
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein

*** This contains Code Name Verity spoilers so if you haven't read that proceed with caution. But also FREAKING READ THAT BOOK... It's amazing and everyone should read it. Here's my review. ***

A weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine

Title: The Pearl Theif
Author: Elizabeth Wein
Published: May 2, 2017 by Elizabeth Wein

Synopsis: Before Verity . . . there was Julie.

When fifteen-year-old Julia Beaufort-Stuart wakes up in the hospital, she knows the lazy summer break she’d imagined won’t be exactly like she anticipated. And once she returns to her grandfather’s estate, a bit banged up but alive, she begins to realize that her injury might not have been an accident. One of her family’s employees is missing, and he disappeared on the very same day she landed in the hospital.

Desperate to figure out what happened, she befriends Euan McEwen, the Scots Traveller boy who found her when she was injured, and his standoffish sister Ellen. As Julie grows closer to this family, she experiences some of the prejudices they’ve grown used to firsthand, a stark contrast to her own upbringing, and finds herself exploring thrilling new experiences that have nothing to do with a missing-person investigation.

Her memory of that day returns to her in pieces, and when a body is discovered, her new friends are caught in the crosshairs of long-held biases about Travellers. Julie must get to the bottom of the mystery in order to keep them from being framed for the crime.

In the prequel to Printz Honor Book Code Name Verity, this exhilarating coming-of-age story returns to a beloved character just before she learned to fly.

Why I'm Waiting:

CODE NAME VERITY PREQUEL... Hyperventilates. Fly the plane, Maddie. Holds back tears.

I loved Code Name Verity so much! It absolutely wrecked me but in the best possible way. It's such a fantastic historical fiction book and I love that it's set during WWII but shows a little bit of a different take on the period. But even if you don't like historical fiction you should check that book out because it really is so good. Okay, now that that is out of the way you all know why exactly I am so excited for this book. It's a prequel to a book that I seriously loved.

One of the things that I loved so much about that book is the characters. I fell in love with the complex and interesting the characters in Code Name Verity and I am so freaking excited to have more about them. Especially Julie. I am so excited to learn about why and how Julie got involved in the war and everything. But honestly I think I may miss seeing Maddie because I loved the friendship between them. But more Julie!

But honestly, it doesn't matter at all what this book about because it's a Code Name Verity prequel and I will read and I'm sure I will probably love it. I'm sure a lot of you are just as excited about this because I know so many of you love Code Name Verity as much as I do. I mean it's one of my book club's favorite books. I know that and I didn't even read it with them. I just preordered a copy of this and I can't wait to read it in May when it comes out.

What about you? What are you waiting for this Wednesday? Are you waiting on The Pearl Thief along with me? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Ooh nice! Never read the first book but I am always up for prequels! LOL! Though it always makes one wonder...if it's a prequel prequel or a prequel meant to be read after the first book?!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. A blogger friend of mine just reviewed this one! I think she liked it but didn't totally love it. To be honest, I'd not heard of the author. o_o I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Have a wonderful week. =)

    Check out my WoW post!
