
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

A weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Title: A Conjuring of Light
Series: Shades of Magic #3
Author: V.E. Schwab
Published: February 21, 2016 by Tor (Macmillan)

Synopsis: The battle between four magical Londons comes to a head in this stunning finale to the New York Times bestselling Shades of Magic trilogy by rising star V. E. Schwab 

London's fall and kingdoms rise while darkness sweeps the Maresh Empire—and the fraught balance of magic blossoms into dangerous territory while heroes and foes struggle alike. The direct sequel to A Gathering of Shadows, and the final book in the Shades of Magic epic fantasy series, A Conjuring of Light sees Schwab reach a thrilling culmination concerning the fate of beloved protagonists—and old enemies

Why I'm Waiting:

This could come as no surprise to those of you who know me well. I mean I am a huge fan of Victoria Schwab's books, particularly this one. A Darker Shade of Magic was my favorite book of 2015 and A Gathering of Shadows is in my top books of 2016 so naturally I am super excited about the final book in this trilogy.

But let's be real, I am mostly in need of this book because of the way that the last book ended. Talk about a cliffhanger! Victoria has said before that she doesn't like leaving books on cliffhangers but this time she did it in the meanest way possible. It's like she was saving up her cliffhangers until she had the best possible one and then hit us readers with it.

But even without that part I would still be really excited about this book. I am so in love with these books. The plot is thrilling and engaging, the characters are complex and odious, the world is unique and fascinating. In short it has basically everything. It's a new favorite when it comes to fantasies and I am insanely excited to find out how it all ends.

I have of course preordered a copy of this book because I am that excited to read it. It is probably my most anticipated books for the first half of 2017. I know that it is going to rip my heart out because seriously, how can it end well, but I am ready for the pain.

What about you? What are you waiting for this Wednesday? Are you waiting on A Conjuring of Light along with me? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I love this series so much. I haven’t preordered this book because that’s expensive, but as soon as the price comes down, I’m getting it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Nice! Haven't read this series but I have heard lots of good things about it! Hope you enjoy this installment too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Yaaaassss, omg! I cannot wait to read this book! I loved ADSOM, and enjoyed AGOS. This one had better end well! Heh. I hope you enjoy this book when you get a chance to read it!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my WoW post!
