
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday- Summer

If you are a blog follower you know I have theme months here on the site so here is a sneak peak at my summer themes and the books I'm excited about!

Top Ten Books on My Summer TBR

June- Retellings
1.) Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
This is one of my most anticipated books of the year. The conclusion to the Grisha trilogy! I must find out what happens. I am reading as we speak! 

2.) Egg and Spoon by Gregory Maguire
After as much as am enjoying the fictional Russia of the Grisha trilogy I am so excited for this historical fantasy from an author that I love. 

July - Historical Fantasy
This months theme is pretty much my favorite genre of books!

3.) Kiss of Deception by Mary Pearson
This is straight fantasy but I've heard excellent things and it sounds fantastic. This eARC has been burning a hole in my e-reader for too long!

4.) Salt and Storm by Kendall Kulper
As soon as I learned about this book I knew I needed it in my life! Historical fiction, whaling, witches, romance. So glad I got an ARC at BEA. 

5.) Jackaby by William Ritter
Another one I knew I needed in my life! Doctor Who meets Sherlock. This book has everything I love in books all in one place. 

6.) Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
As a fan of YA and Historical Fiction I am embarrassed to say I have yet to read this book. But Elizabeth Wein is coming to Pittsburgh so I am reading this book before I go to hear her speak. Plus I mean it sounds amazing!

August - Geek Books
These tend to be my favorite books of the year with characters that are a little nerdy but oh so easy to relate to.

7.) The Magician's Land by Lev Grossman
This is probably my most anticipated book of the year. The way the last book in this series wrecked me! I can't wait to get back into this series.

8.) Landline by Rainbow Rowell
I love everything Rainbow writes and this one sounds like a brilliant concept. I can't wait to experience another of her adult contemps!

9.) An Abundance if Katherine's by John Green
I really should read more John Green. I loved The Fault in Our Stars but I want to try more of his stuff. Many of them seem a little too Manic Pixie Dream Girl but this one sounds good and it fits the theme.

10.) Vicious by Victoria Schwab
This is another book that has been on my list for awhile. I've heard amazing things and I love a good anti-hero story. It fits my theme so I'm reading it!

What are you excited to read? Leave me a comment with your summer TBR. And if you read any of these books let me know what you thought. HAPPY READING!

1 comment:

  1. After finally reading Graceling and Bitterblue (seriously, why did I wait so long?) I've been on a pretty strong fantasy kick that I think will last me at least until the end of the summer. The Kiss of Deception sounds pretty good. I always love an adventure with a love story thrown in for good measure.
