
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Retellings

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1.) Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth - My Review
Raise your hand if you're surprised this is number one. Are you new? Welcome! I'm obsessed with this dark historical retelling of Rapunzel. I won't stop talking about because it's that good. It's one of my all-time favorite and such a gritty retelling.

2.) The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - My Review
This series is on basically everyone's list right. Not a surprise. They're brilliantly creative science fiction retellings of some beloved fairy tales. And of course, Winter is coming.

3.) The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh - My Review
This 2015 debut worked it's way into my heart with it's great characters and a world that I hadn't read before. It's a retelling of A Thousand and One Nights which I'm not super familiar with.

4.) The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire - Add to Goodreads
Gregory Maguire is one of my favorite authors and I love this series. The first book Wicked, is a great villain story and the rest of the series has a lot of fantastic political intrigue. Maguire crafts a really creative version of Oz, that's for sure.

5.) Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding - Add to Goodreads
Pride and Prejudice retellings are super popular (for both me and he world) as far as they go, this is one of my absolute favorites. On first glance it's standard "chick lit" but it's a great modern version of the classic.

6.) Winterspell by Claire Legrand - My Review
I've never before seen a retelling of The Nutcracker but this was really fantastic. Claire's interpretation was so creative and made me to check out the original. Plus it has a fantastic dark world and I will never look at fairies the same way.

7.) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith - Add to Goodreads
Speaking of dark worlds. This is my other favorite Pride and Prejudice retelling. Not only does it make the Bennett sisters badass zombie hunters but it uses actual language from the original which is very cool. Hey CW, if you want to change a classic, this is the way you do it.

8.) Of Metal and Wishes by Sarah Fine - My Review
I reviewed this yesterday but I loved it so much I had to include it. It's a great retelling or reimagining of The Phantom of the Opera. It has an equally dark world and fantastic characterization. Today the second book in this series comes out and I'm exciting.

To Read:
9.) This Monstrous Thing by Mackenzie Lee - Add to Goodreads 
Less than two months for this steampunk retelling of Frankenstein to come out. I've been so excited for this debut for a long time. It sounds dark and fascinating and creative. I needs it, the precious!

10.) Beauty by Robin McKinnely - Add to Goodreads
I've heard great things about Robin McKinnley and have not read any of her stuff. I planned to read this when I did a retelling theme a few months ago and I didn't get to it. I really need to read some Robin McKinley (right, Jessie)

11.) Catherine by April Lidner - Add to Goodreads
Wuthering Heights is one of my favorite books (nee classics). I learned about this retelling which came out last year and never read it for some reason it just went onto the TBR and that was it. To be honest I often forget it exists

12.) A Little Love by Susan Fletcher - Add to Goodreads
This book passed my attention until recently (thanks Melissa) and it's a retelling of Les Miserables told from Eponine's perspective. I love Eponine so much I named my cat after her. She's such a tragic character. I need to read this book though it will destroy me.

13.) Lock and Mori by Heather W. Petty - Add to Goodreads
This book is on my TBR for September when I do mysteries and I'm excited. It's a Sherlock Holmes retelling with a female Moriarty and a challenge to see who can solve the crime first. 

14.) Scarlet by A.C. Gaugen - Add to Goodreads
I really didn't want to add this one because I really should have read it ages ago (I own a copy) and it's so beloved. Don't hate me! I have a million excuses. Want to hear them?

What are some of your favorite retellings that you have read? Or which ones do you want to read? Do we have any in common? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I'm looking forward to Lock & Mori too!

    Check out my TTT.

  2. Les Mis from Eponine's perspective! OMG. I have to read that. She is my favorite character in that musical.

    I also need to check out Bitter Greens. I don't think I've heard you mention it, but if it's your favorite, then it's definitely worth reading. Good list!

  3. Great list. I am also waiting on Lock and Mori. I need to check out Bitter Greens. I know my library has a copy. Thanks for sharing!

  4. OOOoh very nice! I can't wait to read This Monstrous Thing and The Wrath and the Dawn! I find myself debating about Of Metal and Wishes! And I love the Lunar Chronicles! So many awesome picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Adding Bitter Greens & The Wrath and the Dawn to my TBR list after seeing everyone's recommendations today. My TTT list

  6. I found myself nodding my head the whole time I was reading your list. Yes to all of this! Except for Scarlet. Sorry, internets, but I really did not like that book at all. I'd definitely skip that one if I were you. Also, I'm not sure about Winterspell. I haven't read it, but all I can think of when I look at that cover is Kristen Stewart. Which doesn't incline me to pick up the book. Maybe if I found a different edition...?

  7. Okay, Winterspell and Of Metal and Wishes are totally moving up on my TBR. I'm not sure how I missed Winterspell when it first came out... It looks so pretty and unique!

    Sarcasm & Lemons

  8. I loved The Lunar Chronicles! I still need to read Scarlet, Winterspell, The Wrath and the Dawn, Beauty, and Of Metal and Wishes. Maybe soon!

    My TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

  9. I never heard of a little in love before but it sounds really interesting, so i will look into that book.
    Fantastic list :)
