
Friday, January 6, 2017

2017 Challenges I'm Doing

One thing you should know about me is that I am competitive. But I try to challenge that for good instead of evil but challenging myself  I participated in three last year and it was a great way to focus my reading schedule and read some books that I may not have otherwise read. So this year, I am planning to participate in more challenges. I of course am doing a Goodreads challenge and hoping to read 15 books again this year. But here are my other, blog challenges.

Debut Author Challenge

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Challenge Objectives:
  • To introduce readers to this year’s wonderful group of debut authors. 
  • To challenge readers to read 12 or more (or less! It’s up to you!) middle grade, young adult, and new adult debuts this year. 
Challenge Rules: 
  • You must post your thoughts on each debut book you read in order for it to count towards the challenge. 
  • You can post anywhere: your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Tumblr, etc. 
  • You can join the challenge whenever you want. 
  • The debuts must have a publishing date in 2016 and must have been read between January 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018 (this extra month allows readers adequate time to read December debuts) in order to count. 
  • Each review gives you an entry into the monthly prize pack drawings. Make sure you post the links to my monthly link-ups. I always post these link-ups on the first day of the month. 
  • This challenge is open internationally, as are the monthly prize packs. 
  • I don’t care what language you write your reviews in, I just need to know which book you have reviewed so I can verify your entry. 
  • When you post your link, please include the title in English. Use the hashtag #2017DebAuthC so we can all see what everyone’s up to!

I participated in this challenge last year and I loved it. I read so many debuts and there were some really good ones. Not to mention I am really excited for a lot of debuts this year. The goal is to read 12 debuts and I actually read 30 last year.  I think I will keep my goal for this the same as is was last year which is 25.

Rock My TBR 
Hosted by The YA Book Traveler

We ALL have those poor little books that we bought because we had been excited to read them…but eventually they just went by the wayside and forgotten.


OPEN TO ALL READERS! Whether you’re a reader, a blogger, a booktuber, a bookstagramer let’s all have fun and rock out those TBRs together! We all love books and let’s encourage one another.

  • To read a minimum of 1 book per month you already own (published book). This challenge is totally what YOU make of it! You can do 5 books a month, 10, WHATEVER! Anything you accomplish is fantastic. This challenge is really what you make of it. 
  • Find others! My favorite part about this challenge this last year was finding other people to buddy read books with me. I kept it simple and set up DM groups so we could discuss it. It really helps keep you motivated to read books you’ve been wanting to. *I always pick a book of the month that I buddy read. Check in with me if you want to join!
  • Make a list! If you can, create a list of books you own and want to read then post it, tweet it, video it and try to find other who want to read the same book. Buddy reading is so much fun! It’s great having other people to fangirl/fanboy with while you’re currently reading. This is optional but I think it’d be fun! 
  • Use the hastag #RockMyTBR for current discussion. There will be Twitter Chats periodically hosted. (More info to come) Knowing myself, there will most likely be giveaways throughout the year as well! 

  • At the end of the month, update us on how you’re doing with the challenge. This can be done on Twitter, on your blog, a Booktube video, YOU NAME IT!
I don't just want to read new books or debuts. I want to make sure I read the books I already own so I'm participating in this challenge as well. Last year I ended up reading 27 backlist books which beat my goal of 25. I'm going to keep the goal the same, so 25 books. Last year I wanted to read books that I already owned and this year I have another additional caveat. I am kind of treating this as a completed series tag. I have a lot of series that I started last year and did not finish. So, in addition to backlist books I want to finish 10 series this year.

2017 Netgalley/Edelweiss Challenge
Hosted by Bookish Things & More


Have you ever logged on to Edelweiss or Netgalley with the intention of "Just Looking" and then logged off having requested 5 new titles even though your TBR is a mile long? This challenge will (hopefully) give you the incentive to tackle your review books, stumble upon new ones, and get your Netgalley percentage to the desired 80%!

Challenge Guidelines:
  • The challenge will run from Jan 1, 2017 – Dec 31, 2017. 
  • Anyone is welcome to join. You do not need to be a blogger, just post your reviews and come back every month to link them up. 
  • Any genre, release date, request date, length, etc. counts so long as it came from Edelweiss or Netgalley. 
  • At the beginning of each month there will be a roundup post for you to add your reviews. If you forget to link up one month it's not a problem. Add your reviews next month or go back to the month your review was posted and link to that list. 
  • If you would like to move up or down levels that is completely fine and at your discretion. 

  • If you have any questions tweet me @BookishThings or e-mail! Hashtag: #NGEW2017

Bronze - 10 Books
Silver - 25 Books
Gold - 50 Books
Platinum - 75 Books
Diamond - 100 Books

Last year I read 40 books from Netgalley and Edelweiss. At this point I just want to maintain that goal. If it looks like I can read 50 books later in the year then I will.

2017 Discussion Challenge

Here’s All You Have to Do: 

  • The 2017 Book Blog Discussion Challenge runs from January 1st until December 31st, 2017. 
  • Sign-ups will remain open until December 31st, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. Central. (So, you can sign up all year long! Come join us!) 
  • Create a sign-up post announcing your intention to participate and link up below. There is no need to say what your discussion posts will be about – just tell us that you’re joining and let us know what your goal is. (Please note, you may do this in an update post, or a post of other challenges—you’re not required to make a completely separate post—but you can if you’d like!) 
  • Please link back to both challenge hosts and include the challenge button in your sign-up posts. 
  • There will be a kick-off post on January 1, 2017 on both Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight where you’ll be able to leave your links for any January discussions. At the beginning of every month, a new post will go up on both blogs for that month’s links. Every month, we’ll update this 2017 Book Blog Challenge Page with the links to that month’s Challenge linky—so you’ll always know where to find the latest link-up! 
  • Share it! The more people we get to participate in this, the more awesome discussions we can all be a part of and the more fun it will be! So, invite your friends to join us! 
  • This challenge is to help get us discussing books and book blogging, so talk about whatever you want as long as it’s relevant to book blogging. Discussions can be book related or book blogging related (or generally blogging related—no discussions about things that are completely off-topic like travel or fashion, etc). Discussions can also be about you personally if it’s a get-to-know-you type post. 
  • If you forgot to leave your discussion link in the challenge month in which you posted the discussion or the linky list closed before you had a chance to leave it, you can leave it in a future month. (No duplicates, though.) There will also be monthly giveaways, so make sure you check in each month! 
  • Use the hashtag #LetsDiscuss2017 to share your progress and connect with other participants on Twitter. NEW THIS YEAR – Every month, we’ll feature our favorite posts from one randomly chosen participant. Have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments!

This is my first time doing this challenge. Last year I did an audiobook challenge but that's not very hard for me. I listen to tons of audiobooks and it just became a way to track them. So this year I decided to do one that is hard for me, and that is discussions. I really don't do many discussion posts. My blog is very review heavy. So this year I thought I would shake things up and try to post one discussion a month, so 12 for the year.

Those are my challenges for 2017. Basically the same ones as I did last year, plus one different one. Check back in my monthly wrap ups to see how I am doing on the challenges and for more information check out the posts from their hosts or the tabs up above.

What challenges are you doing in 2017? Are you joining in any of these? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Good luck! I’m doing the discussion challenge, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. These challenges look awesome! I was thinking about doing the debut challenge this year but decided to go with Beat the Backlist instead! I hope you meet all your goals! :D

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  3. I am also doing the Debut Author Challenge and Rock My TBR challenge. The only other one that I signed up for is Flights of Fantasy. I have decided to not do that many challenges this year. The discussion challenge sounds like fun!
    I hope you have a wonderful reading year and reach all your goals!
