
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Reads for People Who Don't Like Horror

A weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I have to admit, I'm kind of a big wuss when it comes to horror. I am very easily freaked out and anxiety already makes me fixate on things like weird noises in my house and being alone. So needless to say, I d not read a lot of horror. But I do like atmospheric reads and can handle a spooky book about witches or vampires. So I decided to make a list for people like me who don't love horror but still want something Hallween-y. I did a similar list two years ago so check that out HERE if you want more.

1.) Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
This book is about a girl who brings her dead best friend back from the dead to solve her murder. It's creepy and has series The Craft vibes but it's also really funny.

2.) The Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger
This series effortlessly combines Historical Fiction, Steampunk, and Supernatural Fantasy. It's a world where vampires and werewolves rule London society, but it's also super silly and romantic.

3.) City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
This is another one that is kind of low key horror. It's about a girl who can see ghosts. But it's also Middle Grade and Victoria Schwab so like you can handle it.

4.) The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Reading by Alexandra Bracken
This is another Middle Grade with serious Halloween vibes. It's about a boy whose family curse is that he gets a demon inside of him and he lives in like a fictionalized version of Salem, Mass basically.

5.) Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older
This series is about a girl who has the power to bind ghosts through art and uses them to do whatever she asks. It has some Magical Realism vibes but it's also got great character development to balance the Supernatural elements

6.) Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire
This series is pretty solid fantasy with worlds within worlds but some of the books take you to super dark worlds including Down Among the Sticks and Bones where you are in a majorly creepy Gothic world.

7.) You or Providence by Caroline Kepnes
Originally I was only going to include Providence because it's inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and has an urban fantasy vibe but You is one of the creepiest thrillers I have ever read which to me is perfect fodder for scary stories that aren't Horror.

8.) Final Girls by Riley Redgate
Final Girls is also a creepy thriller. The general idea is that the book is about girls who survived a serial killer but years later. It has that Slasher Movie vibe to it but it's still a pretty classic mystery which I liked.

9.) The Wicked Deep by Shea Earnshaw
Usually I make this list full of Historical Mysteries because those to me are the perfect books for this time of year. They are atmospheric and often involve demons or ghosts. Like this one which is essential about possession but also has historical elements so I can deal with it.

10.) As I Descended by Rabin Talley
This is another one that is a pretty classic ghost story but it's also a Shakespeare retelling so if you don't like Horror you can tell yourself it's just a retelling. It's also really good and has a creepy boarding school which I am here for.

11.) Odd & True by Cat Winters
This is another historical mystery which is about two girls who hunt demons. But because it's has a historical setting I can focus on that. I also recommend Dark Days Club if you are looking for something similar.

Honorable Mention to The Agony House by Cherie Priest which is Horror but is AMAZING and has a lot of depth to it. Plus there are comics which help break things up and for me made it feel way less creepy.

There you have it, all the books that made my list. What Halloween reads would you recommend?  Any for people who are not fans of Horror? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. I'm not real big on horror myself, but I admit I am more willing to read a horror filled novel than I am to watch a horror movie! The way I see it is that I can tone down the creepy when I read, I can't do that when I watch a movie or something! Lol! I still can't quite watch the Bloody Mary episode of Supernatural in the dark or alone or at night! That's how much of a chicken I am!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. You is totally one I can't believe I haven't read. City of Ghosts is one I might read w/ Cole!!
