
Monday, June 27, 2016

Book Review: Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas

Title: Dangerous Boys
Written by: Abigail Haas
Published: August 14, 2014 by Simon and Schuster
(Amazon / Goodreads)

Synopsis: Three teens venture into the abandoned Monroe estate one night; hours later, only two emerge from the burning wreckage. Chloe drags one Reznick brother to safety, unconscious and bleeding; the other is left to burn, dead in the fire. But which brother survives? And is his death a tragic accident? Desperate self-defense? Or murder? 

Chloe is the only one with the answers. As the fire rages, and police and parents demand the truth, she struggles to piece together the story of how they got there-a story of jealousy, twisted passion, and the darkness that lurks behind even the most beautiful of faces…

I read Dangerous Girls a few months ago and seriously loved it. So for my mystery month I knew I needed to read more Abigail Haas, because does she know how to write a crazy thriller that messes with your head. 

For one thing, this was an incredibly compelling book, one of the most engaging books I read in awhile. I flew threw this book. I was supposed to be buddy reading this with Michelle from Pink Polka Dot Book Blog but I'm terrible and I couldn't stop reading. It took me just over a day to read this and I seriously could not put it down. It is the very definition of a page turner. From beginning to end I was engaged in the story and what was happening. There are so many twists and turns along the was and it is a really well-paced, building to a thrilling conclusion. Not to mention that the last 100 pages had me so nervous and worried.

In particular I liked the format of this book. Like a lot of my favorites mysteries and thrillers, it alternates between what happened then and what is happening now. You are left piecing together the truth from a character who has reasons not to be very forthcoming. It made for such an interesting plot and Haas does it so well. And while this mystery isn't quite as shocking as Dangerous Girls it strikes all the right notes and left me totally reeling when it was over. But you can put this in the "mysteries I solved column" but it was a totally fantastic mystery.

Another great thing about this book that made it so engaging and interesting is the characters. There are some really terrible people in this book. Practically ever character is selfish and aggressive. I spent a lot of the book being disgusted by their actions and disappointed by their choices. This is a book full of antiheroes and is absolutely another thing that Haas does so well. But because they were all so unlikable it was hard to dislike more. It made for totally compelling characterization and made the book really interesting.

On the whole this is a really fantastic YA mystery and a incredibly thrilling read. It has absolutely solidified my love of Abigail Haas. She is so good at writing compelling and engaging mysteries that mess with your head and have terrible characters that you love reading about.

I give Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas 9 out of 10 stars

Buy/Borrow/Bypass: Buy. This is a fantastic YA thriller. Abigail Haas is a master at writing a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat with characters who are truly terrible and yet you can't stop reading about. If you liked Dangerous Girls you need to read this as well. Or if you are looking for a book to mess with your head then read some Abigail Haas.

Have you read Dangerous Boys? What did you think? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

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