
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read On a Whim

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I don't often pick books up on a whim these days. Being part of this blogosphere means that I am often overly aware of all the new books that just came out or are coming out. They almost always come from a recommendation from a fellow blogger. Sometimes I'll read a backlist book on a whim just because I'm in the mood for it but even then it's pretty rare.

So for this topic I decided that I wanted to talk about books I picked up at BEA that I knew little about and grabbed on a whim because the cover looked interesting or I heard someone say they were interested in it. Plus I think this is a good way to highlight some of the smaller books that were there instead of the big ones. We all know about Heartless, Gemina, and Replica but what about the others?

1.) Thieving Weasels by Billy Taylor - Add to Goodreads
So I saw this book was part of the YA Buzz Books Panel and the title and cover did not hook me at all. But then I heard it is like a male Heist Society and I absolutely needed it.

2.) The Lie Tree by Francis Hardinge - Add to Goodreads
I was walking by Abrams and I was attracted by the cover for this and then I read the synopsis and it looks like it's right up my alley. I mean YA historical mysteries are always my favorites.

3.) The Continent by Kierra Drake - Add to Goodreads
The Harlequin in-booths are always great ways to grab books you didn't even know existed. I mean seriously though there isn't even a synopsis for this book on goodreads. I think it's dystopian.

4.) Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin - Add to Goodreads
The title of this book sounds like it's stempunk but I don't think it is. Maybe, though. It feels a little Frankenstein-esque. I knew little about it but it was part of a drop with Replica and seemed like a book I would like.

5.) The Thousandth Floor by - Add to Goodreads
I knew nothing about this book even after seeing it on a drop schedule. But one of my roommates grabbed it and was excited so I thought, why not. It sounds interesting though, like a pretty unique dystopian.

6.) Baby Doll by Katherine McGee - Add to Goodreads
I was waiting for something else at Little Brown and someone said they had this book and that it was like Room meets Gone Girls and that's all I needed. I love a mess with your head YA myster/thriller.

7.) Spontaneous by Aaron Starmer - Add to Goodreads
I stopped by the Penguin Random House booth to ask about The Reader which I thought was going to be at BEA and wasn't. But the publicist mentioned this book and it sounds super weird and unique. All I know is that it's about kids who blow up.

8.) The Graces by Laure Eve - Add to Goodreads
Again, cruising by Abrams and saw this book. It looked like something Magical Realism which I've been very into lately or like it had something to do with mythology. But the synopsis I think is about witches.

9.) Kingdom of Ash and Briar by - Add to Goodreads
My roommate Rachael had a very specific and detailed list of books and this one was on it. It's a dark fairy tale retelling so I went with her and grabbed a copy because yes, that sounds fantastic.

10.) Rani Patel in Full Affect by Sonia Patel - Add to Goodreads
This is another book that was at the YA Buzz Panel and I knew nothing about. But the cover looks cool and it sounds like an interesting contemporary so I grabbed a copy.

And those are some of the smaller titles I grabbed at BEA16. Did you go to BEA? What did you grab on a whim that you aren't really seeing people talk about. Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Spare and Found Parts made my list too!!! I can't wait to read all the BEA books!!! I'm still in that super optimistic state where I believe I actually am going to read allllllll those amazing books.... who knows, maybe we will??!!

  2. Kingdom of Ash and Briar, Graces, and The Lie Tree look good! I love the covers. I will definitely be checking those out! Here's My Top Ten !

  3. Spare & Found Parts and The Lie Tree were those books that I was tempted to grab but decided to pass on due to my well known space constrains! I'll be wanting to hear what you think of them for sure Cassi!

  4. Great idea! I got a bunch of these books too. I think I am most excited about Spontaneous (of all the books I got at BEA). It sounds so crazy! I thought it was a joke when they introduced Aaron Starmer for the panel, but once he started talking about the book, I knew I needed to read it.

  5. Oh my goodness, there are so many of these that I want to read! "Spare and Found Parts", "The Graces", "The Lie Tree", and "Kingdom of Ash and Briar" all look fantastic!

    Luck you for getting to grab up some ARCS for a few of those! I'm definitely going to try to get to BEA next year!

    Enjoy your reads!

    My TTT

  6. Oooh nice!! I picked up a few of these as well! I had just heard about Kingdom of Ash and Briar from the previous WoW day so I was stoked to get a copy as well! Also snagged The Graces because I love mythology! And got The Thousandth Floor too! Awesome picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. These are mostly new to me!! Kingdom of Ash and Briar looks incredible though!! Thanks so much for sharing these! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  8. It's so wonderful to be a part of a community where we recommend each other books constantly, but every once in a while it's good to pick up something completely knew. I requested the Graces on a whim myself, hopefully it's a good read. Great list!

  9. The Lie Tree sounds good - I've been seeing it all over lately. :)

    Check out my TTT.

  10. I picked up Baby Doll on a whim too and I started reading it last night and it's kind of slow and boring and not my thing. *diesinside* But I also picked up most of the rest of these and they sound promising, so fingers crossed! Can't believe I didn't know about Kingdom of Ash and Briar. I LOVE DARK FAIRY TALES. I shall have to wait like everyone else, I suppose. :P


  11. Oh I want to read The Graces so glad to see this one your list! Some of these I hadn't heard of before
