
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tot Ten Tuesday - Top Books on My Spring TBR

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

The Rest of March - Fantasy

1.) The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkowski - Add to Goodreads
Dear Library, You have until Thursday to tell me this book is ready for pick up or I am buying it. Hard deadline. Get it together! I loved The Winner's Curse and I need more.

2.) We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach - Add to Goodreads
This comes out in a week and I'm bumping it up on the TBR because I just got an amazingly beautiful finished copy in the mail recently (thanks Simon Teen!). I can't wait to read it!

April - Historical Fiction

3.) Under A Painted Sky by Stacey Lee - Add to Goodreads
I've been wanting a YA novel set in the Oregon Trail for years and my prayers were answered! I have heard amazing things about this baby who came out today!

4.) Skandal by Lindsay Smith - Add to Goodreads
I really like Sekret and found the world really fascinating so I'm excited to read the sequel. Plus I'm doing another buddy read with Violet from Paper Worlds and Swirls of Ink for it!

5.) The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak - Add to Goodreads 
I love historical fiction and despite everyone raving about this book I haven't read it yet. My brother got me a copy for Christmas so now I have no excuse, I'm doing it.

6.) All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - Add to Goodreads
This won all kinds of awards last year and I wish I had read it then. I've heard the audio is really good so I'm planning to listen to it in April as my audiobook pick.

May- Freebie

7.) An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir - Add to Goodreads
I have been so excited about this book ever since I heard about it months ago. High fantasy set in a brutal Romanesque world. Stop right there, I NEED IT!

8.) A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J. Maas - Add to Goodreads
I just got into fae stories and this is one by Sarah J. Maas who clearly is fabulous and can do no wrong. Everyone who has read this says it's brilliant and steamy so I'm on board. I've already preorder it!

9.) The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh - Add to Goodreads
I won a copy of this book a few months back and I have been waiting to read it. I've seen some mixed reviews lately but I'm excited to give it a try. It sounds dark and mysterious with my kind of romance.

10.) Hold Me Like A Breathe by Tiffany Schmidt - Add to Goodreads
All you need to know is that this book is a fairy tale retelling about an organized crime family. That's all it took to intrigue me. Thanks to Bloomsbury for the e-ARC of this one, I seriously cannot wait to read it!

June - Contemp

11.) The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker - Add to Goodreads

I have been really disappointed by stories about witches lately but this one sounds amazing. It sounds complex and interesting and those I know who have read it say it's amazing and hilarious so I'm excited.

12.) Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone - Add to Goodreads
I've been getting more into contemporary novels lately so when I saw this one on Netgalley I snagged it. It sounds interesting even though it's more on the sad side of things but it has the kind of characters I enjoy.

Okay, so I cheated. But we haven't done a seasonal TBR in forever so I wanted to mention some books I'm excited for in the back half of March. But tale those two out and it's ten. Besides, it wouldn't be Tuesday if I didn't cheat on a top ten list.

What's on your spring TBR? Are any of the books I mentioned also on your list? Have you read any? What did you think? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Great list. The Book Thief is amazing. I think it’s one of my favorite books ever. I also really want to read All The Light We Cannot See. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Yes!! I am hereby Amending my list to add the winners crime, the witch Hunter, under a painted sky, and Written in the Stars!! I also am waiting on my copy of While You Were Gone from my secret sis ( that was a long time ago wasn't it?) but pending on how much I like that I will try every last word. I downloaded it just in case! I trust your Cassieness!

  3. I loved the Book Thief, and I am reading Wrath of Dawn next. I hadn't seen the bad reviews, but I plan to read it and form my own opinion.

  4. The Winner's Crime! I'm not ready for it! I heard it's got an epic cliffhanger..... I might wait until closer to book 3. I can't wait for ACOTAR~~~

  5. I love your list, Cassi! I'm so glad you liked The Winner's Curse! I bought it not too long ago, and I can't wait to read it. Looking at all the upcoming releases I want to read, I know my bank balance will be end up crying in agony, teehee! I can't wait to read An Ember in the Ashes, The Wrath and the Dawn, Hold Me Like a Breath and The Witch Hunter! And ACOTAR! <3 Perfection! <3

  6. Great list! All the light we cannot see is a great book! I really want to read Under a painted sky.

  7. Glad I'm not alone in haven't read ACOTAR! Seems like all my blogging pals have read it! They all seem to love it though! A few reviews had popped up but I couldn't bring myself to read them so many months in advance! Too soon! Need it now! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Yes for Under a Painted Sky and The Winner's Crime! I'm a sucker for historical fiction, and I really liked The Winner's Curse. I have high expectations for both books and I hope they are as enjoyable as they seem. Enjoy your reads:)

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

  9. Did I read that right? An Oregon Trail YA novel?! This is brilliant news! Great list -- I don't think there's a single book blogger out there who isn't excited for ACOTAR! ♥

  10. We only have one in common this week, but almost all of these are actually on my TBR list! And I still need to get to The Winner's Curse!! I hope you love all of the books you get to this Spring! :)

    Here are my Top Ten!

  11. If you loved The Winner's Curse, I say just buy The Winner's Crime, it's wonderful! (This may or may not be the devil on your right shoulder talking to you.)

  12. So many great books, and quite a few I can't wait to read too! I loved both We All Looked Up and The Book Thief - hope you enjoy them!

  13. Why have you not read The Book Thief yet??? :o It's sooo good! You should get into it ASAP because it's one of my all-time favorite books ever :) I'd love to read Winner's Crime and Under a Painted Sky as well. Great list!

  14. That's a great list. I've read The Book Thief and it's excellent.

  15. I too love stories about witches and The Witch Hunter has been calling to me also. After I get the review book I am reading finished I am continuing my "me reads" with The Dream Thieves, Ruin and Rising, and In the Age of Love and Chocolate. :)
