
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: The Excitement Has Passed

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish

This week's prompt is really interesting. We are supposed to list the top ten books we were supposed to list the ten books I'm not sure I want to read. This is such an interesting category. I wasn't at all sure about what to answer but as I stared at my bookshelf the list just came pretty naturally.

Books I Was Excited About But I'm Not Really Anymore

1.) The Jewel by Amy Ewing
At first I was really intrigued by this book that is marketed as a combination of The Selection and The Handmaid's Tale. But then I heard some mixed reviews, including from bloggers I trust and now I'm not entirely sure if I want to read it.

2.) Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
I started reading this before I got back into blogging but then it fell to the wayside as I got more involved in the community and established my format of reading themed books every month. I'm not really sure when I will pick this back up and frankly I'm not sure how many sad books I really want to read.

3.) Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis 
I picked this one up at BEA because it sounded really interesting. A Sci-Fi retelling of Snow White. But then I heard some mixed reviews and that it was basically a regurgitation of The Lunar Chronicles. I may read this one in December when I do Sci-Fi but only as a maybe book.

4.) As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
So I picked this up at Goodwill for only a dollar and was extremely excited about reading it. A movie version of the book is coming out soon, and it seems like everyone I know read this book in high school and I didn't (including many of my HS friends). But I just haven't picked it up because you know, sad books.

5.) Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen
I loved Anna Godbersen's The Luxe series so much I picked up the first book in her series set in the 1920's. I just haven't read it and I'm not sure if and when I am going to get to it. One of my good friends who has also read The Luxe said this series isn't as good. I'm secretly worried about ruining my view of Anna Godbersen

Books I'm Still Excited About But Have Some Trepidation

6.) The Things You Kiss Goodbye by Leslie Connor
I picked this up at BEA, got it signed, and despite the fact that it came out in July, I haven't gotten a chance to read it. I'm slightly worried about reading it because I've seen some mixed reviews and I'm kind of picky when it comes to Contemporary.

7.) Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant
I'm planning to read this in October when I read Thrillers/Horror but I'm not as excited about it as I used to be. I've seen some mixed reviews and what I've heard more than once is that it's not as scary or thrilling as it sounds, which makes me sad.

8.) The Vault of Dreamers by Caragh O'Brein
This is one that I'm definitely reading for my Sci-Fi month in December but I've heard some mixed reviews and mediocre reviews from some fellow bloggers whose reviews I trust. I'm still excited and interested in reading it, but my expectations have been lower a little bit.

9.) Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios
This is another one that I have had my expectations lowered from some mixed reviews. I've heard this one is extremely brutal and kind of hard to read. Plus I'm now worried about the First Book Syndrome in this book. But I am still intrigued by the magical system.

10.) Strange and Ever After by Susan Dennard
I just finished A Darkness Strange and Lovely, and while it was much more mysterious that Something Strange and Deadly, I'm not really enjoying this series as much as I had hoped. They're slowly getting better but I'm a little nervous about how this trilogy is going to end. Everyone raves about it and I kind of feel like the black sheep for not really loving it.

Have you read any of these books? Are they worth my time? Leave me a comments with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. This has happened to me so much. I don't recognise any of these but I understand that this is happening more and more. To be honest this has happened to me recently with Dorothy Must Die. I was so hyped for it and now I really can't be bothered with it!

    Thanks for sharing & great list! :) xx

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

  2. I read The Jewel and I really enjoyed it! I can why some people didn't like it though. I am really excited for The Vault of Dreamers and Exquisite Captive, they are at the top of my tbr pile.

  3. I don't really recognize most of the books on this list but your feeling of being excited in the past but can't be bothered anymore - I totally relate!

    My TTT

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

  4. Aww. :( I'm sorry you aren't enjoying the Something Strange and Deadly series as much anymore. I still have to read Strange and Ever After. I haven't ordered my copy yet, but I plan to do so this week. If you're still on the fence about it, I can read it first and give you the lowdown (without getting spoiler-y) via Twitter or GR. :)

    I'm with you on The Jewel, Stitching Snow, and The Vault of Dreamers. I was really excited for these, but the less than stellar reviewers are keeping me away from them -- which makes me kinda sad. :(

    Great picks and thanks for visiting!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  5. I haven't read any of these books so I can't say if they are worth reading or not. But I have had my eye on a couple of your choices like Stitching Snow and Vault of Dreamers.
    Monique @ Mo_Books

  6. the insta-love plot in The Jewel totally bummed me out but it was a pretty fun book and I'll definitely be picking up the next one in the series, but I would classify this one as "just ok".

    On the other hand The Vault of Dreamers is a "ugh" for me! I just couldn't get past the MC's stupid decisions. Girl was just clueless! Blargh!

  7. I've heard some not so great things about Stitching Snow which sucks because I was kind of excited about it too. I wish I could help ya with some of the others but I haven't read any of them. Good luck with what ever you decide!

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  8. Oh man! I'm sad to hear you're not enjoying the Strange and Deadly series. I just picked up the first two books on bargain so I'm hoping to read them soon. Maybe the last one is epically awesome?

    Is it weird to say that I wasn't at all interested in The Jewel or The Vault of Dreamers? But the reviews coming out for Stitching Snow are making me sad. I was looking forward to that one.

  9. Been seeing a lot of hype for The Exquisite Captive too, but not sure it's my kind of read. I almost gave The Jewel a chance but then it just didn't seem my thing. I did read Vault of Dreamers. It's definitely an interesting kind of read and I was all game for it, but then the ending totally threw me through a loop or however that saying goes--seem to be forgetting a few today! (lol)--but it does have me curious for more!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. I'm still curious enough in The Jewel and Stitching Snow, so I'll probably read them. They'll probably be a library check-out instead of a purchase though. :)
