
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Crown of Wishes Blog Tour: Interview with Author Roshani Chokshi

Hi Everyone:
I am so excited to be sharing with you my stop on the second blog tour of the week. This one is for A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi. I really liked The Star-Touched Queen but I wanted more from the world so I was pumped to see that there was more coming in this companion novel. I'm currently reading the book and loving it so far. Look out for my review on Friday.

But first I have an interview with the author, Roshani Chokshi. If you were around last year you may have listened to my podcast interview with her back when Britt and I were still trying out or podcast. If you haven't listened to it, check it out here. I asked some similar and follow up questions so definitely check that out, plus it's a longer interview.

But before that, let's get into the this book and the interview...

Title: A Crown of Wishes
Series: The Star-Touched Queen #2
Written by: Roshani Chokshi
Published: March 28, 2016 by St Martin's Griffin (Macmillan)
(Amazon / Goodreads)

Synopsis: Gauri, the princess of Bharata, has been taken as a prisoner of war by her kingdom’s enemies. Faced with a future of exile and scorn, Gauri has nothing left to lose. Hope unexpectedly comes in the form of Vikram, the cunning prince of a neighboring land and her sworn enemy kingdom. Unsatisfied with becoming a mere puppet king, Vikram offers Gauri a chance to win back her kingdom in exchange for her battle prowess. Together, they’ll have to set aside their differences and team up to win the Tournament of Wishes—a competition held in a mythical city where the Lord of Wealth promises a wish to the victor. 

Reaching the tournament is just the beginning. Once they arrive, danger takes on new shapes: poisonous courtesans and mischievous story birds, a feast of fears and twisted fairy revels. 

Every which way they turn new trials will test their wit and strength. But what Gauri and Vikram will soon discover is that there’s nothing more dangerous than what they most desire. 

Interview with Roshani

1. Can you describe A Crown of Wishes book in 10 words or less?

Roshani: Enemies-to-lovers romance with a dash of magic.

Sounds good to me.

2. How was writing A Crown of Wishes different than writing your debut

RC: Writing under a contractual deadline vs. “letting a story simmer and roll around in your thoughts for 4+ years” is bound to be a VASTLY different experience. I treated my outline religiously with ACOW. The editing process with my first book taught me to reconsider everything I knew about storytelling—when to hold back, when to give a little, when to move on. I think the main difference with ACOW was its forward sense of momentum. I’d never cried over scenes until I wrote ACOW. I mean, I’d cried in the sense of frustration, but not in the sense that a book’s character had put me through the emotional wringer because of their situations. To me, Gauri and Vikram became people that I could spot in a crowd. They became family.

That's really interesting. I guess the more time you spend with a character the more connected you get with them. It's been two books with Gauri and Vikram so maybe you are more connected. Or maybe they go through more intense experiences. I'll have to read to find out.

3. This book is a companion novel to The Star-Touched Queen. Are you as excited to return to the world of that book as us readers are?

RC: Of course! It’s always incredible to dive back into a world one thought was old only to discover that it is, in fact, new.

I thought you would say something like that. I'm sure it was exciting and like riding a bike again.

4. A Crown of Wishes is about Gauri. Did you always know you'd want to tell her story, or did something about her story feel untold to you after you finished writing The Star-Touched Queen?

RC: Yes. Gauri’s story had always had a special place in my heart. I left her story purposely unfinished so that I could follow that emotional thread in ACOW.

Cool! I'm excited for you to finish her story. I found her so mysterious and fascinating in The Star-Touched Queen so I'm excited to learn more.

5. Do you have a favorite scene? One that you are excited for the readers to experience? (No spoilers, of course).

RC: I have a tiny gender-swapped beauty and the beast nod in a particular scene that I’m very proud of. I hope readers find it as entertaining and grisly as I do!

That sounds fun. I was actually just thinking how I wanted a gender-swapped Beauty and the Beast. Now I'll need to hunt for the reference. ALSO, super hoping that the female in question is Kamala because I love her!

6. This book is about wishes so obviously I have to ask, what would you wish for if you won the Tournament of Wishes?

I would wish for no need of wishes, with the condition that I’m not killed or incapacitated. 

7. Which of your characters would you want trapped on a deserted is and with you?

RC: Amar…(spoiler for TSTQ, but Death is an omnipresent thing, so I think he’d be able to whisk me out of a deserted island pretty quick)

Amar would be good for the whisking. I'd probably pick Kamala because she's fun. But if things don't go well she might end up eating me. (Kamala is a demon horse who threatens to eat people in case you didn't know).

8. What are you working on now? What's your next book going to be about?

RC: My next YA project is THE GILDED WOLVES. It’s a dark, sultry, ish-heist story set in the glamorous La Belle Epoque era of Paris. I love it to pieces, and I can’t wait for readers to meet the characters and world!

There you have it. I hope you enjoyed that.  Make sure to come back on Monday when I review the audiobook for A Crown of Wishes. Also, doesn't The Gilded Wolves sound amazing? Dark, heist story set in La Belle Epoque Paris. I want to read that real bad.

Are you excited about A Crown of Wishes? Have you already read it? What did you think? Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

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