
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish Resolutions

I generally don't make New Years Resolutions. It seems arbitrary to decide to change something just because of the Ancient Roman's assessment of the passage of time says that now we start again. But cynical tirades aside I am down for personal growth and it's a good opportunity to try and better yourself, plus I do love a good challenge. I'm going to stick to the bookish kind of resolutions/goals/challenges here.

1.) Read at Least 60 Books (5 a month)
I've never kept track of how many books I read in a year so I'm starting with a clearly attainable goal and next year I'll do something more challenging.

2.) Complete 12 Series
I'm taking part in Read.Sleep.Repeat's 2014 Completed Series Challenge. There are so many series that I want to start and a bunch that I've read the first book and not the last. My goal is 
to complete one series a month.

3.) Read More Debuts and New Releases
Last year I only read a few 2013 releases. The more time I spend in this book blogging community the more I learn about new releases and I want to read more this year. This leads me to...

4.) Read 15 Standalones Released in 2014
To help in my goal of reading more new releases I am taking part in the 2014 Standalone Reading Challenge hosted by IceyDoesBooks and Diznee. The goal is to read fifteen books by the end of the year that are standalones released this year.

5.) Read some New Adult Books
I've wondered about this new trend in publishing, it intrigues me. I want to read a few to check it out.

6.) Win NaNoWriMo again!
Last year was my first year taking part. It was really fun and I want to do it again. I'm already formulating ideas for my new book. 

7.) Attend Author Signings and Talks
Pittsburgh doesn't get that many but last year I missed a few that I would have liked to have attended.

8.) Interact More with Other Bloggers/Authors
I try to comment and respond to comments on my blog. But this year I want to do that more and also interact a lot on Twitter, because...

9.) Attend BEA 
Attending this event has been a dream of mine for awhile. This year I'm doing it. My plan is to attend this and the book blogger conference. I'm really excited to meet some fellow bloggers and learn tip and info to improve my blog, learn about the new and upcoming books, plus the free books are quite a big draw! Anyone else planning on going?

10.) Keep Blogging Consistantly
In the past I have fizzled out after awhile but I've been doing really good lately. So my biggest goal is to just keep it up!

So there you have it. My resolutions and goals for 2014. What are your goals for this coming year? Leave me a comment. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!


  1. Aha, I plan to attend BEA also! Maybe I'll see ya there! :) Good luck on all of your goals and thanks for the tips on A Song of Ice and Fire!

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

    1. Awesome! Hope to see you at BEA and hope that you enjoy ASOIAF!

  2. Ooh very nice list indeed! I'd love to do BEA but for some reason, I am terrified to go to NYC on my own. Totally weird considering I've done 3 RTs on my own now, but NYC is just a bit intimidating. Maybe next year...RT is pricey as it is and I can't really handle more than 1 big convention a year. Have lots of fun! And good luck with all your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I'm not nervous about going to NYC, my brother and sister live there and I've been a lot. I'm more intimidated by the actual conference. It seems a little overwhelming. I hope I can find a buddy!

  3. Great list :)

    I am terrible for reading standalones. I hate to think that when I pick up a book the story will be over when I finish that ONE book! One of my favourite standalones of 2013 was definitely The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. If you have not read it yet I highly recommend it :)

    1. I've heard The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is good. Most of the adult books I read are standalones but for YA I tend to read a series. I'm trying for more balance this year.

  4. New Adult was one of my favourite genres that I discovered last year! I'd definitely recommend The Edge of Never & Wait For You. They were two of my favourites and two of the first New Adult books I read last year so I think they'd be good ones to start with :)
    I would LOVE to go to BEA, but it'd be so damn expensive for me. I hope you have a lot of fun at BEA though because it looks amazing!
    Good luck with the resolutions/goals! :D

    1. Thanks for the NA recommendations, maybe I'll check one of those out. BEA will probably be pretty expensive for me too but I'm lucky enough to have family to stay with and can drive there so it'll keep the cost lower.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Pamela! I'm more concerned about the stadalones though, 15 YA new release standalones seems so much more intimidating. But I tend to be pretty competitive so I may spend December reading nothing but those books.

  6. 60 books is a good goal! I read a little more than that last year, but my goal was 100. (So I failed, basically. Lol.) I'm trying again for 100 this year, though. Hopefully I make it. I hope you make 60, too!

    1. Thanks. I'm a pretty slow reader so I wanted to set a goal that I could meet and probably set a higher goal next year. Good luck with 100!

  7. You won NaNoWriMo? Wow! Blogging consistently is one of my goals as well and I'm taking part in the Series Challenge too (Thanks for that!)
    Good luck with your resolutions this year, and hope you win NaNoWriMo again :)

    1. Winning NaNoWriMo just means you wrote 50,000 words of a novel. I was pretty proud of myself. You're welcome for the Series Challenge. I jumped on that as soon as I found it too! Thanks and good luck to you too!

  8. yes I also need to attended some book signings it very embarrassing that I have been blogging a hole year and have not gone to a single one . great goals

    heres mine

    1. I feel the same way about signing. Especially when there are so few that come here! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yay! I love all of your blogging goals, Cassi. I haven't wrote one yet since I am afraid that it's gonna get jinxed. I am happy to know that you are also participating in Octavia's 2014 series challenge. I am also participating but haven't found the time to write a post yet. Maybe one of this week. And yay, I finally got the courage to start reading Martin's ASOIAF.

    5. Yeah, I understand where you're coming from this one. Some people don't read it because to them, it's not really a genre.

    8. High five to you. I think I am already getting the hang of commenting on a lot of blogs but I am still having problems interacting on Twitter.

    9. Sadly, I am from the Philippines. And I need to earn millions of pesos just so I can go to the US. But good luck to you. Every blogger is gushing about that event.s

    10. I know right? Who would ever know that blogging could be so taxing? It's really a hard commitment particularly for someone who has a family and work to attend to.

    I wish you all the best in achieving your goals, Cassi. I am keeping my fingers crossed. :D

    1. I'm worried that I'll jinx myself too but the best way to achieve your goals is to make them public.

      I'm mostly confused by NA, but I also think categorizing genres by age is a weird thing in general. I get it for books if they contain gratuitous sex or violence but a lot of adult books are completely suitable for teenagers and a categorization of YA turns a lot of adults off from great books. If you have any NA recs let me know.
