
Friday, December 29, 2017

Book Review: Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray

Title: Defy the Stars
Series: Constellation #1
Written by: Claudia Gray
Published: April 4, 2017 by Little Brown Books for Young Readers

(Amazon / Goodreads)

Synopsis: She’s a soldier.

Noemi Vidal is seventeen years old and sworn to protect her planet, Genesis. She’s willing to risk anything—including her own life. To their enemies on Earth, she’s a rebel.

He’s a machine.

Abandoned in space for years, utterly alone, Abel has advanced programming that’s begun to evolve. He wants only to protect his creator, and to be free. To the people of Genesis, he’s an abomination.

Noemi and Abel are enemies in an interstellar war, forced by chance to work together as they embark on a daring journey through the stars. Their efforts would end the fighting for good, but they’re not without sacrifice. The stakes are even higher than either of them first realized, and the more time they spend together, the more they’re forced to question everything they’d been taught was true.

I am continually impressed by the science fiction books I read by Claudia Gray. Defy the Stars is just one more example why she is such a master of the genre. It’s a thrilling world with a fascinating world and has great characters.

The thing that impressed me initially about this book was the world. This is seriously such an amazing science fiction world. What the author does so well is make complex science accessible. She has created a world full of space travel, rocket ships, and artificial intelligence without overwhelming you with details and information. Instead it all worked together to create a truly fascinating world. It had this really great Battlestar Galactica feel to it. I really loved The world.

I also really loved the plot of this book. It was completely thrilling. I’m not sure that I would call it a space opera but it definitely had those kind of elements. Throughout the book the characters traveled through space in a mission to save their world. It was full of daring escapes and some pretty epic adventure scenes. Although if I’m being entirely honest, I was kind of hoping for more twists and turns. It definitely built to a thrilling conclusion but I wish there were more surprises. It was a really great plot though.

I also really loved the characters in this book. The book switches perspectives between Abel and Noemi. It was definitely a little jarring at first getting used to each of their voices but it helped that both of them were really great and complex characters. I think probably Abel was a little more interesting than Noemi. Because seriously, Abel was amazing. I always love books about AI and it’s always fun to be in the head in the AI. Plus you have the added bonus of his development throughout the book where he discovered his humanity. It was amazing! All the characters were really likable and interesting. In fact, I even think that the romance won me over in the end. I was incredibly reluctant at first but by the end I was into it. I think because I liked the characters that much that I wanted them to be happy.

I initially started reading this book but it wasn’t until I started listening to the audiobook that I really started loving the book. It had two different narrators and they both really got the characters. It made it easier to get into their heads this way. It also really played up the action. I love books like this in the audio format because everything is all the more thrilling and immersive when you listen to the books. If you are a fan of audiobooks I would definitely recommend this audio.

I really loved this book. It’s a fascinating and engaging read with a cool and complex science fiction world, a thrilling plot, and likable characters.

I give Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray 9.5 out of 10 stars

Buy/Borrow/Bypass: Buy. I would absolutely recommend this book. Whether you like science fiction or not I think you will really enjoy this book. I know that I did.

Have you read Defy the Stars? What did you think? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

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