
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Friendship

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1.) The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares
An obvious choice but I'm a big fan of this series and its four protagonists and their coming of age story. Through the good and the bad these friends are there for each other. Tibby, Bridget, Lena, and Carmen may fight and grow apart from time to time but they love and support one another as best friends forever.

 2.) Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
At the heart of this book is the friendship between Jennifer and Beth who we only meet through their emails. Their relationship is so genuine and realistic however it made me want to be their friend. This book reminded me so much of actual conversations I've had with friends it's not even funny! I mean it is funny, it's very funny actually.

3.) The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
Three words: Liam and Chubs. I ship Liam and Chubs, that's for damn sure. No, not in the romantic sense (though it wouldn't surprise me), just as friends. These two have been through so much together and they have helped one another through it all. Plus the group on the whole is a great group of friends. This book is full of delightful friendships!

 4.) Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Amid a phenomenal world and an action-packed plot there is a great story of friendship, but it's not your normal friendship. It's friendship that begins online. There's this huge theme in this book about your IRL self vs. your online self and at the heart of that issue is the friendship of the characters. As I prepare to meet some fellow bloggers at BEA I can relate.

5.) No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale
If you've read this book it may surprise you being on this list, but for me I loved the underlying theme of friendship and finding that one person who gets you for you. This book was pretty realistic in it's view of friendship that it reminded me of my friends. Sometimes it's not all puppies and rainbows, it can be backhanded compliments and tough love but that's okay.

 6.) A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Sure it's a book about magic, but the core of this coming of age story is the relationship between four girls who are trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be in a world that's changing. Through it all they have one another for guidance and support. I love the friendships in this book, especially between Ann and Gemma, though Felicity and Pippa are a close second.

 7.) Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne
Okay, so confession time, I loved Winnie the Pooh as a child. I wished I could live in the 100 Acre Wood. I was totally jealous of Christopher Robin and his friends. These characters are all so delightful and friendly and they went on exciting adventures and.... OH HOW I WANTED TO JOIN THEM!

 8.) The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Charlie is a shy and awkward dude having a tough time in high school but he has Sam, Patrick, and some great friends to help him through it all. The way that they support one another and help Charlie break out of his shell and cope is so amazing it makes me feel feels!

9.) The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
I mean sure, this book is super depressing and made me ugly cry in public but it also is a hauntingly poetic narrative about the struggle to find human connection and someone to talk to. Isn't that what we're all searching for in a friend?

10.) The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
Ron and Hermione were by Harry's side no matter what, no questions asked (well Hermione probably asked questions, but you know what I mean). They were such good friends that they even quit school and traveled all over the country to hunt down these objects they knew almost nothing about. They risked their lives countless times for Harry and never thought twice about it. They were incredible friends and definitely the two people I would want by my side in a battle against evil!

What are your favorite books about friendship? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I love the friendship in Attachments. It feels very real. Great list!

    1. Thanks! I loved the friendship too. They seemed like the find of people I would want to have brunch with!

  2. Winnie The Pooh is a great choice! I loved their friendships when I was younger :)

    1. Thanks! Pooh and Piglet are one of the best friendships in literature if you ask me!

  3. Oh great picks! The Heart is a Lonely Hunter should have made my list -- I love that book!!

    My TTT

    1. Me too! The Heart is a Lonely Hunter is one of my favorite books of all time and even though it is heartbreaking it also has great friendships!

  4. Nice!! Seeing lots of people choosing Harry! Harry is such a great series! It can be used in lots of themed topics like this!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I pretty much put Harry Potter in every Top Ten Tuesday #sorrynotsorry

  5. Great choices. Harry Potter topped my list, I adore that series and it has so many amazing friendships. I also had Perks on my list, I love Charlie, Sam and Patrick. Nice list :) Here's my TTT.

    1. Thanks! Harry and Perks are great books with great friendships! They were very popular choices for good reason.

  6. The internet just ate my comment. Boo. I was just voicing my support for the spectacular friendship in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. So good! I also loved Beth and Jennifer in Attachments. Great picks! (My other comment was much more insightful, but I'm feeling too resentful towards the internet to re-type it.)

    1. Thanks! I already told you that you made me laugh with this comment. Perks and Attachments have great friendships and I will assume your first comment was able to eloquently express your feelings!

  7. Oh Winnie the Pooh! That is wonderful! Since my little one is obsessed with Winnie, I should have thought of this too! We have the big storybook collection. And I totally think if given a chance, my little one would leave me to live with Pooh and all his friends! (She even thinks her last name is Pooh Bear.)
    The Perks of Being a Wallflower! Another great choice! I loved this book, I read it what feels like a long time ago and I really have been wanting to reread it!
    I really need to read Attachments and A Great and Terrible Beauty!
    Great list! I love it! :D

    1. Thanks Stephanie. We were such Pooh fans as kids that me and my siblings named the woods we played in behind my house the Hundred Acre Woods. It's a great story with great friendship. So is Attachments and A Great and Terrible Beauty, check them out!

  8. Ohhh some really great choices obviously I have to whole-heartedly applaud the choice of HP as I too chose that one! I also loved that you included Winnie and friends - the original BFF crew, I didn't even think of that one. And the Sisterhood was another great idea - thanks for sharing! I enjoyed reading your list, and even found some new books to add to my TBR.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! The Sisterhood was my first thought, I love that series. And I totally agree about Winnie and friends being the original BFF crew!

  9. Good list, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Harry Potter made my list as well. I love Perks of Being a Wallflower but I didn't think to put it on this week's list.

    1. Those two were very popular, for obvious reasons, they have great friendships! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  10. Ready Player One is my all time favorite book, hands down. I absolutely loved the friendship in it as well! I think it would make such an amazing movie. I really loved the friendship in Perks of Being a Wallflower as well; Sam, Patrick, and Charlie were just marvelous! Thanks for sharing. (:

    1. I loved Ready Player One! I was surprised how much I loved it and the friendships. Parzival and Aech were a great friendship. Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  11. Harry Potter made my list too! Seems like almost everyone has a Rainbow Rowell book on their list. I should have included Eleanor & Park. They were such a good couple, but friends first. I'll have to look into more of your choices!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Thanks Sandy. I loved how Eleanor & Park grew from friends to more than friends, it would have been a good addition to the list. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. Great picks! I loved Winnie the Pooh as a child too :D and the Darkest Minds series - shows how true friendships last during the good and bad times.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier :)

    1. I totally agree about The Darkest Minds! All the relationships are fantastic. I'm really partial to Liam and Chubs but the others with Zu is a fantastic relationship too! Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  13. I think HP reins supreme for me when it comes to friendships!

    I was a huge fan of ready player one too and admittedly I was so wrapped up in the book that I did overlook some of the friendships! I think it calls for a re-read! :D

    Thanks for sharing & great TTT :)

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries
