
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June Wrap Up and July TBR

Am I the only person who is shocked that this year is half over? It seems like yesterday the "polar vortex" was freezing my butt off and causing me to slip on the copious amount of ice on the sidewalk when in fact yesterday I was sweating buckets and my skin was hating me because I am very sunburned! WEAR SUNSCREEN! Well now that I got that off my chest, let's talk books!

Read in June

June was a great reading month for me. I read a total of 9 books, including a few ARCs from BEA that don't come out till the fall so look for those reviews closer to their release dates. My theme for the month was retelling and I broke with the theme more times than I usually do but I still ended up reading five different retelling. I also read some phenomenal books and three of them were 10 star reviews, earning their way into my top books of the year list! Here is the list in full.

1.) Hexed by Michelle Krys Rating: 7 out of 10 Full Review
2.) Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige Rating: 9 out of 10 Full Review
3.) Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson 
Rating: 8.5 out of 10 Full Review
4.) Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo 
Rating: 10 out of 10 Full Review
5.) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum 
Rating: 7 out of 10 Full Review
6.) Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson 
Rating: 10 out of 10 Full Review
7.) The Quck by Lauren Owen 
Rating: 7 out of 10 Full Review
8.) Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth 
Rating: 10 out of 10 Full Review in September
9.) Egg and Spoon by Gregory Maguire 
Rating: 8.5 out of 10 Full Review in August

To Read in July

I'm really excited for some of my July books. If you saw my Top Ten Tuesday post a few weeks ago you got a sneak peek at my summer themes. I was originally planning to do this theme in August but when I realized the ARCs that fit this theme were released before the ARCs for the theme I had planned, I decided to flip flop themes and do this one in July. So this month's theme is... GEEK BOOKS!

By this I mean books where the characters are stereotypical nerdy types. I did this theme last November and really loved some of the books that I read and a few books this month are books that I have really been waiting to read for a long time!

eARCs from Publishers via NetGalley

1.) The Awakening of Miss Prim - Add to Goodreads
A woman answers an ad to become the librarian for a wealthy man living in rural France. A book about bookish people with references to classic romance novels!
2.) The Fracking King by James Browning - Add to Goodreads
A book about a boy who is a Scrabble prodigy attending a boarding school that is struggling with the affects of gas drilling and he takes up the cause
3.) The Kiss of Deception - Add to Goodreads
This doesn't fit the theme but I'm really excited to read it and it's released this month. Everyone has amazing things to say about this book!

Physical ARCs from BEA

4.) Landline by Rainbow Rowell - Add to Goodreads
A woman whose marriage is on the rocks finds a way to communicate with her husband just before he proposed and has to decide what to do with this power!
5.) The Magician's Land by Lev Grossman - Add to Goodreads
The final book in a trilogy about a guy who is obsessed with a fictional series about magic and ends up becoming a magician and travelling to the "fictional" land. I sort of consider this a fantasy satire but I love the series and cannot wait to finish it!

Finished Copies - Audiobook, Classic, and Others

6.) Vicious by Victoria Schwab - Add to Goodreads
My audiobook for the month. The story about two friends and scientists who discover the key to supernatural powers and then become anti-heroes. I've wanted to read this book for so long!
7.) Looking for Alaska by John Green - Add to Goodreads
I've wanted to read more John Green for some time now and many of his books seem to fit this theme. After much input from other I have chosen this book.
8.) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith - Add to Goodreads
My classic for the month. This has been in my TBR pile for awhile now. I've heard great things about this coming of age story that was recommended to me after I loved The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
9.) Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein - Add to Goodreads
This book doesn't really fit the theme but I've wanted to read it for awhile and I'm going to hear Elizabeth Wein speak in a few weeks and I figure, I should read the book first!

That's my plan! I may read a few others considering that I have already Landline but I'm not sure which books yet, they will probably be an ARC I got at BEA. What are you reading in July? Leave me a comment with your TBR list. Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Let me know. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING

1 comment:

  1. You had a great reading month!

    Just found your blog and I'm now a new follower of your blog through bloglovin :)
