
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: The Swan Riders by Erin Bow

A weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Title: The Swan Riders
Series:  Prisoners of Peace #2 
Author: Erin Bow
Published: September 20, 2016 by Margaret K. McElderry (Simon and Schuster)

Synopsis: Greta Stuart had always known her future: die young. She was her country's crown princess, and also its hostage, destined to be the first casualty in an inevitable war. But when the war came it broke all the rules, and Greta forged a different path.

She is no longer princess. No longer hostage. No longer human. Greta Stuart has become an AI.

If she can survive the transition, Greta will earn a place alongside Talis, the AI who rules the world. Talis is a big believer in peace through superior firepower. But some problems are too personal to obliterate from orbit, and for those there are the Swan Riders: a small band of humans who serve the AIs as part army, part cult. 

Now two of the Swan Riders are escorting Talis and Greta across post-apocalyptic Saskatchewan. But Greta’s fate has stirred her nation into open rebellion, and the dry grassland may hide insurgents who want to rescue her – or see her killed. Including Elian, the boy she saved—the boy who wants to change the world, with a knife if necessary. Even the infinitely loyal Swan Riders may not be everything they seem.

Greta’s fate—and the fate of her world—are balanced on the edge of a knife in this smart, sly, electrifying adventure.

Why I'm Waiting 

I was kind of blown away by how much I liked The Scorpion Rules. At first it seemed like a typical dystopian kind of story with a few subtle changes but then it drastically changed and made for a really creative and complex science fiction series. I loved the way that Erin Bow played with the tropes. It is seriously fantastic and the ending had me on the edge of my seat.

So obviously I am super excited for the next book in the series. I'm really anxious to find out what happens to Greta after the choices she made in the first book and where things may lead with the world here. The synopsis too has me super interested. More Talis and more Greta. Plus I love the idea of there being hidden rebels. AH! It sounds so good.

I preordered a copy because I am so excited about this one and to see where it all goes. The Scorpion Rules was one of my biggest surprises last year but this year I wouldn't be surprised to be blown away by The Swan Riders.

What about you? What are you waiting for this Wednesday? Are you waiting on The Swan Riders along with me? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Oooh interesting! That's a new to me one!!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Hope you love this! This is a new to me series but sounds good

    my WoW

  3. I still need to read book 1, it's in my TBR pile and I hope to get to it this summer! And I'm in love with the cover of the sequel! The colours, the patterns!

  4. Definitely sounds interesting ~ Hope you enjoy it!

    Renee My WOW
