
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books of 2015 (so far)

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

10.) The Winner's Curse and The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkowski
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
I felt like the last person in the blogosphere to read this book and so many people had raved about it. So when The Winner's Crime came out I marathoned the series and totally loved it. The characters, the world, the mystery.

9.) Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
This was one of the debuts I was most excited about and it absolutely did not let me down. It's an action-packed adventure on the Oregon Trail with unforgettable characters. This is how all YA historical fiction should be,

8.) Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
So this book needs to be on the list because I read it in January when I was doing a mystery theme without realizing this a contemporary romance. But I loved it so much that it changed my stance on YA contemps.

7.) The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
Another fantastic debut. I seriously just loved this fantasy. I've seen some mixed reviews but for me it worked. A very cool and complex world with a great mythology and full of secrets. Plus I'm stilling thinking about the way it ended.

6.) The Book Theif by Marcus Zusak
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
I have been telling myself for years I won't like this book but I bit the bullet and read it and you were all right, it's fantastic. It ripped my heart out but I still seriously loved it.

5.) Uprooted by Naomi Novik 
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
This book is all over the blogosphere lately and there's a reason why. It's absolutely brilliant. It's one of the most creative fantasies I've read in a long time and it still feels so familiar. It's like reading your favorite fairy tale for the first time.

4.) The Martian by Andy Weir
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
Everything about this book was flawless. It's one of the best Science Fiction novels I have read in a long time and the audiobook is so good it earned a place in my top 5 favorites of all-time. It's funny, interesting, and full of feels.

3.) The Storyspinner by Becky Wallace
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
I am not the kind of person who needs romance in their novels, especially fantasy but I am obsessed with the ships in this book. Plus it's a creative fantasy world and complex characters that I loved so much I didn't even care there were like 8,000 P.O.V.s

2.) Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
My absolute favorite debut of the year so far. I'm so glad I realized I don't hate contemporary romances because I seriously would have missed out this brilliant, sweet, and hilarious book. I mean I can't remember the last time a book made me giggle this much, it was kind of embarrassing.

1.) A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
(Amazon / Goodreads / My Review)
Without a doubt, ADSOM is my favorite book of the year. When you look the word perfect up in the dictionary you see this book. It's one of the most well-plotted books I have ever read and is full of thrilling action, adventure, and mystery. Plus a fascinating magical system that we have only begun learning about, brilliant worlds, and characters I'm absolutely obsessed with. This quickly became one of my all-time favorite reads.

There you have it, my top ten favorite books of 2015 so far. What books are on your list? Do we have any of the same books? Have you read any of these books? Leave me a commet with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

And if you want another great book recommendation, check out Ana of California by Andi Teran. It's a modern retelling of Anne of Green Gables and it's delightful. To celebrate it's book birthday (today) I'm giving away a copy of the book and a gorgeous copy of Anne of Green Gables. Visit this post to enter.


  1. Oooh nice! Haven't read any of these but starting to reconsider the Storyspinner! Because I apparently don't already have enough to read! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I have noticed that The Storyspinner is on many people's lists today, so I think I will have to move it up my TBR pile. It sounds fantastic. I also loved The Book Thief- such a powerful novel! I also enjoyed Since You've Been Gone. Great list!

  3. I really want to read ADSOM really soon. I am desperately trying to get a copy. Great list. Really gives me some books to look forward to!

  4. Since You've Been Gone is on my list too, and I also loved The Book Thief. Can't wait to read the others- they're all on my TBR list.

  5. I love The Book Thief. The Storyspinner was great as well. I still need to read Since You've been Gone.

    Great list! Thanks for sharing.

    Here are my Top 10 for the year

    And here's a a $30 giveaway at Aamazon

  6. I loved Simon and A Darker Shade, and have Uprooted waiting for me on my stack of books to read soon. Great list! Brenda @ Log Cabin Library

  7. So many awesome sounding books on this list. (And I haven't even read any of them!) Don't worry, you're not the last person in the blogosphere to read The Winner's Curse. I've not yet and I want to because I hear great things about it. I plan to read Uprooted next month and I hear absolutely wonderful things about it. Very excited for it. I've also got The Sin Eater's Daughter (like you, I've heard totally mixed reviews) and The Storyspinner that I need to make time to get to at some point. They both sound like just my kind of fantasy so I'm happy to hear you like both of them.

    My TTT

  8. Clearly we have very similar tastes in books. Gah, I need to read The Book Thief like whoa. It's been on my list for ages. I also really think I'll love Simon, but again, time. Lovely list!


  9. I loved Since You've Been Gone! And, one of these days, I WILL read The Winner's Curse...

    My TTT!

  10. Ahhh . . . so many of these on my TBR! The Book Thief has been on my TBR forever. I just bought Since You've Been Gone. Hopefully I will be able to read this one soon. :)

  11. I read The Book Thief last year and utterly fell in love with it, it's now an all time fave. The Martian is on my TBR for this year.

    Here's my TTT:

  12. So many great picks! I really want to read The Martian and Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda! I loved Since You've Been Gone!!

    My TTT

  13. Awesome picks! I need to get my hands on A Darker Shade of Magic soon. And The Sin Eater's Daughter! I have skipped over it since I read a few not so favourable reviews, but I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I'll have to try and read it soon :) You weren't the only one who hadn't read The Winner's Curse! I read it a couple of weeks ago, and I loved it! I just ordered the second book yesterday, so hopefully it'll arrive in the post soon :D Great list, Cassi!

  14. The Book Thief is on my list as well! Since You've Been Gone isn't on my list, but I did highly, highly enjoy it. I still need to read the Sin Eater's Daughter (I have heard mixed things) and The Winner's Curse (all praise), hopefully this year!
    -Monica @ Tomes Project

  15. The Martian!! I saw a preview for the movie last weekend and it made me curious. I don't really follow Adult Fiction that closely, so I haven't heard much about it before. I started Since You've Been Gone, but got distracted with something else. I really need to go back and give that one a fair chance!

  16. Uprooted is getting so much attention this week, I still need to get my hands on a copy. Great list!

  17. You aren't the last person to read The Winner's Curse! I am! Oh I so badly need to read Uprooted and I HAVE SIMON FROM THE LIBRARY :D Gonna start it today :)

  18. I've been seeing Uprooted everywhere lately!! I don't know why, but I don't seem to have any interest in that one..

    The Sin Eater's Daughter on the other hand is one that I NEED TO READ RIGHT NOW. It seems super interesting to me!

    The Book Thief is my favorite book of ALL TIME. I'm so glad you liked it :)♥

    - Jumana @ Books by Jay

  19. So glad you read The Winner's Curse/Crime and The Book Thief. I loved both of those. I'm reading The Martian right now, and so far it's excellent!

  20. Amazing books!!! YES, YES, YES to UPROOTED!!! I Loved it so much <3 Been meaning to read The Winners Curse, The Storyspinner and A Darker Shade of Magic. I'm so behind :( Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  21. yes it amazing books :) ergodebooks,com

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