
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Book of the Winter

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

As you may have noticed I like for my months to be a particular theme. October was Horror, November was Geek, December is Supernatural Christmas. That will not be changing in the new year (for a few months at least).

January... High Fantasy

1 & 2.) A Feast for Crows and  A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin
I talk a lot about the Song of Ice and Fire series but I actually haven't finished it yet and I am pretty excited too. Although I hear the next two aren't as good as A Storm of Swords. I've been waiting till I got the Mass Market Paperback for ADWD because these two were meant to be one book so I wanted to read them back to back and read them as they were intended.

3 & 4.) Shadow & Bone and Siege & Storm by Leigh Bardugo
I'm pretty excited to read the Grisha series. I've heard nothing but good things. It's high fantasy, a strong female character, dark and complex characters, and Russian elements. Needless to say I'm pretty pumped.

5.) Stardust By Niel Gaiman
It's debatable if this is High Fantasy but I don't care. I haven't read anything by Niel Gaiman and I'm pretty excited about it.

February... Anti-Love Stories
6.) The Portait of a Lady by Henry James
I started this book years ago and never finished it but I'm determined to do that in February.

7.) This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz
I read and really like The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. This one looks really similar and has a Milan Kundera type feel too it. It's all about you guessed it lost love.  

8.) Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
I read Beautiful Creatures in October and was pleasantly surprised by how much I like it. It wasn't great, it had the usual first book problem of creating more questions than it answered and spending too much time explaining things. I'm planning to finish this series in February because their love story gets complicated. I assume it will end "happily" but at least the path won't be.

And my current reads are both really exciting and make the list!

9.) The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray
This series is getting better and better. I'm about 1/3 of the way through it and there was just an insane twist that I did not see coming and that has not happened to me yet in this series. I'm excited to see how it finishes.

10.) Unholy Night by Seth Grahame-Smith
I am not very into this at all but I am loving the story of the Magi given the "Wicked Treatment" as I'm calling it. He makes them murderous thieves and then turns them into ant-heroes. I'm loving it so far.

What are your plans for the winter?


  1. I really need to start George RR Martin's books too! I love the show and own the first book, I just haven't gotten around to reading them yet! I hope you enjoy your winter reading :)

    Here's my Top Ten!

    1. YES! I was waiting to read them but after the way that season 3 ended I had to find out what happened. Storm of Swords is INSANE! Season 3 isn't even the half of it (and I mean that beyond the fact that it's half the book).

  2. So many books on here! I really enjoyed the Gemma Doyle trilogy, and I love the Grisha trilogy as well! Great list, can't wait to see what you think of the books!

    1. I'm really liking The Sweet Far Thing and I rarely like the last book in a series but there's still time for it to let me down, so we'll see!

  3. I'm in the mood for some fantasy in the next few months so my list is full of fantasy titles. George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series is one of my favourite fantasy series, it's amazing! Shadow and Bone is also on my list to read and I really enjoyed Stardust the film and have the book sitting on my bookshelf ready to read! Great list :)

    New follower via GFC and bloglovin' :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

    1. I love A Song of Ice and Fire so far. Storm of Swords was amazing. I'm nervous about the next two though, I've heard things slow down a lot and the idea that certain characters don't appear at all kind of worries me. That's why I'm reading them back to back.

  4. Ooh nice! And you eve categorized by genres for the months! Like the anti-love reads for February!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I'm pretty excited about the anti-love stories in February. I like romance but I feel like you get inundated with it in February and I need to balance it out a little bit.

  5. I need to read A Dance with Dragons this winter too. Stardust is great, btw. :)

  6. Have heard so many great things about the Grisha series, really want to read that one myself! Great list! I hope you get to read them all. My TTT.
