
Friday, May 23, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #27

 A weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read & Parajunkee's View 

 How it Works: 
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!

How does this work? First you visit the blogs of our illustrious hosts and leave your name on the post using using the linky tools, then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them "hi" in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

What sets this Hop apart from others, is our Feature. Each week we will showcase a Featured Blogger, from all different genres and areas. Find out below. Just remember it is required, if you participate, to follow our Features and you must follow the hosts (Parajunkee & Alison Can Read) as a courtesy. How do you follow someone? Well, if you have a preference, state it in your #FF post. A lot of blogs are transitioning to Wordpress in which they do not have the luxury of GFC, so an RSS subscription is appreciated or if you choose an email subscription. If you don't have GFC please state in your post how you would like to be followed.

This Week's Question:

Have you ever convinced someone to read a book, a series, or a whole genre? What book(s) and who was it? Did they like it?

This Week's Answer:

Oh yeah. A few years ago I convinced all my friends and coworkers to read all The Hunger Games books. My copies of those books went around my office so much that I lost track of who had them. I was afraid I wasn't going to get them back. I have also convinced a bunch of people to read The Historian including my boss who bought it for her daughter as a Christmas present. And most recently I recommend my best friend read Rainbow Rowell because she liked John Green so much. She hasn't read any yet but her birthday is coming up so she may find a copy of Eleanor & Park on her doorstep from me!

What books and authors have you convinced people to read? Leave me a comment with your thoughts.

And remember this is a blog hop so take a look around and if you like what you see give me a follow and leave me a comment so I can follow back. I am indifferent to the manner in which you follow so pick your poison: GFC, Bloglovin, or Twitter. Thanks for dropping by, Happy FF and HAPPY READING!

And if you are going to BEA next week, I will see you there! Say HI if you see me in line, wandering the Javits, or at the Blogger picnic! Check out my getting to know you post so that we can recognize each other.


  1. Thanks for reminding me that I need to read Eleanor & Park! New follower on bloglovin'

  2. OOh nice!! That's great progress!! I've only succeeded in converting my friend to my realm of reading! But since all my friends in school teased me endlessly for reading "vampire" books, I thought the success of bring 1 of them over to the "dark side" was a major win!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Our book club encourages reading just about EVERYTHING! We vote on monthly group reads to discuss. Sometimes we hate 'em; sometimes we love 'em. The most important thing is to have fun, right?

    I liked the Hunger Games trilogy and adore ANYTHING by Rainbow Rowell!

  4. I still need to read Eleanor & Park! I think Fangirl would be a lot more to my tastes, though, but I love a good diverse book, so E&P will be great for that.

  5. Good suggestion. I'm an existing follower on Bloglovin'.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  6. I really want to read some of Rainbow Rowell's books, but somehow haven't gotten round to it yet. Although I'm not a bit fan of The Hunger Games, I love how it has worked its way through friendship groups through recommendations. I'm an old GFC and a new Bloglovin' follower! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you had a great weekend!
    My Friday Memes
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  7. It's awesome that they loved the Hunger Games!
    Thanks for stopping by
