
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Court of Fives by Kate Elliott

A weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Title: Court of Fives
Series: Court of Fives #1
Author: Kate Elliott
Published: August 18, 2015 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Synopsis: In this imaginative escape into an enthralling new world, World Fantasy Award finalist Kate Elliott begins a new trilogy with her debut young adult novel, weaving an epic story of a girl struggling to do what she loves in a society suffocated by rules of class and privilege. 

Jessamy's life is a balance between acting like an upper class Patron and dreaming of the freedom of the Commoners. But at night she can be whomever she wants when she sneaks out to train for The Fives, an intricate, multi-level athletic competition that offers a chance for glory to the kingdom's best competitors. Then Jes meets Kalliarkos, and an unlikely friendship between a girl of mixed race and a Patron boy causes heads to turn. When a scheming lord tears Jes's family apart, she'll have to test Kal's loyalty and risk the vengeance of a powerful clan to save her mother and sisters from certain death.

Why I'm Waiting 

When I heard about this book I saw it pitched as "Little Women meets The Hunger Games." I normally hate that but those two comparisons really have me interested. It's an odd blend but in a good way. Not to mention the synopsis of this book has so many of my Bookish Buzzwords. "Society suffocated by rules of class and privilege" sounds to me like we are going to get some great political intrigue and a antagonistic ruler that I will love to hate. "Unlikely friendship" sounds interesting and like there may be a good slowburn romance but even if they just stay friends I'm cool with that. "Vengeance of a powerful" clan makes me think there will be some death and destruction along with the political intrigue.

I think I'm also really excited because Jessamy sounds like a female protagonist that I love. Last week I talked about how I like my heroines to be tough but balanced. Maybe they are a little vulnerable or reluctant or maybe they are more intelligent with inner strength instead of outer. Jessamy sounds like a good blend of the two.

And finally I'm really excited about this book because it sounds like it has crossover appeal. Kate Elliott has written a lot of adult Sci-Fi and fantasy novels but this is her first YA. That makes me think that this will be more on the mature side and that's how I like my YA. I seriously cannot wait!

What about you? What are you waiting for this Wednesday? Are you waiting for Court of Fives with me? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I have not heard of this book. But it truly sound like I would enjoy it. I am totally into a strong female lead character and Jes sounds like one so I may just have to pick it up when it comes out. Thanks for sharing!!! And Great WOW Choice!

    My WOW
    TopianGirl @TopianBooks

  2. Ooh nice! I've been hearing about this one very slowly it seems. Seeing it pop up here and there! hope you love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I hadn't heard of this one before. I need to read it! I hope you enjoy the book! Check out my WoW!

  4. I'm really looking forward to this one too! I'm just PRAYING a love triangle won't pop up in the later books. D:

  5. This is also on my TBR list :) I agree that balanced heroines are best because it's nice to know that they aren't perfect – they still have flaws despite whatever kick ass skills they may have. I've never read any of Kate Elliot's books before but I have heard good things so hopefully Court of Fives will be awesome. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

  6. So much yes to this!! Another stalked book at BEA. I'm hoping they will have some!!
