
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: Blogger Author Love

So this isn't a challenge but I decided to take a moment to mention a few of my must follow authors on Twitter. If you didn't know, I'm a huge fan of Twitter. I think it's such an amazing way to interact with fellow bloggers and authors. I'm on Twitter so much, like more than I should be. There are lots of great authors who have a fantastic social media presence and here are a few that I love.

Lynne Matson @lsmatson
I'm such a fan of Lynne. She writes amazing amazing books and has a fantastic presence on Twitter. She is one of the authors I've seen that always interacts with fans of her books. Every interaction I have had with her has been so delightful. She also hosts monthly giveaways and really helps build a community for the fans of her books.

Rainbow Rowell @rainbowrowell
Seriously I am obsessed with her books. She creates amazing characters that feel so real with a sense of humor that cannot be beat. That is what I would say about her Twitter. It's so genuine and funny. She also interacts well and has favorited and responded to mentions which always makes me fangirl

Victoria Schwab @veschwab
Victoria always mentions and replies to tweets with fans as well. She is always interacting with those who have read her books. She is also one of those authors who tweets I love seeing. She has such humor, it's so self-deprecating but it's fantastic!

Sara Raasch @seesarawrite
I still need to read Snow Like Ashes and I'm embarassed to say that because I enjoy Sara on Twitter so much. She interacts well with her fans and is always retweeting reviews, fanart, and other things relating to her books. She also has a fantastic YouTube channel and Tumblr!

Mackenzi Lee @themackenzilee
Mackenzi is a debut author and I have been completely excited for her book ever since I learned about it. Steampunk Frankenstein you guys! She interacts so well with people on Twitter and has some hilarious insights into history and other things.

Susan Dennard @susandennard
Susan is a fantastic author with fantastic books but she is worth a follow for her insights into writing. She has a great monthly newsletter where she updates fans on her work and gives advice about writing.

Maggie Stiefvater @msteivfater
I started following Maggie before I read a word of her books but based on her Twitter I knew I would love them! I wasn't wrong. She is quite hilarious and sweet. She's like all the Raven Boys in one, which I mean obviously. Speaking of The Raven Boys, everything she says about the final book makes me excited and anxious!

J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling
She is the queen. That is all.

Who are your favorite authors one Twitter? Leave me a comment with your thoughts.


  1. Yes you NEED to read Snow Like Ashes. I LOVED it so much! :)

    1. Im currently reading Snow like ashes and its really good omg. Btw, I follow Rainbow Rowell and i just adored fangirl by her it was so great *-*

    2. I will Sarah, I will. I'm planning to read it in September when Ice Like Fire comes out if not sooner. I wanted to read it last fall but I let the Mistborn trilogy destroy my TBR.

      And I'm glad you're liking it Johnny, I've heard really good things. One of my blogging friends who I have similar tastes with really loved it so I think I will too.

  2. Ha. Great post. I love twitter and love to follow my favorite authors! JK Rowling obviously is a given. She's fantastic. I just wished she tweeted more :P

    1. Twitter is great! It's a fantastic way to connect with people. I also wish JKR tweeted more. But I also feel like when she does tweet it makes a huge impact. It's like that silent character in a Greek tragedy who almost never speaks but when he does you listen (I had a professor in college compare that to Silent Bob and I lost it, it was so funny and perfect!)

  3. I totally agree with you!! Victoria Schwab and Sara Raasch are two authors I've "spoke" to on Twitter. They're both so nice even though I haven't read Snow Like Ashes either :P Paula Stokes is also very awesome! I'm normally too shy to speak out but all these authors (and bloggers like you!) make me feel so welcomed :D
