
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I That Own the Most Books From.

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Authors I Own the Most Books From
When I started completing this prompt I realized something. I don't have a lot of books from the same author, even some favorite authors. With most of these authors I just own all the books in a particular series and maybe a few others.

1.) J.K. Rowling - Number of Books Owned: 11 
This is probably the top of a lot of people's lists. Personally I have all seven books in the Harry Potter series, a Canadian version of The Order of the Phoenix, an Italian version of The Half Blood Prince, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and The Cuckoo's Calling.

2.) Janet Evanovich - Books Owned: 9 
I used to be totally obsessed with The Stephanie Plum series. I read all the way to Sizzling Sixteen and then moved on from cozy mysteries and haven't read any of the more recent ones. But I own the first four books, 14, 15, two between the numbers books, an an eARC of The Heist which she co-wrote with Lee Goldberg.

3.) Ann Brashares - Books Owned: 7 
And another series I am a huge fan of is the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I own all five books (and kind of want the redesigned paperbacks) in that series. I also have a copy of My Name is Memory which is fantastic and an eARC of The Here and Now.

4.) Gregory Maguire - Books Owned: 6 
Again, I'm a huge fan of the Wicked Years series which is much darker and with a lot more political than the musical would lead you to believe. I kind of want the last two books in mass market paperback to match the first two because they're so pretty! I also have a copy of Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and an ARC of Egg and Spoon (review forthcoming)

5.) Anna Godbersen - Books Owned: 5 
In my opinion The Luxe series is one of the most under-appreciated series in YA literature. It's a fantastic piece of historical fiction with great characters and an amazing romance. I own all four books in that series and the first book Anna Godbersen's Bright Young Things series set in the 1920s.

6.) George R.R. Martin- Books Owned: 5
The rest of these are not going to be very exciting as it's mostly just all the books in one series. Like the A Song of Ice and Fire series for which I own all the mass market paperbacks.

7.) J.R.R. Tolkein - Books Owned: 4 
And I also own the entire Lord of the Rings series, for which I have to movie tie-ins and a copy of The Hobbit which I may own because I never returned it to my high school English teacher (oops?).

8.) Libba Bray - Books Owned: 4 
Libba Bray is a recent addition to the amazing authors I love list. Last year I read the Gemma Doyle trilogy and loved it! I own those three books and an audiobook version of Beauty Queens. I would like to own more Libba Bray books most notably The Diviners series!

9.) Milan Kundera - Books Owned: 4 
I was went through a total Milan Kundera phase in college and immediately after graduating. I read The Joke in one of my political philosophy classes and loved it so much I read The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, and bought Immortality which I started and never finished.

10.) Rainbow Rowell - Books Owned: 4
She may be new to me but quickly has become one of my favorites and an auto-buy. I own every one of her books: Attachments, Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, and Landline. Everything she writes is pure brilliance and I can't wait to read more books by her!

What authors do you own the most books from? Have you read any of these authors? Do you love them as much as I do? Leave me comment with your thoughts? Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. J k Rowling made so many lists today and I'm not surprised at all. A lot of great authors on your list! Some I've read and some I haven't.

    Monique @ Mo_Books

  2. I am pretty sure J.K. Rowling will be on A LOT of lists today :P. I love Rainbow Rowell even If I have only read Fangirl it was just THAT good!

    Anna @ Books,Quotes & Dimples

  3. J K Rowling tops my list today alongside J R R Tolkien. So many books by those two! George R R Martin also makes the list. Great list :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought
    My TTT

  4. When I started my list, I realized I didn't have a distinct collection of books by ten different authors. I ended up changing my topic to Ten Authors I've Read the Most Books From which made the list much easier. I think J.K. Rowling is on everyone's list today.

  5. Great list! I have The Song Of Ice And Fire and Lord Of The Rings series too :)

  6. Awesome list! I love Tolkien and Rowling and own both of their series! I own all of Rainbow Rowell's books but I haven't read them yet. I need to get on that.

  7. Nice! Lots of Rowling today! I only have her 7 HP books and 7 was easily topped by many other authors. But still LOVE those books!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I didn't compile a list for this week's topic, because my home library is still this small thing, BUT I love looking at what other readers own. :) Out of your featured authors, I've only read 2/10: Rainbow & J.K.! I sooo need to get to Attachments and Landline, because I just loved E&P and Fangirl! AND I need to finish the HP series at some point in my life too (please, don't judge). Really enjoyed this list! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  9. I feel like George R.R. Martin's books should count twice, since they're SO. FREAKING. HUGE.

    Also, I read Gregory Maguire's Wicked after seeing the musical, and was kind of shocked at how different they were. I still liked the book, but, as you said, it's much darker than the musical would lead you to believe! Who knew Oz could be so devastating.
