
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Recommending Adult Books: Science Fiction

This is a feature I started a month ago where I recommend an adult book that is similar to a YA book that I have read recently. I personally think that the idea that because a book is written about a teenager adults can't read it and vice versa. So this is my attempt to recommend books that bridge the gap. This month I am tackling Science Fiction.

 When I was reading The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (check out my reviews of Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress) I couldn't help but think about one of my favorite series, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Hitchhiker's is a classic Sci Fi space opera and rollicking fun adventure. The five books tell the story of Arthur Dent an earthling rescued just as Earth is destroyed and picked up by a passing (stolen) spaceship captained by the President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox. And like The Lunar Chronicles the characters are likable and interesting. I'm a big fan of Zaphod, the idiotic lovable rogue of this tale but also Ford Prefect who's dark sense of humor and pragmatic pessimism result in him being frequently drunk. There is also the token strong female character, Trillion, and an amazing robot (Marvin, the Paranoid Android is the opposite of Iko and thinking of the two of them in the same sentence makes me so happy). The series is full of absurd humor that is both silly and sarcastic. Each of the five books stands as it's own individual story but build on the previous one to create one interesting and complicated series.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is not a retelling like The Lunar Chronicles. It is without a doubt classic Science Fiction but it is meant to be funny and it reads like a parody of books like Dune and Ender's Game. The villains are caricatures, the worlds and adventures are laughable and fun, and there are so many amazing quotes and situations that you can't help but find yourself immersed in this world and it will trickle into your every day life.

If you are a fan of The Lunar Chronicles and the world and story that Marissa Meyer created then check out The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You won't be disappointed. If you have read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what were your thoughts? Leave me a comment and the answer to the ultimate question.


  1. This is definitely a book I have been wanting to read for the longest time now!!! I haven't read the Lunar Chronicles yet but I'm starting Cinder in the next week or two, so I'm excited to venture into that series :)

    1. I hope you enjoy Cinder and the rest of the Lunar Chronicles books. Scarlet is my favorite but they do get better as they go on.

  2. I love The Hitchhiker's Guide. It is a great book for everyone. :)

    1. Agreed! It's a great book and it's one I recommend to people who say they don't like SciFi because it has so much humor.

  3. This is funny because I haven't read Cinder yet, but I LOVED Hitchhiker's Guide! Now, I really want to read Cinder more!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. YES! Definitely read Cinder. It's a fantastic series and definitely reminded me of Hitchhiker's Guide as I was reading it.

  4. Cool feature! I love finding recommendations basesd on books I liked. Have you read The Diamond Age? One of my favorite sci fi novels with kick ass heroine!!

    1. Thanks! I have not read The Diamond Age. It sounds really interesting and even more similar to The Lunar Chronicles. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm putting that on the TBR list!

  5. I nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    1. Thanks Tasha, I actually did a Leibster Award post a few weeks ago, check it out here Thanks so much for the nomination and I'll definitely check out your post.

  6. I love both of these, and actually, I was reminded A LOT of Hitchhiker's Guide when reading Scarlet, the second book in the Lunar Chronicles series. The character of Thorne in Scarlet reminded me of a mix between Mal from Firefly, Jack Harkness from Doctor Who, Han Solo from Star Wars, and Zaphod Beeblebrox from Hitchhiker's Guide. And I got a kind of Marvin the Paranoid Android feeling from Iko in Scarlet, as well! Great comparison, and such a great idea for a feature!

    1. Those are all fantastic lovable rogues. I was very much reminded of Mal from Firefly and Zaphod when thinking of Thorne and his dynamic with Cinder reminded me a little bit of Zaphod with Trillion. I think of Iko and Marvin as total opposites. She's always happy and excited and he's always miserable. I think in terms of the plot Cress reminded me the most of the Hitchhiker's series. Both phenomenal series too!
