
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Read That I Hope to Get as Gifts

A weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish

I think often there is this tendency when it comes to gifts to desperately want new and exciting things. And I know my family doesn't like getting me books that I have already read, but like I want books that I loved but I don't have copies of. So in case my family gets a peak at this, these are the books I want you to buy for me that I have already read.

1.) La Belle Sauvage by Phillip Pullman - Buy It
I seriously loved this book. I listened to the audiobook and I am so glad that I did because it was amazing. But the finished copies are gorgeous. They have this beautiful woodcut illustration. And I just want this beautiful book on my shelf next to my His Dark Materials books.

2.) Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhode Belleza - Buy It
Another book where I listened to the audiobook. It's one of my favorite debuts of the year and I would really love to own a copy. Plus I think it would look amazing on my shelf because I like the cover a lot. Plus I'm trying to decide if I want to buy the sequel or get the audio

3.) The Empress by S.J. Kincaid - Buy It
I actually ordered a copy of this book but after I moved I forgot to change my address so they sent the book to my old address. And I didn't want to order another copy. So I hope whoever moved into my apartment likes it along with two Ipsy bags.

4.) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell - Buy It
I mean, I already own a copy of this book but I am OBSESSED with the paperback. It has the most beautiful illustration by Kevin Wada and I cannot with how amazing Baz looks. I mean Simon too but mostly Baz. I want it!

5.) The Diviners and Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray - Buy It
I really love the redesigned covers for this series. They're super dark and look much more like the historical horror that it is. I am not the kind of person who needs my covers to match but I kind of want them to match Before the Devil Breaks You because I love the redesigns.

6.) The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh  - Buy It
I actually have an ARC from this book but I want a finished copy to match my copy of The Rose and the Dagger. And frankly I would even take the original paperback which has that badass image of Shazi looking all amazing.

7.) The Skylighter by Becky Wallace- Buy It
Another book that I have an ARC for that I want a finish copy for because it would match the series. Plus honestly, I really like this series and I want a copy of The Skylighter on my favorites shelf.

8.) Paper and Fire and Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine - Buy It
I have a physical ARC for the second book in the series which usually is enough for me, but I think the design of these so much that I want a finished copy. Plus I only have an e-ARC of the third book and I want that pretty cover as well.

9.) Retribution Rails by Erin Bowman - Buy It
I have an e-ARC for this book but I love the cover so much and I want a finished copy. I have a physical ARC of Vengeance Road and a copy of that would be great as well but like I NEED this one because it's so pretty.

10.) Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - Buy It
I have a physical ARC of this book as well but some of the graphics are not complete. It would be great to have the copy with all the deaths because I know a few of the people listed. Plus I want the drawings that Marie Lu did!

11.) Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo - Buy It
I have a physical ARC of this one as well but it is Leigh Bardugo and Wonder Woman. I want a finished copy so I can add it to my self and support Leigh at the same time.

12.) A Darker Shade of Magic: Collectors Edition by Victoria Schwab - Buy It
I am not usually one of those people who need special editions and multiple copies of different books. But I love this series and I want the collectors edition because it has that gorgeous design by Crini under the jacket!

There you have it. All the books I have read which I don't have copies of but am hoping to get copies of this Christmas. What books made your list. Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Aaagh, there are so many cool titles on this list! I'm considering buying the Diviners new covers, too... mainly because it's bugged me having a different cover for each new installment in the series! And I'm not a huge collector's edition person, either, but man, does that Darker Shade of Magic cover look beautiful. :) Great list!

  2. I do not like those redesigned for the 3rd time Diviners covers. But I still want the books. Also that face book freaks me out-- probably because I looked at it 100 times without ever noticing it. Freaky. I like to get my fave books that I've already read too. I don't know why people think that is weird, but a lot of people do.

  3. OOh nice ones!! See a few that I still need to read such as The Skylighter! Omg how have I not read this one yet?! And I Darken and the second AND third Diviners books! I am SO behind!! Hope you get to have some of these as gifts under the tree next week!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. The Illuminae Files is one of my favorite series!!! Gemina was so good. The Wrath and the Dawn is so beautifully written, and I just adored Shahrzad was such an amazing heroine. I also love ADSoM. Suchwab is brilliant.

  5. I understand wanting to own a book you've already read because you know for sure that you love it! It's a gamble (to me anyways) spending money on a book that may not be any good.
    My TTT
