
Monday, November 30, 2015

On Rereads: Science Fiction Series Ending in November and December

On Rereads is a monthly feature on My Thoughts Lit where I talk about the books I reread during the month. It's an opportunity to share some new thoughts on a book I read before and usually to prepare for a new release. For the foreseeable future I plan to do one reread a month so I want to share my thoughts on these books the second time around.

I wanted to reread six books in October which was a little optimistic although I did reread five in November! What! I mean I didn't read as many new books but that's cool. I got to reread The Lunar Chronicles and the Starbound Trilogy by the end of the month. The fact that I had a drive to Upstate to New York to see my family for Thanksgiving definitely helped with that. I could have squeezed in a book I hadn't read but I didn't want to and these next two months that's what I want to do. But here is my thoughts on the audiobooks for....

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Cinder -  (Amazon / Goodreads / AudibleMy Review)
Scarlet   (Amazon / Goodreads / Audible / My Review)
Cress  (Amazon / Goodreads / Audible / My Review)

I was both excited and nervous for the final book in this series, Winter, to come out. I'm such a fan of this series. It is one of my all-time favorite retellings, not to mention an all-around science fiction series with amazing characters and a thrilling plot. So with the final book coming out I had to marathon the whole series to refresh my memory and also experience it all together.

Once again, I really felt like this is a series that gets better and better as it goes on. Rereading it you can see how good Marissa Meyer's plotting is. Things mentioned in the first book come back in a big way in the third and final book. I was so glad I reread it too because I forgot so many details, especially in Scarlet. Plus I got to once again fall in love with these characters and swoon at the romantic moment.

But what I really liked about this reread was the audio. Rebecca Soler, the narrator does an absolutely brilliant job bringing these characters to life. She got Cinder's snark down perfectly, plus Thorne's charm, Scarlet's toughness and French accent, and Cress' awkwardness. Plus her Iko was just so spot on. I loved it so much that when I was reading Winter, I missed the audio and downloaded it so that I could listen to it too. Her Winter (the character) narration? Brilliant!

The Starbound Trilogy by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

These Broken Stars (Amazon / Goodreads / AudibleMy Review)
This Shattered World (Amazon / Goodreads / Audible / My Review)

This series, ugh, you guys. I'm so obsessed. It might be my all-time favorite YA Science Fiction novel. It's so freaking amazing. These Broken Stars was one of my favorite reads of 2014 and I was a little nervous about rereading because what I loved so much about it was the mystery and the crazy plot twist but it was just as brilliant and emotional the second time around. That is the mark of a great read if you ask me. Then with This Shattered World, I wasn't totally blown away the first time I loved it. Honestly, the second time it was even better. Reading them back to back I was able to understand more and see more connections which made it so fantastic.

I also really loved these audiobooks. I like they have different narrators for the different perspectives and I think they captured the mystery and adventure with this series. I particularly enjoyed Jonathan McClain who narrated for Tarver, who I think captured his humor and fun personality, as well as Donnabella Mortel who narrated for Lee Chase in This Shattered World because she captured her toughness and vulnerability.

Now I am ready for Their Fractured Light, the last book in the series. I'm as usual excited and nervous about how it all end but I totally trust Aime and Meg to bring the feels and the mindblowing twists. Marissa Meyers totally did in Winter. These are both great Science Fiction series. I would definitely recommend them if you haven't read them yet.

Have you read the The Lunar Chronicles or the Starbound trilogy? Did you reread in preparation for their series conclussions? Have you done any rereads lately? What books? Do you like doing rereads or not? Tell me why.  Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I love the Lunar Chronicles and I did re-read before Winter. I almost always re-read for series.

    I haven't read Starbound. I need to do that! It sounds like another great series.

  2. I absolutely loved re-reading The Lunar Chronicles and I'm thinking that I'd love to re-read the These Broken Stars and This Shattered World but I don't know in what box they're packed!! *WAILS*
