
Friday, July 17, 2015

Series Review: Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld

Title: Leviathan
Series: Leviathan #1
Author: Scott Westerfeld
Narrator: Alan Cumming
Published: 2011 by Simon and Schuster
(Amazon / Goodreads / Audible)

Synopsis: Prince Aleksander, would-be heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, is on the run. His own people have turned on him. His title is worthless. All he has is a battletorn war machine and a loyal crew of men. 

Deryn Sharp is a commoner, disguised as a boy in the British Air Service. She's a brilliant airman. But her secret is in constant danger of being discovered. 

With World War I brewing, Alek and Deryn's paths cross in the most unexpected way…taking them on a fantastical, around-the-world adventure that will change both their lives forever.

So I got a copy of the audiobook version of Leviathan forever ago. Like so long ago I don't even remember when I bought it. Probably before I even started blogging more seriously. Two years ago I got really obsessed with audiobooks and I must have bought it then. Anyway, I never got around to listening to it so when I needed an audiobook for this month I realized how perfect it was for my theme and I finally took the plunge.

And when I was done, I couldn't believe it took me this long to read it! Wow, this book and this audio just blew me away. It has officially earned it's place in my top five audiobooks of all time because it is full of amazing action, a fascinating world, complex characters, and flawless narration.

So first, the world of Leviathan is everything! And I seriously mean... EVERY THING. This is a historical reimagining. Scott Westerfeld takes historical events like in this case, the death of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the start or World War I and reimagines it with steampunk technology. Not only is the historical aspect amazing with actual events and people being used in creative ways, but the science fiction and technology aspects are absolutely brilliant. He made me question reality and history while still entertaining me. I'm starting to become a fan of this concept and Leviathan has indeed persuaded me.

Then there is the plot of this book. This is a book about World War I so it should come as no surprise that there is tons of thrilling action. One of our main characters is a soldier fighting for the British Air Force and the other is an Austrian prince being hunted by the Germans. Both have secrets and both are placed in all kinds of situations that had me on the edge of my seat.

Speaking of those characters, how much do I love them? So much. I'm not a huge fan of the girl disguised as a boy trope but once again Scott Westerfeld handles this so well. Deryn Sharpe is amazing. She is strong-willed and tough, she's determined to do what she loves despite her gender and I live that about her. Alek is also a fantastic character, he's not your typical spoiled prince and I was so invested in his struggle.\

Leviathan is a brilliant historical reimagining with a fascinating world, thrilling plot, and great characters.

Title: Behemoth
Series: Leviathan #2
Author: Scott Westerfeld
Narrator: Alan Cumming
Published: 2012 by Simon and; Schuster
(Amazon / Goodreads / Audible)

Synopsis: The behemoth is the fiercest creature in the British navy. It can swallow enemy battleships with one bite. The Darwinists will need it, now that they are at war with the Clanker powers. 

Deryn is a girl posing as a boy in the British Air Service, and Alek is the heir to an empire posing as a commoner. Finally together aboard the airship Leviathan, they hope to bring the war to a halt. But when disaster strikes the Leviathan's peacekeeping mission, they find themselves alone and hunted in enemy territory. 

Alek and Deryn will need great skill, new allies, and brave hearts to face what's ahead.

So I had only planned to listen to Leviathan but I loved it so much that I knew I had to binge the whole series. I couldn't leave the story of Steampunk WWI unfinished. I needed to know what happened to Deryn and Alek.

So unsurprisingly, in Behemoth Scott Westerfeld expanded the world of this series to make something bigger and more diverse. Here we were taken to Istanbul as the war that began in the first book grew and evolved. Once again, Westerfeld fascinated me with his incorporation of actual historical events but reimagined them to fit with what was happening with the universe he created. There was a lot more focus on the different technologies. WWI is a particularly interesting period for that because new weaponry and vehicles changed the way we wage war and so the steampunk vibe worked so well here.

The World War I storyline also gave the book so much high stakes action. In Behemoth there were so many moving parts that all connected to a thrilling conclussion of the book. Throughout the entire thing there is so much action that I couldn't stop reading, well listening. But what I also like is that there were no cliffhangers (Westerfeld makes a hilarious reference to this in book 3) but I was still so hooked I needed to know what happened next.

Although that may have been because I was so invested in the characters. I seriously have so much love for Deryn and Alek. They are fantastic both together and apart. Their friendship is just amazing and they make a great team. But there are also some amazing secondary characters to round out the cast.

It's incredibly diverse and Alan Cumming is the perfect narrator.  He perfectly captures the voices of everything from an Austrian prince, to a Scottish girl, to a Turkish diplomat. He was so good that sometimes I forgot it was only one guy doing all these voices.

Behemoth was the perfect follow up to Leviathan. The world was bigger and more interesting, the plot was just as action packed, and my love of the characters only grew.

Title: Goliath
Series: Leviathan #3
Author: Scott Westerfeld
Narrator: Alan Cumming
Published: 2013 by Simon and Schuster
(Amazon / Goodreads / Audible)

Synopsis: Alek and Deryn are abroad the Leviathan when the ship is ordered to pick up an unusual passenger. This brilliant/maniacal inventor claims to have a weapon called Goliath that can end the war. But whose side is he really on? 

