
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday -New to Me Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This weeks topic is the top ten authors that are new to me. There are a lot of them! Since I got back into blogging these past few months I found this great community of people (you all reading this) that is full of recommendations for amazing books. My TBR pile has exploded and I have found some great new books through these recommendations. So without further ado here is the list from authors I've read...

1.) Rainbow Rowell - I absolutely loved Fangirl and I have heard nothing but good things about her other two books. I plan to read Eleanor and Park during the holidays if I finish my other two books. She has a fantastic writing style, it is sweet and funny but also makes you think, which is exactly what you want in a Contemporary novel.

2.) Libba Bray - Where have you been all my life Libba Bray? How did I take this long to find you? The Gemma Doyle Trilogy was fantastic and I can't wait to read more books she has written (I hear The Diviners is excellent). I love her world-building, her characters, and the mystery that is solvable but full of plot twists.

3.) Carson McCullers - It feels weird to call someone who has been dead for nearly 50 years new but I just found Carson McCullers. The Heart is A Lonely Hunter is my favorite book of the year and has become one of my favorite standalone novels. This book was poetic, surprising, and thought-provoking. Stay tuned for my full review on Throwback Thursday.

4.) Veronica Roth - I was late to the Divergent party but I arrived before Allegiant came out so I don't feel like a total bandwagoner. This series was fantastic; action-packed, full of mystery, and complex characters. I hope she keeps writing.

5.) Ernest Cline - Ready Player One came very highly recommended and it was worth all the hype. The characters were likable and complex, the plot was engrossing, and the themes were interesting and made you think. I also found out recently that he wrote Fanboys which is a fantastic movie, watch it if you're a Star Wars fan.

6.) Ransom Riggs - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children was not
what I expected but it was really good. I loved Ransom Riggs writing style. It was poetic and mysterious. The inclusion of ominous photographs into the book was amazingly creative. I'm interested to read Hollow City now that I know what I'm getting into.

7.) John Green - I read The Fault in Our Stars this year and wasn't as emotionally affected as I thought I would be, and I cry all the time while reading. And while I didn't cry, I did laugh, A LOT. John Green's writing style is spectacular and I really want to read more of what he's written.

8.) Michael Chabon - I had been meaning to read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay for a long time. I finally got around to it this month and it was great. I really liked Choban's style of taking historical fiction and combining pop culture. I'll probably read another of his books this year. He did write one about Pittsburgh after all (although I probably won't read that one).

9.) Tom Robbins - I finally got around to reading Even Cowgirls get the Blues this year. It's one of my friends favorite books and she won't shut up about it. The book is full of poetic language and creative wordplay. It's funny and thought provoking. I've heard some of his other stuff is even better.

10.) Marissa Meyer - So I've only read the first few chapters of Cinder and
I'm really delaying reading the rest till I can devote the time to read more of the series and it's killing me! Everyone raves about this series. Someone who's read it tell me does it fit into my February theme of anti-love stories?

There you have it, my list of the top ten authors that are new to me this year. I could probably make a completely different list of the top ten authors that are new to me that I plan to read next year. I should have done that in the first place. Oh well, live and learn!

What's on your list? Let me know in the comments section and HAPPY READING!


  1. ERNEST CLINE!!! Seriously, Ready Player One was so amazing.
    Tom Robbins is one of my favorite authors - I definitely recommend Still Life With Woodpecker - it's another one of the shorter ones before you tackle something like Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates (which is also terrific!)

    1. Thanks for the recommendation on Tom Robbins. I've heard good things about Fierce Invalids but the synopsis of Still Life with Woodpecker sounds hilarious!

  2. Nice! Seeing a lot of Rainbow today! I looove Veronica Roth myself! Although I started her just before the second book came out and the first was in paperback. So I wasn't there right from the start, but close enough! Better late than never though! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha! That's my thoughts on Veronica Roth, better late than never. I just like getting on board before the movies come out. Thanks for always stopping by!

  3. Fantastic list. I think Rainbow Rowell is on everyone's list this year! I LOVE John Green and definitely plan on reading more of his books in 2014. I want to try out Meyer as well. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm a new follower of yours!

    1. Thanks for following. What John Green book are you planning on reading? I'm thinking An Abundance of Katherines.

  4. Rainbow Rowell and John Green were new authors for me this year too! :)

    1. They both have a great writing style and I plan to read much more of what they write.

      Thanks for always stopping by and commenting!

  5. Oh yay! Out of the authors you've mentioned here, I only knew of Rainbow, Veronica, John G. and Marissa Meyer. I've read Fangirl but it didn't work out for me. And then Divergent would have been really okay if not for books 2 and 3 which in my opinion brewed a pot of meh. But Marissa Meyer is just a god, I loved the Lunar Chronicles so much that I just promoted it as one of my all time favorite series.

    And I wish I have enough courage to dive into Green's books. I am a softie by heart so it's quite scary to go into a very painful book. I know that a lot of tough hearted readers have cried over TFIOS. Maybe someday.

    Good feature, Cassi. And thanks for stopping by Thoughts and Pens. :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Charlotte,

      I'm excited to start the Lunar Chronicles! As for as TFiOS goes I didn't really cry as much as I thought and that's weird for me because I'm a big crier. Maybe it was because I knew it was going to be sad.

  6. I just finally read the first two books of the Divergent trilogy right before Allegiant came out too, so you're not the only one! Sometimes it's nice to read a whole series all together, so I didn't mind being behind the times on this one. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. Great list! I just ordered Allegiant -- can't wait to see Roth conclude a series. Thanks for stopping by my TTT. Sorry for the delay -- was out of town :/
