
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books from Childhood I Want to Revist

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish


1.) Goosebumps by R.L Stine - Add to Goodreads
Amiright 90's kids. Who wasn't all about this series. I remember getting copy after copy from the library and the Scholastic book fairs

2.) The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner- Add to Goodreads
This series made living in the woods by yourself sound not only entirely possible but almost glamorous. If I came across an abandon boxcar in the woods I would make it my home.

3.) American Girl novels by Valerie Tripp - Add to Goodreads
I bought a few of these books at a thrift shop recently and now I seriously need to reread them and feel nostalgic. They don't sell my two favorites anymore, cry with me!

4.) Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingells Wilder - Add to Goodreads
The prospect Under the Painted Sky made me think a lot about this series. How much did I love it? So much! 


5.) Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren - Add to Goodreads
Pippi was my girl! She appealed to my pre-pubescent feminist ideals. I wanted to be super strong, a pet monkey, a horse living on my porch, and a chest of pirate gold!

6.) Charlotte's Web by E.B. White - Add to Goodreads
E.B. White knows how to do classic MG. I liked Stuart Little but I loved Charlotte's Web. Am I crying right now? Maybe.

7.) Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne - Add to Goodreads
I loved Winnie the Pooh, I had a stuffed Pooh that I took everywhere for me and when I would have nightmares I'd crawl into my parents bed and my mom and I would sing the theme song.

Historical Fiction

8.) Number the Stars by Lois Lowry - Add to Goodreads
I didn't read The Giver until I was an adult but I was all about this book. I learned so much about WWII and the resistance. Plus friendship!

9.) Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes - Add to Goodreads
This was required reading in middle school but I seriously loved it. It was such an interesting novel about the American Revolution.

10.) True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi - Add to Goodreads
Oh Avi, you wrote some truly unique books and while I love The End of the Beginning,  this was one of my favorites as a kid!

11.) The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder - Add to Goodreads
I saw someone mention this book on twitter recently and I felt so nostalgic! This book right here was probably the first Historical Fantasy I remember. Wow, it was so fascinating!  


12.) Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Peterson - Add to Goodreads
I remember writing about this book in my writing journal in elementary school and being so heart broken by the ending. SO. GOOD.

13.) Island of the Blue Dophins by Scott O'Dell - Add to Goodreads
Scott O'Dell I used to seriously love you. I read all your books. I don't remember much but I remember finding this one really interesting

14.) Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt - Add to Goodreads
In another life I worked in a middle school. My students were reading Tuck Everlasting and I remember seriously loving that book.

15,) Hatchet by Gary Paulson - Add to Goodreads
I clearly found survival stories really fascinating as a kid. Brian did some seriously outrageous things with nothing but nerve and a hatchet. I bet he would surviv the zombie apocalypse.

Yup, I couldn't just name ten. Once I started listing books it was like opening a faucet. Things just kept flowing. What are your favorite books from childhood? Did you love any of these? Leave me a comment with your thoughts


  1. OOOh nice!! Seeing a lot of Goosebumps! Also remember reading the Molly books myself. But I don't think I read them all...

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. It was so hard to only pick 10 books for the topic this week. I felt like I could have kept on naming books forever. I’ve read almost all of the books on your list. I was obsessed with Goosebumps. I remember borrowing a huge stack of them from my friend because they were the only books he’d read, so his mom bought him the whole series.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. Yeah, someone else who loves Pippi! I loved her strong will and zest for adventure.

    Here's my TTT:

  4. Great list! I have to admit that I have never read anything on your list. the titles are familiar of course but I wasn't much of a reader until I was a teenager.

  5. I forgot Goosebumps!! My sisters and I used to watch the tv show all the time haha. The Boxcar Children I really really loved! :DD

  6. So many good picks -- I loved the Island of Blue Dolphins, Hatchet, Number the Stars and Bridge to Terabithia -- seriously need to re-read them all! This was definitely a fun prompt today!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  7. *PHWEW!* All of the TTT i have read so far included hunger games or Twilight as best childhood read which scared the bejezus out of me. Its nice to be back in this generation. These were all of mine as well especially goosebumps, bridge to terabithia and number the stars are a few of my life long favorim so glad some one put BOXCAR CHILDREN!!! I am so happy to have found such a bookish soul sister in you!
    <3 Britt

  8. Goosebumps were da bomb! There's some throwback 90s lingo for you. Horror stories for kids were very popular back then.

  9. So many great ones here! I loved the Boxcar Children, Number the Stars, the American Girl series, Goosebumps, and the Little House series. I've never read the Egypt Game, but from what you've written about it, it sounds like something I would have completely devoured as a child, and I'm sad I wasn't introduced to it as a kid! But at least I can read it to my kids when they're old enough, so I won't complain too much.

  10. I remember loving and reading Goosebumps. You've got an awesome list of books here that I definitely need to read for the nostalgia feel!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz
    My TTT:

  11. Nice list of books!! I enjoyed reading the Little House series as a youngster!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    Happy reading!!

  12. This is a great list! Like you said, very similar to mine (:

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort

  13. What a complete and total airhead I am for leaving Charlotte's Web off my list. I was in the midst of listing books that made me sob with Where the Red Fern Grows and Bridge to Terabithia. How did I forget Charlotte's Web?!?!

  14. Great list. Tuck Everlasting is one of my favorite books!

  15. I love this list! How could I have forgotten the American Girls novels on my list? I was OBSESSED with those books. I completely forgot about them. I also loved Charlotte Doyle, Tuck Everlasting, and Charlotte's Web...both favorite books of mine. I also loved of the first survival books that really hooked me in.
