
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Rewind - Books I Loved But Never Reviewed

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

So today's topic is to do a topic that you haven't done and/or want to revisit. I was a little late to the TTT game so there are a handful of ones I haven't done. I wasn't sure which one to pick and then I saw the perfect one, ten books you loved but never reviewed. I love this topic for two reasons. One, when I first started blogging I didn't do a very good job of posting so I have years where I only posted once to say, these are the books I read. And two, because of that I have been thinking about doing Throwback Thursday posts where I can review books I talk about often without having a full review. So here is the perfect opportunity to mention some books I love but never reviewed.

1.) The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
This is still extremely hilarious to me. I love this series so much and I was reviewing it a few years back when I marathoned it and I just couldn't review the last book in the main series. I couldn't do it without spoilers, I couldn't do it without feels. So I have reviewed ever Mistborn book except this one.

2.) A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
I read this right when I decided I wanted to start blogging for serious but my first post back was another one of those posts where I listed brief thoughts about all the books I read. I don't have a full review of this one but I do have reviews of the other two books in the series.

3 & 4.) A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin.
I do have full reviews of the two most recent books in this series and a Throwback Thursday post where I talk about the third book in the series and mention some stuff from the first two books but this is such a complex story that it deserves individual reviews for all the books.

5.) The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire
I interestingly have a review of the third book in the series but none of the other ones. My reading of them came at times before I was serious about blogging but kind of still was doing blog posts. I don't know. It's very odd. I can't figure it out.

6 & 7.) The Historian and The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova 
This one is also kind of frustrating to me. I read The Historian right before I started the blog and The Swan Thieves when I was just doing recap posts. Then I reread The Historian when I started blogging again and still only have a mini-review. It's one of my all-time favorite books!

8.) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Speaking of all-time favorite books. This is one I absolutely loved and read just after I made the blog in 2010 but never reviewed because back then I just didn't really post. But I love this book. I kind of want to reread it and then have the chance to review it.

9.) The Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
So the thing about this series is that I'm really slow about reading it. I read like one book a year it feels like even though I really like it. I recently read book 3 when I had a whole in my schedule and planned to review the whole series but just haven't finished it.

10.) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I read this series at a time where I was poorly blogging and I mentioned it in one of my recaps blog posts. I would have loved to be doing full-length reviews at that time so I could look back on my thoughts.

There you have it. The ten books I loved but did not review. And mostly I don't even talk about why I liked it. Just why I didn't review it. Because if you haven't talked about your thoughts, why start now. Anyway, what are some books you loved and never reviewed? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I love A Great and Terrible Beauty! I can't remember if I reviewed it or not! I think we both need to reread and review it! Great list! :)

    My TTT

  2. This is such a great topic! I have so many that I wish I'd reviewed, but I wasn't into blogging yet. The Hunger Games is definitely on my list too!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  3. Ooh nice topic choice! I would have a lot to fill in for this one and the simple matter is that many of the books I read and loved in the early days were all before blogging. And before Goodreads, which was around the same times as blogging! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. The Historian!! Wuthering Heights!! Faves for me too, but unreviewed as well, read and re-read them but before I started reviewing in GR or blogging...

  5. I haven't reviewed the Gallagher Girls or GOT either even though I loved them. My TTT

  6. I feel the same way about The Hero of Ages. There's so much about this book that can't be put into words! Here is our TTT

  7. Funny, I also loved A Song of Ice and Fire, and even re-read it a few times, but never wrote a review. It would probably be never ending xD I agree with 'The Hero of Ages' - so hard without spoilers! Such a great read though, I still get excited thinking about it!
