
Friday, July 3, 2015

ARC Review: Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

Title: Ink and Bone
Series: The Great Library #1
Author: Rachel Caine
Published: July 7, 2015 by NAL (Penguin Group)
(Amazon / Goodreads)

Synopsis: In an exhilarating new series, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time.… 

Ruthless and supremely powerful, the Great Library is now a presence in every major city, governing the flow of knowledge to the masses. Alchemy allows the Library to deliver the content of the greatest works of history instantly—but the personal ownership of books is expressly forbidden. 

Jess Brightwell believes in the value of the Library, but the majority of his knowledge comes from illegal books obtained by his family, who are involved in the thriving black market. Jess has been sent to be his family’s spy, but his loyalties are tested in the final months of his training to enter the Library’s service. 

When he inadvertently commits heresy by creating a device that could change the world, Jess discovers that those who control the Great Library believe that knowledge is more valuable than any human life—and soon both heretics and books will burn.…

*** I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher via Penguin First reads in exchange for an honest review. This fact has not changed my opinion. ***

This book right here, is everything I wanted it to be an more. It seriously delivered. Ink and Bone is an engaging read perfect for fans of historical mysteries who are ready for a wild ride full of magic and mystery.

I was completely engrossed in the world that Rachel Caine was able to create here. It is one of the most multi-faceted worlds I have come across in a long time. For one thing she was able to create a unique and interesting boarding school that is full of magic. I'm a sucker for books set in a boarding school and the Library definitely satisfied that for me. It was like Hogwarts in the best possible way. The characters arrive in this school where they have their lives upending learning about different kinds of magic and putting it into practice. And this magic was also really cool. It was one part steampunk, one part alchemy. And while I loved reading about the characters learning, it was when they went out into the larger world that things got really good. I'm used to think that I didn't like revisionist history but it has to be done really well. Ink and Bone was a bit like The Bone Season in that it is set in the future but because of something that happened (or in the case of this book, didn't happen) things are very different. This book walked that perfect line between feeling like historical fiction and feeling like speculative fiction. It almost felt like a dystopian world in some ways. You see, this is a world at war, a world where the average person is stifled by a ruling entity that will do anything to stay in power. And it's the library! I'm sure it's hard as a bookish person to see the beloved library play the role of antagonist but boy were they terrible! Seeing the characters torn between those two worlds added so much conflict and drama.

And this fantastic world was made all the more engaging by Rachel Caine's writing style. Ink and Bone was also atmospheric and engaging. Her writing takes you into another world that you can immerse yourself in. Each chapter is started with a bit of extra information that added a level of dramatic irony and made the book more well-rounded. Dramatic irony is another thing for me that can be hit or miss. It can get frustrating very quickly if it comes off as the characters being obtuse. I don't like knowing things the characters don't. But in the case of Ink and Bone, it added to the mystery. And boy was this book was full of mystery. There were so many twists and dramatic reveals I never knew what was coming next. And things were perfectly timed and plotted. It felt like each reveal served to expand the story and drew you to an exciting climax that had me on the edge of my seat. When it was all over I was desperately hoping for the next book.

And the mystery of Ink and Bone also extended to the characters of the book. Like all good boarding schools, this one is populated by a diverse cast of characters. They're the brightest and most promising students worldwide taken to become a part of the prestigious library. And the conflict outside the library is mirrored by the students in the library. Each student was interesting and well-rounded. There were those you love and those you hate. But each of them had great character development throughout the book. In particular I really like the main character Jess. He seems like the kind of person who never really fits in completely but is still always able to assimilate. That in particular made him easy to like and root for because you want him to find where he belongs but appreciate that independent streak in him. But I think my favorite character was the teacher, Wolfe. He reminded me so much of Snape and if you know me you know that's a good thing. He is unnecessarily hard on his students but in the end comes to respect them and protect them. But the best part about Wolfe is his secrets. As the book unfolds we slowly learn more about his past and yet I still want to learn more. He's so complex and enigmatic. All the characters are enigmatic and fantastic!

My only criticism is that the pacing was a little problematic. It had a bit of a slow start as the world was being developed and we were connecting with the characters. I expect that in new fantasy books. But then when things did pick up, it was an action-packed story that may have been a little too thrilling. I know that sounds like a weird thing to say but it just didn't have the flow that I like to see when it comes to the pacing of fantasy novels. It moved too quickly through the ending of the book and I felt like I was missing some important things because it just moved from moment to moment with me even being able to catch my breath. The pacing just felt a little unbalanced. I would have liked it a little more if the action was evenly balanced throughout the book.

But when everything was all said and done I really loved this book and cannot wait to find out what happens next. Even just writing this review is getting me amped up about this book, that never happens. But now that I can step away from it, I can say that I absolutely loved it. It is the kind of book that is familiar, reminding me of great things about books I love, while still being unique and different. It was incredibly engaging and I would absolutely recommend it.

I give Ink & Bone by Rachel Caine 9.5 out of 10

Buy/Borrow/Bypass: BUY! You need to read this book. Fans of fantasy and dystopia will find a unique and fascinating world with great characters and thrilling action. It felt familiar and creative at the same time and is an amazing first book in a new series I am excited to see develop.

Have you read Ink and Bone? What did you think? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. i love your harry potter gifs, made the whole review more fun to read

    1. Thanks! I will take any chance I have to use Harry Potter gif.

  2. Sounds really exciting. I have to look into this one. Great review, Cassie!

    1. It was really exciting. I thought I would like it but I was blown away by how much I loved it. I hope you check it out and love it!

  3. GAH, Cassi, you are evil in the best way. Aka I already wanted to read this book but NOW I MUST HAVE IT LIKE A DRUG EXCEPT I HAVE SO MANY ARCS I NEED TO READ. I'm SUCH a sucker for magic schools. Have you read The Magisterium yet? It's MG but similarly satisfying in a post-Hogwarts age.

    Sarcasm & Lemons

    1. I'm not sorry at all! This book is fantastic. I'm also a sucker for magic schools but usually they let me down, this one did not. I haven't read The Magisterium, I don't read a lot of Middle Grade and I heard some mixed reviews. Maybe I'll check it out. Also "post-Hogwarts age" is a great expression!

  4. Well, you totally have me convinced Cassie!! I need to get this one for sure!! Now to choose between Kindle so I don't have one more book to move to my apt or hardcover because it's gorgeous!!
    Love the Harry Potter GIFs btw, completely on point!!

    1. YES! We already talked about how you bought a copy and yes, the hardcover is so gorgeous. I broke my book buying ban to get a copy because I love it so much and it's so pretty! Read it and love it Pili!

  5. Wow. Great review. I just heard about this book this morning. After reading your review, I know I need to read this book!

    1. YES! It's fantastic and I'm so glad I could persuade you to read it. I hope you also love it.

  6. You've convinced me that I need to pick this book up. I'm a sucker for boarding school settings too - especially when they're done well, which it sounds like this one definitely is!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
