
Thursday, December 5, 2013

2014 Series Challenge


I was cruising the blogoshpere (you know, as one does) and I came across this challenge hosted by Octavia at Read. Sleep. Repeat. Her thought is that we all have a giant list of series that we have started and never finished or keep talking about starting and never do. This challenge is to give you a kick in the pants to finish as many series as you can in the year 2014. There are of course rules, (taking directly from her site) they are as follows...
  • You have to FINISH the series
  • If the series isn’t complete yet, or will not be completed before December 1st, 2014 read up to the most recent book in said series.
  • Novellas count, but are optional.
  • HAVE fun
  • If you decide to break up with a series after book one, it does not count!
  • You do not have to START the series in 2014, you just have to FINISH it in 2014
  • Series that you started prior to 2014 are fine as long as you FINISH the series in 2014
  • The series has to have at least 2 books out prior to December 1st, 2014
  • Proof that you finished the book is required. It could be a full review, a mini review, or a rating with a few lines.
  • DNF’s do not count. PERIOD.
And thanks to Anya of On Starships and Dragonwings I’m going to sweeten the pot for you folks. Even though finishing a series is motivation enough for some of you, I know that 4 months in a lot of you will quit, and because of that I am implementing a badge system. For more information check out this link.

I will be keeping track of my progress in the tab above labeled "2014 Series Challenge" and will be posting the badges I win on my main site. I'm totally jazzed to win the platinum badge!

Here is a list of series that I have planned to include on my list for this year.

Series I Have Started and Haven't Finished(last book I read shown)

A Song of Ice and Fire
The Magicians
Caster Chronicles
Gallagher Girls
The Giver Quartet
Percy Jackson Seri

Series I Haven't Started But Want/Plan To (first book pictured)  

The Grishna

Across the Universe
The Lunar Chronicles
The Darkest Minds
Abandon Trilogy
Gem Trilogy
The Maze Runner Trilogy
Anna Series

That is 14 total series for the year. My plan is at lease one series a month some months will have two or even three. Some series will be easier than others to complete. For example I only have one book to read in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series but four in the Gallagher girls series, I may add a few more series on the list as the year goes on and I see how I am doing. I have a few series on the back burner that I'm probably add. My goal is to get at least a dozen so I can be certified platinum! Stayed tuned on the "2014 Series Challenge" Tab above and if you want to get involved GO HERE NOW!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a good challenge for me! I was thinking about catching up with book series next year.