While on their top-secret mission, Alek finally discovers Deryn's deeply kept secret. Two, actually. Not only is Deryn a girl disguised as a guy...she has feelings for Alek. 

The crown, true love with a commoner, and the destruction of a great city all hang on Alek's next--and final--move. 

The thunderous conclusion to Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan series, which was called "sure to become a classic" (SLJ).

And finally we have Goliath, the conclusion to this series and a fantastic ending for it all. Everything is bigger and better. When it was all over I actually didn't want it to end because I was loving it so much.

One thing I loved about Goliath and this series as a whole is again the historical reimagining. Not to beat a dead horse but it is seriously so fantastic. I'm a big fan of historical fiction and history in general. I mean I studied Modern History (it's a thing) in college so I know a lot about this topic and I was so entertained. While the steampunk and technology stuff was still there I felt like Goliath was more about the people, the real historical figures. In this one we were brought to both Japan, Siberia, and the United States to meet real people. It was so cool to see how Westerfeld incorporated people like Nikola Tesla, William Randolph Hearst, and Pancho Villa. It was so fascinating.

But I also say this was about the people because I really loved the character development. This series, and this book in particular was about two people finding their place in the world. Deryn Sharpe who wants to be something that her gender won't allow and Prince Alek who's destiny is tied up in the war but who does he really want to be. What I also loved about this book was the romance between Deryn and Alek. Mark this on your calendars, I ship it. It was a fantastic slowburn and a total "we should be together" kind of thing. It was amazing.

And finally the plot and the way this series wrapped up was perfect. So much action and adventure. This book had it's own individual storyline but it also  wrapped up the plot of the series. I just absolutely loved it. The stakes were higher and everything was so thrilling. I also have to say that I think it's funny that the narration speeds up when the action picks up. The narration was just so perfect.

All and all this is just an amazing series. I loved the steampunk world that Westerfeld created, the historical reimagining, the complex and likable character, and the action-packed plot. I loved it all and I want more! I want so much more!

I give the Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld 9.5 out of 10

Buy/Borrow/Bypass: BUY! This serious is totally worth a read and a binge. If you are an audiobook fan you absolutely must check out the audio. Alan Cumming is a genius. But in general if you love steampunk and or historical fiction this one is worth it. Or if you are just looking for a thrilling adventure story, read these. Honestly, just read them!


  1. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed this series! I really like Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series, so I've been curious about picking this one up. Maybe I'll get to it soon. Great reviews! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. This is my first Westerfeld but I've been wanting to read his stuff for awhile now. I loved it and now I want to read more. I hope you like it, it was definitely great.

  2. How did I just hear about this series only a couple of days ago? I really enjoyed Uglies as well, and I love discovering a series when all of the books have already been published. I will definitely be checking these books out. I'll have to come back and read the reviews of books 2 and 3 because I didn't want to spoil anything for myself.

    I love the Downton Abbey clips. That show is so wonderful!

    1. I feel like that all the time! How did I just learn about this book? It's really good. I hope you read it and like it just as much.

  3. To be honest, I've heard of these books but I have never read ANYTHING by Scott Westerfeld! What is wrong with me?! I definitely need to see if my library has this series. I don't usually love historical fiction, but I do love retellings and this seems kind of like that. The Downton Abbey gif made me a little teary though... :( Anyway, great reviews! I definitely plan to check out this series now!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. I felt the same way Tracy, I hadn't read any Scott Westerfeld and I wasn't super interested. This one blew me away and now I want to read more of his stuff. His new books in particular sound really great. I'm super interested in reading Zeroes because it's about superheroes and I love that so much. Haha, sorry my Downton gifs made you teary. But yes, read this series and some Westerfeld.

  4. I'm glad to see that you loved this series so much. I don't know why I haven't really thought about reading this, I think it's mostly because I thought it was overhyped at bookstores, but maybe I'll try reading this on my own. But the real question is, did you like it because it was an audiobook and the narrator was awesome? Or was the entire trilogy just awesome in general? :)

    1. Ah, Val! You ask the tough questions. I honestly think that I loved this because of the audiobook. Alan Cumming was a fantastic narrator and I don't think I would have loved it as much if I had read the book. But it is a fantastic steampunk series so good in general. But if you do like audiobooks I would read it in that format.

  5. Glad to know that you've enjoyed the Leviathan series! I unfortunately haven't read any of Westerfields books but hope to start with the Uglies pretty soon then hopefully this one next! Great review as always and Happy reading!

    1. Yeah, this was my first Westerfeld and now I want to read more. It was great. I'm thinking his new stuff, Zeroes and Afterworlds next. But I'm definitely interested in Uglies now too.

  6. I only read the review for the first book since I didn't want to spoil things for myself, but it sounds like this is a fantastic series! I'm never sure about historicals, but re-imaginings are another story. I'll have to check this out!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
