
Tuesday, September 23, 2014


A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish 

It was kind of a struggle for me to come up with a list of my most anticipated fall reads. As most of you know I do themed months here on the blog. For October I am doing a pseudo-Halloween theme and reading books that are either Supernatural or Thrillers. Some books I am really excited about in that theme including Rooms by Lauren Oliver, The Raven Boys series by Maggie Steivfater, and Blackbird by Anna Carey.

For November however I am doing a freebie month. I like to do them every six months just to let me catch up on some books I may have missed because they didn't fit the theme or read some highly anticipated new releases. The only books I know I'm reading are In the Afterlight because I have to know how The Darkest Minds Trilogy ends and the Finishing School Series by Gail Carriger. Other than that I have only a vague idea of the 4-6 other books I will be reading.

That's when I got an idea. While I need a freebie month, I love knowing what to read. It keeps me focused especially because I usually read a bunch of books at once. So I've decided to do something a little different. I want you to help me decide. In the comment section down below pick one "To Buy" book and one ARC you think I should read. I will read the most popular first and then go from there. So friends, help me pick what to read!

Fall Releases to Buy 

1.) Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch - I've been waiting on this one for so long! I love the sound of this world and magical system. It was going to be a definite read but then I saw some reviews of...
2.) The Young Elites by Marie Lu - Everyone is raving about this book. It's totally a me book with magic, mystery, and a dubious protagonist. I cannot stop thinking about how badly I want to read it!
3.) Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White - I've been seeing a lot of good reviews for this lately (it comes out today) and it sounds really fascinating! I love the idea of magic and class structure combined.
4.) All Lined Up and All Broke Down by Cora Carmack - I have been meaning to try some NA and these sound up my alley. I have a copy of All Lined up and All Broke Down comes out in November. Plus fall and football just makes sense
5.) The Lost and The Missing by Sarah Beth Durst - I have a copy of The Lost which sounds really interesting and the second book comes out in November.

Fall ARCS to Read

6.) The Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley - Historical Fiction set in a period I love reading about with diverse characters. I've heard good things and I've heard it is real emotional!
7.) Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios - I was supposed to read this one in September but I was a bad blogger and only read one ARC... oops! But I'm still interested in this story of djinn despite seeing some mixed reviews.
8.) The Walled City by Ryan Graudin - Another one with diverse characters but this has a really intriguing plot and sounds mysterious. It sounds dystopian but it's not. I'm hoping for another dark and gritty story about characters doing dubious things.
9.) Talon by Julie Kagawa - I've seen some mixed reviews of this but dragons disguised as people sounds very interesting. Plus I have yet to read any Julie Kagawa and I've heard good things about her writing.
10.) Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay - Game of Thrones meets Grimm Fairy Tales? Sold! This book sounds kickass and I am pumped (reading in December if I don't in November) 

So again, in the comments section below add your vote for which ARC and which new release you think I should read in the fall.



    As for ARC's - PRINCESS OF THORNS. I didn't get it on NG and am dying to hear what you think of it. I've heard REALLY good things so far.

  2. Great list!! I also really want to read The Lies We Tell Ourselves -- I have been seeing that one all over the blogosphere lately!! And I am in love with that Cora Cormack series!!

    My TTT!

  3. Wow, such great books! I can't wait for Young Elites and Illusion of Fate. I love Cora Cormack, but haven't picked up that series, yet. All these books look really good, though. Great pick! Happy Tuesday!

  4. OOoh nice list!! I need to read Marie Lu's first trilogy! Already bought book 1 and hoping to love it like the masses! And oooh Talon was AWE-SOME!! Princess of Thorns is in my TBR pile as well! Might be making my winter version of this post if I don't get to it before then!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I haven't read any books by these authors but the cover of Illusions of Fate caught my eye! I keep seeing Cora Cormack's books pop up when doing a book search, I really should pick one of hers up to try. Hope you enjoy all of them :D
    Here's my TTT

  6. I vote The Young Elites and Talon! They look AMAZING! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  7. Wow, this is a really great plan!! Fall Release: The Young Elites and Fall ARCs: Princess of Thorns!

    I've read a lot of mixed reviews for Illusions of Fate! Almost all of these are on my general TBR list but only Snow Like Ashes made it onto my TTT list. I was really excited for Exquisite Captive and Talon but the reviews I've read have made me hesitant on buying them when they release.

    My TTT

  8. Ever since I heard of The Young Elites as a villain origin story, I've wanted to read it. So I vote for that one! And, I'm obviously partial to dragons, so my other vote is for Talon!!

  9. Great list! I can't wait to read LIES WE TELL OURSELVES. Here's mine

  10. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Exquisite Captive. The one review for it that I read wasn't sure if they liked it or not.
    Illusions of Fate looks fantastic. I have yet to read a bad review of it.

  11. I'm with you on Talon. I can't wait to read it.

  12. Great list! I pre-ordered The Young Elites! I can't wait to read it. I am SO excited. I REALLY want to read Exquisite Captive and Princess of Thorns (I did request that one on NetGalley but haven't received a response yet). The Walled City sounds interesting too!

  13. I'm going to be reading Snow Like Ashes later this week, so if that turns out to be awesome, my vote goes to that one! But if my reaction turns out to be a mixed one, then my vote goes to The Young Elites; I might just have to read it as soon as it comes out, if everyone continues to love it! Oh, and my ARC vote goes to Princess of Thorns!!! BUT... since you can also be patient and get to it in December, maybe you can get to Exquisite Captive first? I'm very curious about that one. I don't know if it's something I should add to my TBR or not. So, getting an opinion on it will surely help me decide, but if you're not feeling it right now, go with PRINCESS! I'm absolutely dying for it!

    Anyway, I hope I've helped you make a decision in some way. Lol!

    Happy reading!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  14. Hard choice, but my picks are The Young Elites and Princess of Thorns. I've heard great things about The Young Elites and, I hate to say this makes a difference, but I really like the cover of Princess of Thorns. The title's pretty cool too. Whatever you read, I hope you enjoy it!

  15. I am waiting on Princess of Thorns and Snow Like Ashes to come out myself...

    Guy Vestal @ Counter Culture Critic

  16. I'm dying to read The Young Elites so my vote goes to that one! I have eARCs of Princess of Thorns and The Walled City that I really need to get to after I finish rereading Mistborn. I finished Snow Like Ashes last week and while I liked it, it didn't meet my expectations. Maybe my expectations were too high for it?

  17. Snow Like Ashes and Lies We Tell Ourselves both look like fantastic books! I've heard pretty good things about both. :)
