
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Anticipated Books of 2015

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

So a part of me is feeling that lately there has been list after list of books I'm excited about for 2015. First sequels, this, and in a few weeks debuts. But then I remember how many amazing books are coming out in 2015 and the lists become pretty easy to make. So here are ten more (maybe) books I am excited about being released next year, in chronological order of when they are going out.

1.) All Fall Down by Ally Carter
Release Date: January 27, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
This is a new series from the author of The Gallagher Girls series, which I enjoyed but never finished. But this series sounds right up my alley (or Ally?), I love mysteries in exotic locales. I'm part of AllyAmbassadors and I read the preview that was sent out recently and it was really good!

2.) A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab 
Release Date: February 24, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
I'm sure you have seen a lot about this one around the blogosphere and I know I've been talking about it a lot. I did a Waiting on Wednesday about this one. I mean it looks AMAZING! I can't wait to read the preview I got from NetGalley.

3.) Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver
Release Date: March 10, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
I recently read my first Lauren Oliver book, Rooms, and loved it. It was an entertaining supernatural mystery and Lauren's writing was phenomenal. I'm excited to read another one of her books and this one, a YA mystery about sisters. sounds amazing!

4.) A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: May 5, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
I also read my first Sarah J. Maas recently and am now completely hooked on the Throne of Glass series. This is a new and more mature series that is like a dark retelling of Beauty and the Beast that combines elements of the fae. Yup, imma read that!

5.) Tangled Webs by Lee Bross
Release Date: June 23, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
A YA Historical Mystery set in Georgian England about the most infamous blackmailer in the city that just so happens to be a teenage girl disguised as a boy in the London slums. I'm nervous about a love triangle but the synopsis sounds amazing!

6.) The Wild Girl by Kate Forsyth
Release Date: July 7, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
My favorite book of the year was a dark fairy tale retelling that combines historical elements written by Kate Forsyth, Bitter Greens. That is exactly what this book is but we get the story of the woman who influenced the Grimms Brothers and it incorporates more fairy tales. 

7.) The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Release Date: July 7, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
I have not read any of the previous books Jennifer Lynn Barnes has written but they are on my TBR list. I've heard good things about her previous series and this one is supposed to be a political thriller set in a DC private school pitched as Veronica Mars meets Scandal.Yes, please!

8.) Court of Fives by Kate Elliot
Release Date: August 18, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
This is Kate Elliot's YA debut (I haven't read her previous books) and it sounds amazing! I don't usually trust the this meets that pitch but I love the idea of Hunger Games meets Little Women. Plus I'm intrigued by the idea of a strong female protagonist competing in an athletic competition which is below her level in society.

9.) Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Release Date: October 8, 2015 - Add to Goodreads
I loved the Grisha trilogy and a series set in that universe but in a different place and with different characters sounds so amazing. Plus this book is about a ragtag bunch of thieves and con artists pulling of a daring heist. Leigh Bardugo knows how to write a lovable rogue so I have high hopes!

10.) Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
Release Date: ???? - Add to Goodeads
And yet another author that I grew to love this year. The Darkest Minds trilogy was a fast favorite for me and I'm excited for a new series from Alexandra Bracken. This one is about time travel and "a dangerous treasure hunt." Alex knows how to write thrilling action and great characters so I'm intrigued!

What books are you excited for coming up next year? Are any of these on your list? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Great picks! You've got quite a few on your list that I am excited for myself - All Fall Down, A Court of Thorns and Roses and Six of Crows. And some that I forgot to mention - Vanishing Girls especially, that looks so good! 2015 is going to be a great year for books, I can't wait. I hope you enjoy them all when you finally get to read them :) Here's my STS.

  2. OOOoh nice! Excited for All Fall Down! I was told I would get an ARC eventually, but the wait is going to be the death of me! LOL!

    ACOTAR and Six of Crows are also on my list for next year! ACOTAR made the top ten! Six of Crows was close! Had I gone 10 adult & 10 YA, it so would've been on there! lol

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. STOP EVERYTHING. I DID NOT REALIZE THAT LEIGH BARDUGO HAD ANOTHER BOOK COMING OUT. *hyperventilates with glee* The rest of your list is great and all, but this Bardugo news has me freaking out right now.

  4. Tangled Webs sounds so good! A lot of your pick are must reads for me too! Yay~

  5. Vanishing Girls has definitely been on my radar. I can't wait until next year! Everything looks so good!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  6. Ooh, I can't wait to read A Court of Thorns and Roses! Sarah J. Maas's writing style appeals to me so much, and it's awesome to have another book to look forward to :D And A Darker Shade of Magic! I love the sound of it, can't wait to read it!

  7. Awesome choices! So many of these I'm looking forward to as well! Definitely ACoTaR and Court of Fives. :)
