
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday- Recent Reads That Are New Favorites

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1.) Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth 
Raise your hand if this surprised you. No one? That's what I thought. Seriously I won't shut up about this book because it's so good. Dark, dramatic, and captivating, plus it's a completely brilliant fair tale retelling

2.) The Heart is A Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
I have a severe emotional attachment to this book. I read this just before I started blogging again and it left me so emotionally distraught. It's such a beautifully written Modern Classic about love, family, and friendship.

3.) The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
This fantasy series is to me what all fantasty should be. Amazing world, fabulous and complex characters, and shocking twists. It gets better with each book and I wish I had read it years ago but I'm glad I read it at all!

4.) The Reckoners Series by Brandon Sanderson
Steelheart will always hold a special place in my heart for introducing me to Brandon Sanderson. But more than that it's an amazing and complex series with hilarious characters including one of my favorite OTPs.

5.) A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
Okay, I admit it, I saw the show first. But then I read this book and became so addicted to the mythology, lore, and prophesies. I love theorizing about what will happen next which it something I love in fantasy. It's a majorly complex series.

6.) The Luxe Series by Anna Godbersen
I read the first book in this series years ago and found it just okay. Then I picked the second book on a whim when I was in a reading slump and loved it. This is such a dramatic and interesting series. It's Gilded Age Gossip Girl you guys!

7.) The Young Elites by Marie Lu
This book is unbelievably dark, especially for YA and that's what makes it so fabulous! It shattered my soul and I loved it for it. It's a great fantasy world with some of the most complex characters I have ever experienced.

8.) The Magicians Trilogy by Lev Grossman
This is a controversial series for fantasy fans but I seriously love it. It has unlikable characters that I enjoy, and an interesting world and magical system. This started my realization about modern fantasy turning around the tropes about magic.

9.) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
This book will forever hold a place in my heart for introducing
me to Rainbow Rowell and having a main character who is the most like me I have yet to experience. Plus it's a hilarious and sweet contemporary novel and it made me realize made I just hadn't found the right books in the genre yet.

10.) A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
I finished this book a few days ago and I loved it so much that it has to be a new favorite. It's a flawless fantasy novel with amazing characters and an utterly fascinating world. I can't stop thinking about it. Can't stop. Won't stop.

What about you? What are some recent reads that are on your favorites list now? Are any of these on your list? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Great list! Fangirl ALMOST made mine, but I decided on Eleanor and Park instead. I also really enjoyed The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. It was so hard to narrow down this list to ten!

  2. Fangirl and ADSOM <3 I'm curious about Bitter Greens! Only heard a few people talk about it.

  3. I love Rainbow Rowell! Attachments is the one I put on my own list. :) Also, it looks like I REALLY need to read the Mistborn series…I'm seeing it on a lot of these lists!

    My TTT.

  4. I haven't read any of your list though The Magicians is on my TBR. Here's my Top 10 of past 3 Years post.

  5. Great picks!! I love Fangirl and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter is one of my all time favorites -- so sad!!! Bitter Greens is super high on my TBR and you've inspired me to read it soon!!

    My TTT

  6. Is it terrible that I've only read three of the books on this list? ADSOM and Fangirl I loved, though I doubt Fangirl would make it onto my all time favorites list (I'm not huge on contemporaries, though I did enjoy it). I'm not a fan of The Luxe either, though I'm glad you love the series! And OMG I have been seeing Mistborn everywhere; I really have to get to reading it!

  7. Fangirl is definitely going on my own TTT list later today -- I adored it! I've been hearing such amazing things about ADSoM, too. I really can't wait until the library's copy gets to me! Great list!

  8. OOoh nice! These are some new to me titles! I read The Young Elites though! Definitely an intriguing story there! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Great choices. I finished Fangirl a few weeks ago, and I loved it. I’m hoping to read A Darker Shade of Magic soon.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  10. Wow, ADSOM must have really wowed you to make a spot on your list within days of finishing it! I'm looking forward to reading that one myself.

  11. I love Rapunzel retellings, I'll have to out Bitter Greens. I added it to my TBR list a long time ago but I forgot about it.
    I really need to read a Rainbow Rowell book. I read a short story by her in the My True Love Gave to Me anthology and I loved it, but I've never read any of her novels.
    Great list!

  12. I've only read the Yong Elites and Fangirl from your list. I haven't read A Song of Ice and Fire but I'm a fan of the TV show. :D i'm planning to read the books soon. Also, I've been interested in reading Steelheart. Great picks! :)

    Danna @ A Reading Habit

  13. I am currently reading Mistborn and liking it. I have Luxe and The Magicians on my shelf that I nabbed from a Used Book Store, so I'm glad to see them show up on your list! I hope I enjoy them, too. I love A Song of Ice and Fire, too. Such an awesome series. (wish the next book would come out soon!!!) Thanks for stopping by =)

  14. Fangirl was a fun read. I have a couple Brandon Sanderson's books on my shelves but haven't had the chance to read any of them yet. Game of Thrones I hope to start soon but I keep holding off do to how long it is and all the details. I'll have to likely read the series back-to-back and I want to finish up a few other series' before I do.
    Here’s My TTT
