
Friday, April 18, 2014

The Maze Runner Readalong!

About a month ago I was checking out my fellow bloggers' Top Ten Tuesday posts, as I do. The topic was "popular authors I have not read yet" and I noticed a trend. A lot of people haven't read and want to read James Dashner and The Maze Runner trilogy. This book has been on my list for awhile as well so I got an idea, let's do it together! On my blog I do themed moths and my plan for April was dystopia so it seemed perfect. I put some feelers out and I know a few folks are already interested including Stephanie at Her (and Sometimes His) Reviews, Shannon at Book Devoured, and Rachel at Read Write Ramble (sorry if I forgot anyone else I talked to). So ladies and gentlemen here are the details!

About The Book

Title: The Maze Runner
Series: The Maze Runner #1
Author: James Dashner
Published: 2009 by Random House
Amazon Goodreads

Synopsis: "If you ain't scared, you ain't human."

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers--boys whose memories are also gone.

Outside the towering stone walls that surround the Glade is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out--and no one's ever made it through alive.

Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying.

The premise for this book sounds so interesting and I've heard good things about this series. From what I hear the characters are unique and complex and there is lots of action, suspense and mystery which I love. The book is about to become a movie and like all bookish folks, I want to check it out before I see the movie. Check the Trailer Here

 The Readalong

My policy is the more the merrier. So if you, like me, are interested in reading this book then join in!

It's easy, all you have to do is read the book during the weekend of April 26-27. While you're reading feel free to tweet your thoughts under the #MazeRunnerRead hashtag. Then post your review on Monday April 28th and link your review with me to share with the others joining in (I will have a linky tool on my review). That evening we will be having a Twitter chat to talk about our thoughts under #MazeRunnerRead. If you have already read The Maze Runner you can still join us for the chat to share what you thought about the book.

The Giveaway

To sweeten the deal and encourage you to join I have an amazing giveaway thanks to 
Random House Kids!

-First is the rafflecopter giveaway below. This one is open internationally, as long as The Book Depository ships to you. If you live outside of the US you can win a copy of the next two books in the series, The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure. If you live in the US you can win a full box set of the series including the prequel The Kill Order and a hardcover of the first book in James Dashner's new series, The Eye of Minds.

But there is more than one chance to win. 

-On Monday when my review goes live at 12pm EST the first three people to link up their reviews will also win the box set and The Eye of Minds. And there will be another opportunity to win the package during the twitter chat. That's right three chances to win your very own James Dashner library! Unfortunately these two giveaways are only open domestically (I'm so sorry but shipping internationally is expensive!)

Thank you again to Random House Kids for donating the books for the giveaway.

So join me during Dystopia Month and check out The Maze Runner by James Dashner! Don't forget to leave a comment telling me you're joining up and HAPPY READING!


  1. Yay!!! I can't wait!! I watched the movie trailer and it was kinda scary! I am a big chicken! Am I going to need to sleep with a nightlight that weekend???

  2. I have read this before but it never hurts to read again right? I'm in!
    And Shannon, you probably won't. It's not as scary as the trailer makes it out to be.

  3. I look forward to reading this book with you guys! The timing is not ideal since I have to go to a wedding that weekend, but I'm sure I'll be able to squeeze in some reading before and after. (Or maybe just sneak the book into the wedding...That wouldn't be rude or antisocial, right? :P)
    I might start the book a day or two early to try to make up for the time I'll lose at the wedding, but I'll definitely be around, reading and tweeting as much as possible! :)
    I haven't watched the movie trailer yet, although I'm dying to! I really want to wait to watch it until after I've read the book. We'll see if I can restrain myself that long...

  4. I am really excited! I am so glad that we are doing this! I can't wait to start reading it. :D

  5. I enjoyed reading this so much the first time! I might have to read this again just to refresh my memory! The trailer for this movie looked awesome. The posted for it too looks so cool!

  6. I've read it and IT IS THE BEST BOOK.
    So excited t read it again!!!

  7. I'm gonna start following the read along now :D

  8. This is awesome, I'll definitely take part!

  9. I just finished the book like two hours ago, but hell yeah! I'll read it again lml it is an awesome book:D

  10. Just finished all the maze runner books. Brilliant read, would definitely read again :-)
