
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish and Blogging Resolutions of 2018

A weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Reading Goals

1.) Read 120 Books
Last year I had to lower my goal after a very slow fall. I came close to my original goal of 150 books but I did not meet it. I though this year instead of setting a high goal and having to lower it, I would set a lower goal and raise it.

2.) Read 20 debuts
I'm not doing any formal challenges this year. I feel like not meeting them isn't great for morale. But I always really like reading debuts. Sometimes my favorite books of the year are debuts, plus I liker being up on the new reads.

3.) Read 25 books from Netgalley/Edelweiss
Speaking of new reads, I have not been very good at reading e-ARCs. Partially this is because I don't have a ton because I'm not really spending as much time checking it as I used to, and maybe it's just because I don't have time to read on public transportation anymore.

4.) Read 15 backlist books 
In the past few years I wanted to read like 25 backlist books and I have never met that goal. So while I still want to read books that are not new releases I think I need to set a more realistic goal.

Blogging Goals

5.) Post four times a week
At one point in time this was not very difficult, but these days it kind of is. I'm lucky some weeks if I can post three times I week. But I want to get back to posting more often. I have been reading more so I think this is doable if I make sure to other posts.

6.) Write more discussion posts
Which brings me to my next goal. Last year I was doing the discussion post challenge and I did not complete it. I need to be better about doing more discussion posts. It's one of the things I love reading most and always have fun writing.

7.) Comment on blogs daily 
Part of the problem with my new job is that I can't spend all day on social media and reading blog posts. Because of that I have to make time to read and comment on blogs. This year I am resolved to do just that.

8.) Redesign my blog.
This is something I say basically every year. But I am once again getting to the point where I want my site to look different. And I think that now is a good time to make a new design that is more my own and not a template.

Other Goals

9.) Go to ALA and some more signings in Boston. 
I thought there weren't very many book signings in Pittsburgh but there are so many less in Providence. But there are plenty in Boston. I want to go to more. I also want to go to ALA again. because not only was it super fun but it's in New Orleans this year.

10.) Finishing writing something.
I have started plenty of writing projects but I have never actually finished anything. This year I am determined to finish something. And I won't let myself start something else until I do that.

There you have it. All my goals for 2018. What are your goals? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Some great goals for 2018! And major yay for you trying to post 4 times a week - I'm so happy if I post once lol. But best of luck with achieving these, plus an extra good luck toward your writing goal of finishing something! I promise the feeling of writing "The end" is like a reward all in and of itself :)

  2. I totally get the struggle with being unable to finish something! I've been a part of NaNoWriMo for three years now, winning each time, but have never actually made it to the end of a manuscript, let alone get through a revision process. Love that goal! :)

  3. OOoh nice ones! I really want to go back to a book convention myself but they are always soooo far away and cost so much money and I can never find a roommate! I am going to one later this year and am trying to find a roommate but I guess it's too early because I have had zero bites! Lol! Good luck to you and your goals!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. These are all really great goals! :D Hope you can accomplish them all. <3

  5. I have many of the same reading goals as you, but I am not as disciplined. I didn't pick a number. The general reading I do like a boss, but I am afraid to pick a number of backlist, because I fear failure. I want to redesign my blog, but my co-blogger is reluctant. She did some awesome sketches over break, but now she is back at school. --sigh-- I hope to go to ALA someday. I wish I had gone when it was driving distance from me. Good luck with all these goals.
