell. I have read and loved all her books. When I heard she was writing a comic I was super pumped. And plus this was the kick in the pants that I needed to finally read the original Runaways.
And while I am not a fan from back in the day, I definitely fell in love with the characters during Brian K. Vaughn's run so I was a bit nervous for Rainbow's take on them. But I honestly loved them. They feel like a more modern version of the original characters. They are a little bit older, a little bit more, jaded, but still maintain the spirit of the characters. That's kind of one of the things I didn't like about the Runaways TV show, it changes the characters personalities too much. But not this.
Plus it has a really great plot. The bulk of it is all about getting the gang back together but there is a lot of surprises and a good amount of action. It's not quite at the same level of world-saving adventure that the Vaughn run was but I say give it time. I'm sure Rainbow has some surprises in store for us.

(Amazon / Goodreads / Comixology)
Synopsis:The Queens are back!
Palisade is still a rat-infested hell hole, and Violet, Hannah, Dee, Betty, and the brand-new Queen, Braga are the only hope of saving it! It’s been a long time since they’ve done a good slaughter, so join them as they get back to the basics of killing monsters and drinking away the profits! This is a fresh, hilarious new take on the RAT QUEENS with new artist OWEN GIENI!
Collects RAT QUEENS, VOL. 2 #1-5
My Thoughts:
I love the Rat Queens series. It's so fun and amazing with kickass characters and a great sword and sorcery vibe. But like all comics I am dragging my feet in reading it.
This one is just as amazing as the first few volumes. You really connect with the characters in the course of the three previous books. You learn their backstories, meet their families, and just fall in love with them and their friendship. Here we continue to learn more about them and their past but it's a little more subtle which I liked. It's more about the queens as they are now. Speaking of the queens, we added Braga officially to the team here and I loved that!
Plus the plot here is really fantastic. It definitely has that classic fantasy adventure story thing going for it. They're on a quest and it's got fight scenes and hidden temples and narrow escapes, you know classic kind of things. I love the way that they engage the reader in the adventure in this series and this book was no exception.
I've only read a couple of graphic novels myself but I really like the Artemis Fowl ones.