
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: 17 Books From the First Half of 2017 I'm Excited About

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Sequels and Companions

Windwitch by Susan Dennard - Amazon / Goodreads
Released Date: January 3
I loved Truthwitch and I am super excited for it's sequel which comes out in just a few weeks.

Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken - Amazon / Goodreads
Released Date: January 10
The way that Passenger ended was absolutely insane and fantastic. I need to know what happens next to these characters.

A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab - Amazon / Goodreads
Released Date: February 21
Speaking of crazy endings and needing to know what happens next. I am terrified and excited about the conclusion of this trilogy. I HAVE THEORIES!

The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: March 7
And once again, a book with a crazy and amazing ending. Shannon really knows how to leave a book on a cliffhanger and then make me wait two years.

A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: March 28
I really liked The Star-Touched Queen. It was a little over-hyped for me but it was fantastic. And the companion sounds even more exciting and up my alley.

The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: May 2
I only recently learned that Elizabeth Wein was working on a prequel to Code Name Verity. You guys, this is a book about ... I can't say because spoilers?

The Crown's Fate by Evelyn Skye - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: May 17
I know a lot of people didn't love The Crown's Game but it was definitely one of my favorite debuts of 2016. I'm excited to see what happens next to these characters. Also, I have theories.


Frostblood by Elly Blake - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: January 10th
I had hoped to pick up a copy of this book at BEA but I didn't get a chance because either drops were at the same time as other stuff or I never quite got it in the Little Brown dice roll game. But it sounds fantatsic!

Caraval by Stephanie Garber - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: January 31st
I did get a copy of this at BEA though. I've heard nothing but good things from people who have read early copies and I can't wait to read it.

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: February 7
I talked about this book awhile ago in a Waiting on Wednesday post but I am seriously so excited about it. I mean it's a YA inspired by Labyrinth.

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: May 30
You guys know I love a good YA mystery. So obviously I was intrigued by this just on the fact that it's Pretty Little Liars meets The Breakfast Club.

New Release from New to Me Authors

The Valiant by Lesley Livingston- Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: February 14
I want more historical fiction set in ancient civilaizations so this one about a female gladiator in Ancient Rome sounds amazing!

Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: February 21
This is another book I wanted to get at BEA but didn't. But it's totally up my alley as it's a historical mystery about the Tulsa Race Riots in the 1920's.

The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: March 7
Guys, this is a YA fantasxy about necromancy. Obviously I need it. Plus look at that cover. I have an ARC that I can't wait to read.

New Releases from Authors I Want to Read More

Given to the Sea by Mindy McGinnis - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: April 11
I read my first Mindy McGinnis book (The Female of the Species) recently and loved it. I want to read more of her books and this might be a good place to continue.

The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: April 14
Simon Vs. was one of my favorite books of 2015 and my favorite debut so I obviously would be excited for Becky's next book. Plus it's about a plus size teen so obviously I can relate.

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee - Amazon / Goodreads
Release Date: June 20
I loved Mackenzi's debut This Monstrous Thing and have been waiting for her next books which both sound amazing. I'm not typically a fan of road trips but if they are big gay 18th century European ones I'm on board

There you have it, the 17 books of 2017 I am very excited to read. I'm not sure if I will get to all of them but hopefully I can read many of them. What books are you excited to read in 2017? I'm not as up on the winter releases as I usually am so I can hopefully do some blog hopping to get recs, but leave me your thoughts here. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Great list! We only share Frostblood this week and I'm actually reading it at the moment. It is so good so far! I'm hoping to read Passenger soon so hopefully I'll like it and read Wayfarer too. Caraval is everywhere today and I definitely want to find out more now.

    My TTT

  2. I really like historical fiction set in ancient civilaizations too so The Valiant sounds right up my alley. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have 3 books from your list on my list! And I was about to add Wintersong! A friend sent me an arc of frostblood but with different cover.
    I super love your list!
    My TTT.

  4. I really liked This Monstrous Thing as well and wasn't aware the author had a new book coming out. I'll have to check that one out for sure. Great list!

  5. I'm excited for ALL of these! But especially A Conjuring of Light and Windwitch ahhhh!

  6. OOoh very nice!! Lots of familiar ones that are all on my list in general! Quite a few I need to get caught up! With Evelyn Skye I decided I wanted to wait to binge the duology next year! Tough call sometimes, but it's been my trend this year with all the duologies starting! LOL! Going to have sooo many to read starting next year though! Great picks!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. V. E. Schwab is one of the authors I'd like to check out in 2017

  8. I can't wait to read One of Us is Lying!! And to see if you know who the killer is!!! I think that's my new fave part of YA Mystery reading-- guilting you into reading them and seeing if you figure it out :)

  9. SO many books on your list are on my TBR as well! The debuts for 2017 look awesome; I'm really looking forward to Caraval and Frost Blood! I also can't wait for The Bone Witch; I loved Chupeco's The Girl from the Well. Happy reading! :D

  10. Caraval sure has been a popular choice this week. I haven't added it to my TBR list just yet, but I am really excited to see what everyone thinks of the book when it is published. Hope you enjoy it!
