
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Cover Trends I Love

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

So this weeks prompt is the top ten cover trends that we love or hate. First off, I gotta say, I don't really pay much attention to trends. I mean I see covers and think "I've seen something similar before" but then the monkey filing important information in my head decides that's not knowledge to hold on to so he sends it to the circular file. So I wracked my brain and came up with a few cover designs that I typically love!

1.) Girls in Pretty Dresses- Seriously, I know it's played out but I am a sucked for pretty dresses on the cover of a book!
ex.) These Broken Stars, The Selection, The Winner's Curse, The Jewel, and lots more

2.) Russian Architecture- This is less a trend and more of the fact that I read a lot of books set in Russia, especially at the moment.
ex.) Ruin and Rising, Egg and Spoon, A Thousand Pieces of You

3.) Not Quite Right Mirrored Images - Such mystery!
ex.) A Thousand Pieces of You, Alienated (and it's sequel), The Girl Who Never Was (and it's sequel)

4.) Maps - I LOVE MAPS! No seriously, look at my blog design
ex.) The Glass Sentence, Let's Get Lost, No Place to Fall

5.) Crazy Colored Clouds- Is there a storm coming? So much mystery, so many colors!
ex.) This Shattered World, The Cemetery Boys, Love Letters to the Dead

6.) Close Up Shots of Your (Usually Female) Protagonist- Look how they're so pensive and/or badass
ex.) The Falconer, Exquisite Captive, Bitter Greens

7.) Silhouettes - Again with the attempt and mystery! Hook. line, sinker... ME!
ex.) Get Even, Dear Killer, Jackaby

8.) Trees - I'm an environmentalist, I love trees, and forests, and roots.
ex.) The Vanishing Season, The Magician's Land, Rooms

9.) Metallic - What should I mention... ooohhhh SHINY!!!
ex.) Snow Like Ashes, Firefight, Etherworld (plus lots listed above probably!)

10.) Back-lighting from Sunsets - the colors are fun and it makes you feel happy!
ex.) Open Road Summer, We Were Liars, Second Star

Honorable mention to the colors teal and purple which will always catch my eye in a book cover but didn't make the list. As you can see many of these covers fall subject to three or four of these trends, which basically makes them all the more predictable and eye-catching so I love them! What cover trends do you see? Leave me a comment with your thoughts.


  1. Everyone one of these covers are gorgeous... :) You have a great list!

  2. I love trees when they show all the individual and small branches and twigs that are part of the tree! My list:

  3. Ditto what you say about maps. I'm a fan of backlit photography as well. Cheers!
