
Sunday, November 1, 2015

October Wrap Up and November TBR

Read in October: Fantasy
The fall of anticipated reads continues with some absolutely amazing books in October. This month was mostly about highly anticipated sequels. Some books I have been dying for came out this month. Plus let's be honest, my theme this month is my favorite genre so of course it was amazing. I had one 10 star review and a few that came damn close if I'm being honest. Seriously this month had some amazing reads.

I'm also still doing really well on my challenges. I am up to 111 books for the the year which is a substantially ahead of my goal of reading 120 books this year. I'm also way ahead of the goal for the Debut Author Challenge and have set my sights on reading 24 debuts. I only read one debuts this month but I am now up to 23 debuts for the year. ONE MORE TO GO! I'm also doing well on the Netgalley/Edelweiss Challenge having read two books for that challenge as well. I've reached my goal of reading 25 books and my new goal is to get my NG percentage to 80% which is very exciting so now I need to maintain that. And finally I once again dropped the ball on the TBR Pile Challenge. I am still at 17 and I need to read 4 more books to reach my goal but I have plans for November and December that will get me there.

The Books
1.) The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
Rating: 9 out of 10 [My Review]
2.) Nimona by Noelle Stevenson Rating: 8.5 out of 10 [My Review]
3.) A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston Rating: 7.5 out of 10 [My Review]
4.) Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson Rating: 10 out of 10 [My Review]
5.) City of Thirst by Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis 
Rating: 8.5 out of 10 [My Review]
6.) Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
 Rating: 9.5 out of 10 [My Review]
7.) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell Rating: 9.5 out of 10 [My Review]
8.) The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss
Rating: 9 out of 10 [My Review]
9.) The Rose Society by Marie Lu Rating: 9.5 out of 10 [My Review]
10.) After Alice by Gregory Maguire Rating: 8.5 out of 10 [My review]
11.) Ice Like Fire by Sarah Raasch Rating: [My Review to Come]

Finishing School Series by Gail Carriger
12.) Etiquette and Espionage - [Original Review]
13.) Curtsies and Conspiracies  - [Original Review]
14.) Waistcoats and Weaponry  - [Original Review]

Other Posts
Waiting on Wednesday: Calamity by Brandon Sanderson, Passenger by Alexandra Bracken, A Gathering of Shadows by Victoria Schwab

To Be Read in November: Science Fiction

My planned theme for November is Science Fiction. Mostly this is because the few new releases I have preordered and know I am reading are Sci-Fi reads and I have a few books in my TBR that would also fit that theme.

Lately my reading has been a little behind and I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. I don't have a lot of review books so I can sort of just relax and read whatever I want which will be a nice change. So because of this, I kind of want to play things by ear this month.

1.) Until We Meet Again by Renee Collins - Add to Goodreads
This is a time travel book, which I love and am excited about. but it also is a bit of historical fantasy which is one of my favorite subgenres. The few early reviews of this one look good and I have a review copy so I am excited to give it a try.

2.) Soundless by Richelle Mead - Add to Goodreads
I've seen some mixed reviews about this book but I got a copy at BEA and I'm excited to give it a try. I haven't read any Richelle Mead so I hope I like it. Her new series sounds amazing so I'm interested in checking her out.

3.) Manners and Mutiny by Gail Carriger - Add to Goodreads
This is the final book in the Finishing School series which I'm such a fan of. It's about teenage girls at a steampunk Victorian boarding school learning to be spies. It's amazing. I just did a reread of the series so check that out for more thoughts.

4.) The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay - Add to Goodreads
This is one of my review books for the month. It's one of those books for book loves that involves, you guessed it, the Bronte sisters. I have not read one of these books in awhile so I'm excited plus I love me some Emily Bronte.

5.) Winter by Marissa Meyer - Add to Goodreads
The final book in The Lunar Chronicles series. I am both nervous and excited to read it. I need to know what happens to these characters and in this world but I am so scared that they will not all get their happy endings.

6.) Red Rising by Pierce Brown - Add to Goodreads
My last round secret sister got me a copy of this book and I have been wanting to read it for awhile now. I've heard good things and it sounds interesting. So I figure I will start the series this month because it fits my theme.

7.) The Scorpio Races by Maggie Steifvater Add to Goodreads
I saw Maggie a few weeks ago and it made me realize that I definitely need to read more of her books. I know so many people who love this series and have said that it is a very fall read. I've had a copy of this one and so I'm finally reading it.

8.) I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios - Add to Goodreads
I am not a big fan of contemporary but I have heard good things about this one. Plus the two events I went to in October I met members of the FYA book club and I'm planning to join them this month and it's their pick for November.

So those are the only books that I have planned.  There are a few other new releases that fit the theme that I may pick up if I have time or I maybe marathon a series that has been on my list for awhile. I'm also thinking about doing a secret read because I know it's a really popular book. But we shall see, it may just be these eight books. Or I may DNF some or bump some to December. I have a few potential or backup books that I may end up reading as well.

Potential Reads

Golden Son by Pierce Brown - Add to Goodreads
This is the sequel to Red Rising so if I like it, I'm going to try and read this book as well. The final book in the series comes out in a few months so I may wait until then to finish the last two but if I can and want to I'll get a copy of this book as well

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - Add to Goodreads
I've had a copy of this book for ages. I know a lot of people really enjoyed it and it made a lot of best of lists for 2014. The author is coming to town in February so I want to try and read it before I get tickets.

Lock In by John Scalzi - Add to Goodreads
I got a copy of the audiobook for this book a while ago when Audible was having a sale. I heard that there are two different versions because the MC is supposed to be genre neutral. I'm kind of interested in listening to both versions.

Ten Thousand Skis Above You by Claudia Grey - Add to Goodreads
This is the sequel to A Thousand Pieces of You which I read last year and I really liked it. It fits this months theme so if I can get a copy then I may read it. Or I may wait until January because it fits that theme too.


The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: CinderScarlet, Cress

The Starbound Trilogy by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner - These Broken Stars, This Shattered World

So I wanted to reread The Lunar Chronicles last month but I didn't get the chance. With Winter coming out November 10th I need to make it happen. I need to be prepared. I also need to be prepared for Their Fractured Light coming out December 1st and reread These Broken Stars and This Shattered World. I have all the audiobooks on hold at the library so I can do it.

What are you reading in November? Are there any of the same books on your list? Have you read any of these? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I'll also be reading Winter and The Bronte Plot this month. So exciting!

  2. It doesn't surprise me that Shadows of Self received the 10! I still need to continue that series, and I'm really hoping I do that soon (as in, winter break soon). I may read Soundless and Winter this month too, but I may wait until winter break for to read Winter too. I'm excited for Their Fractured Light, but I haven't gotten to This Shattered Light yet!

  3. I am not making a TBR pile because every time I do that I end up failing massively at it!! But re-reading These Broken Stars and This Shattered World is a great idea and I hope I can find my hardcovers somewhere in my pile of boxes to re-read them before Their Fractured Light arrives in my doorstep!

    Also, I really hope you'll enjoy Red Rising! I really loved it and Golden Son!! I'm dying for Morning Star and I'm thinking a re-read should be in order before it releases next year...

    AND WINTEEEER!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR WINTER!! I'll be avoiding Twitter a bit next week while I wait for my UK ed Kindle to download on Thursday!
