
Friday, March 21, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #18

A weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read & Parajunkee's View

How it Works: 

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!

How does this work? First you leave your name here on this post, (using the linky tools -- keep scrolling!) then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them "hi" in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

What sets this Hop apart from others, is our Feature. Each week we will showcase a Featured Blogger, from all different genres and areas. Who is our Feature today? Find out below. Just remember it is required, if you participate, to follow our Features and you must follow the hosts (Parajunkee & Alison Can Read) as a courtesy. How do you follow someone? Well, if you have a preference, state it in your #FF post. A lot of blogs are transitioning to Wordpress in which they do not have the luxury of GFC, so an RSS subscription is appreciated or if you choose an email subscription. If you don't have GFC please state in your post how you would like to be followed.

This Week's Question: 

How have your reading habits changed in the past few years? Did you get interested in a new genre? Do you read more? Less? Why do you think you habits changed, if they did.

This Week's Answer: 

My reading habits have definitely changed within the past year. The first change is that I read a lot more often and because I read more often I finish a lot more books. I think this is because when I moved to Pittsburgh I had to ride the bus to work instead of walking. That half hour commute gives me a lot more opportunity to read. The  other major change is that I read a lot more Young Adult books. I have always tried to vary my reading between classics, YA, and adult novels but since getting seriously into blogging I started being more impressed with YA books. The final change in my reading habits is that I read a lot more new books. I feel like with book blogging you have to keep up on the trends a little bit. If you're not personally keeping up with the new books about to come out you are seeing reviews and recommendations from fellow bloggers about them. So far this year of the 24 books I have read a third of them were published in 2014. I think last year I only read three books that were published in 2013. 
How about you? How have your reading habits changed? Leave me a comment. And remember this is a blog hop so take a look around and if you like what you see then give me a follow and let me know so I can follow you back. I'm indifferent to your manner of following so pick your poison GFC, Bloglovin, or Twitter. Thanks for hopping by and of course HAPPY READING! 


  1. I started reading a lot more newer books too! That has definitely made my "books Read" total go way up!!
    check out my F&F~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

    1. Haha, yeah I definitely felt motivated by my need to be up on the trends and read newer books. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. I am tryng to read a lot more newer books as well. Thanks for following. I'm following you on bloglovin

    1. I never expected that to happen when I got more involved with blogging, I expected new recommendations and I guess that's what people recommend. Truthfully I should have seen this coming. Thanks for the follow back!

  3. Hopping through. I used to love reading on my 30 minute bus rides. But I also loved driving, which I usually did.
    My FF

    1. I drive from time to time as well. I like to listen to audiobooks while I'm driving. I got really into audiobooks on my first solo road trip and now I'm hooked. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  4. I love reading when on a long bus/car journey but I need to take regular breaks or else I will feel sick.

    1. That's the perfect time to read! Everyone marvels at the fact that I don't get sick reading in a moving car. Maybe it's from a lot of practice. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  5. Yeah I find that I do that too, sort of. If it's a release from a fave author. I have to read it asap! I try to spend some time playing catch up with others, but I've added sooooo many new to me series on my TBR pile, it's impossible to catch up! I have nearly or completely completed series sitting on my TBR pile waiting to be read! Begging to be read!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It really is so hard to keep up with that stuff. I've pretty much tripled the amount of books I read in a month and I still can't keep up with it all. Oh well, a never-ending TBR just goes with this territory I guess.

  6. Blogging definitely has had an impact on my reading, too. And I'm so glad for it! Thanks for stopping by my FF earlier. Old follower!

    1. I'm glad of it too. I've found some new favorite books, authors, and series through blogging. I would never have learned of Rainbow Rowell without blogging. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. I actually finish less books now because I have so many to read & review that if I don't like a book, I don't finish it. New GFC follower. Thanks for stopping by earlier and following :)

    1. I'm often to stubborn to DNF a book. I'm seriously considering dong that this month but it's so hard for me to do that. I'm too competitive and I don't want the book to defeat me. It's a totally dumb way to think, and you're totally right there are so many too read. It's just one of my reading eccentricities! Thanks for stopping by and following!

  8. Hi just making sure im following you! Have a happy Tuesday!
    Brittany @ Please Feed The Bookworm
    Follow Me Here
