
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Further Attempt and Reading Challenge

Before I get started let's get one thing straight, I'm a really bad blogger. I never post! I'll decide I want to update, do maybe one or two updates, and then nothing for a year, or more! I just never really figured that anyone cared too much. But I've realized something in my old age (I'm not really that old), this is less for other people and more for me. So I've decided to try it again. Let's see if I can be better about updating. Let's see if people actually read it. In January I may even try posting videos on YouTube. I'll use this blog as a prototype for the videos. What I post here will sort of be like my script for what will eventually become videos.

I've also decided that starting in January I will be participating in the 50 book challenge. This is exactly what it sounds like, I am challenging myself to read 50 books in 2014. This means, based completely on the math of the situation, I would have to read 4-5 books a month. It sounds easier than it actually is. I do read on a regular basis but I'm not a very fast reader. Depending on the skill level of the book and how good it is, there has been months where I read only one book. There has also been months where I have not completed a book. This could have been because the book was too long or I just didn't enjoy it. But lately I've been doing really well, I've been reading a lot of books and I think I can do this. I've even developed a plan. A system.

I've heard that the best way to hold yourself to something is to make it public, so what is more public than the internet? Answer: Nothing! So here you go internet, my strategic plan to ensure that I read 50 books in 2014.

Once a month I will read the following:
 -One classic novel (by this I mean something written before 1940 but they will more than likely all be from the 19th century)
 -One piece contemporary fiction (by this I mean something written after 1940, more than likely something from the 21st century)
 -One audiobook (I looked it up audiobooks count towards the challenge) 
-A young adult series consisting of 2-3 novels 

There you have it, my plan. This would mean that each month I would be reading a total of 5-6 books. I think this plan will work because I'm giving myself a buffer. If I don't finish one or two of these books each month I will still be in a good position to complete the challenge. If I do read all these books each month than I will have completed the challenge by October... and the rest is gravy (that's a weird expression).

Some months will have a theme to them like Horror, Fantasy, or Sci Fi while other months will be all over the place. At the start of each month I will post about what the book To Be Read (TBR) are, and at the end of each month I will post a wrap up which will list all the books that I finished and my thoughts on them. On the blog I may post a review immediately but if I eventually start posting videos I will wait till the end of the month for a wrap up. I will supplement this by posting book tags and book hauls so that I have at least one video a week.

I think this will be good. I love a good challenge and lately it feels like all I am motivated to do is read. So let's test my motivation. For the rest of the year I will be testing my system to see how I do with completing the five to six books I plan to read.

So let's do this thing! If you are interested in reading my reviews and tracking my progress follow me. And don't forget to comment, that's how I know you're paying attention.


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