
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Best Books of 2014 (so far)

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  

The year is halfway over so what a great time to think about the best books from this past year. I have read some pretty amazing books so far this year! So in a very particular order.

10.) The Maze Runner by James Dashner - Review 
The trailer for the impending movie got me so interested in this book, oh boy was it good. It was a fantastic and thrilling read with so much mystery and suspense. I serious couldn't handle this world at times!

 9.) Sekret by Lindsay Smith - Review 
 I recently read this book as a buddy read with Violet from Paper Worlds and Swirls of Ink. I totally loved it. The book was thrilling and action-packed, had amazing historical context, was full of mystery and complex characters, and a totally swoon-worthy romance.

 8.) Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo - Review
Ruin and Rising comes out next week you guys... NEXT WEEK! This book was nearly perfect with an amazing fantasy storyline, complex and interesting characters, and a kickass protagonist with an amazing character arc. I'm pretty terrified about how it will end (Team Mal!) but this book was sooo good!

 7.) NIL by Lynne Matson - Review 
This was one of my most anticipated debuts of the year and it certainly did not disappoint. It was incredibly thrilling with serious Lost vibes and excellent characters including the mysterious island that is both beautiful and deadly.

6.) We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - Review
When I was finished with this book I couldn't feel feelings anymore. Despite the fact that I solved the twist in this book I was an emotional wreck after reading. The writing was incredible and the prose was absolutely haunting. Or am I lying?

5.) The Falconer by Elizabeth May - Review 
This is another book where I succumbed to "Shaken Book Syndrome." I just loved the world-building in this book. I'm generally not a big fan of fae stories but the steampunk world, historical context, and kickass heroine made this book amazing! Plus, that freaking ending!

 4.) A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin - Review 
 I'm a huge fan of A Song of Ice and Fire and A Storm of Swords was one of my top books of last year. I cannot mentally and emotionally marathon them so this January I finished the series and read A Feast for Crows (which was not great) and this book (which was great). Everything missing from AFFC was back including some favorite characters. It was so magical and the cliffhangers made me want to rip this book to shreds.

3.) Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell - Review 
Fangirl was one of my top reads of 2013 but everyone raves about Eleanor & Park and I very quickly learned why. It was a sweet, sentimental, and funny story about first love. I devoured this book and when it was over I had one of the most serious book hangover ever that I simply laid on the floor staring at the ceiling sobbing, not kidding!

2.) These Broken Stars by Aime Kaufman and Meagan Spooner - Review 
I had heard amazing things about this book and how it gives you all the feels, and oh boy it did! There are few words to explain how much I adored this book, it was absolutely fantastic! The writing was incredible, the characters were interesting, the romance was delightful, but the best part was that it had a truly insane Science Fiction plot that blew my mind and a twist that I couldn't predict.

1.) Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - Review 
Clearly I think Rainbow Rowell is flawless! I became so obsessed with this book. After reading and loving Rainbow's young adult work it was great to read an adult novel that had the same amazing characters, the same humor and sentimentality, and find themselves in situations that I have found myself in. It was like reading a book about myself.

 What are your top ten books of the year so far? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. Thanks for sharing. Nil is on my TBR pile, I just haven't gotten to it yet. Here are my Top 10 of 2014.

    1. I hope you enjoy NIL! I read it so quickly, I just wanted to know all the things!

  2. I liked ATTACHMENTS, too, although I think I like FANGIRL better. Rowell is definitely a great writer. Funny and clever, but also capable of dealing with heavier subjects. I haven't read ELEANOR and PARK yet, but it's definitely on my TBR list for this year.

    NIL was a little disappointing for me. I wanted a more complex story, I think. It was still entertaining, though, and I liked the LOST elements as well :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. I loved Fangirl too, read it last year. Attachments is my favorite because it's where I am in my life.

      Sorry NIL let you down. There were some things I didn't love but I really enjoyed the mystery!

  3. OMG Ruin & Rising comes out NEXT WEEK!!!!! It hadn't hit me until I read that... omg. TEAM MAL FOREVER. <333

  4. Amazing list. Siege and Storm also made my list and I cannot wait for Ruin and Rising I am beyond excited! These Broken Stars is such an amazing book, loved it when I read it last year. Rainbow Rowell is one of my new favourite authors which surprised me. I haven't really been that into contemporary but I've loved all of her books so far. Fangirl made my list but Attachments was so close. Such a lovely story <3 Ooh and A Song of Ice and Fire series is epic. I definitely need to re-read them soon!

    Great list!
    Becca @ Lost in Thought

    Becca @

    1. I'm not really a big Contemporary fan either but I love the humor and effortless way Rainbow balances the heavy and light subjects. I need to re-read ASOIAF too! I love rereading when I know things are going to end because all the suspense is gone and you can read on a deeper level!

  5. The Maze Runner, Eleanor and PArk, Attachments and We Were Liars were all favourites of mine. Funnily enough I read the last three of those this year too! :)

    Thanks for sharing & great TTT :)

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

    1. YEAH, all amazing books! I'm so glad the book blogger community pointed them out to me!

  6. Oh I totally forgot Maze Runner! Loved that one
    Great list :) Here's my Best Books So Far This Year!

    1. Maze Runner is so good! I spent most of it so confused, it was fantastic!

  7. OOh nice ones! Haven't read any of these but seeing some of them around today!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks Jessica! Yeah I saw a lot of Rainbow Rowell plus We Were Liars and The Falconer on a few lists. They're great books after all!

  8. If I had read Siege and Storm this year instead of last, it totally would have made my list! I CANNOT WAIT until Ruin and Rising is released. #TeamDarkling And, of course, all hail King Martin and Queen Rowell.

    1. TEAM DARKLING?!?!? We cannot be friends. Only kidding! Ans yes, all hail King Martin and Queen Rowell!

  9. Okay, so I should really read The Maze Runner before the movie comes out then! Also, totally agree with what you say about Siege and Storm (OMG only a few more days until Ruin and Rising!!) and These Broken Stars!

    1. I CANNOT wait for Ruin & Rising! Less than a week until Alina, Mal, Sturmond, and the Darking are back in my life! I am both excited and nervous!

  10. I'm so excited for We Were Liars. It looks like the kind of book you lose sleep over.

    Erin @ Raised Reading

  11. Out of your 10 books, I have also read 4 this year. And there are a few that I am dying to read this year from your list. I really need to read These Broken Stars. I plan to read it this summer. Actually looking back at your list, I want to read all of the other 6 books. Great list!

  12. Oddly I think all these except for Sekret and Nil are on my TBR list/shelves.... Good to have some books to look forward to it looks like.
    My TTT
