
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon Mini Challenge #4: Snapshots

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon is a weekend long event hosted by Alexa Loves Books where bloggers come together to share their love of books and the blogging community. There are fun events, mini challenges, and lots of love being spread around. 

Today's first challenge today is "Snapshots" where we take fun pictures our books. I have a bunch of fun pictures on my Instagram of books (and cats) so definitely check that out. I have a few ones planned for this challenge. But here on the blog I thought I would give you a shelfie and bookshelf tour. I have two shelves, both organized differently so I'll point out some of my favorite books. If you see one you love leave me a comment. I haven't read them all but it may cause me to bump it up on my TBR or if I have read it we can chat about it.

My Adult Shelf: 
This used to be my only shelf but recently I got another one and this became my adult shelf. I shelf this one based on size. For me that is the most aesthetically pleasing. It is sort of problematic because I do not have the same editions with series but thankfully I don't have many adult books that are part of a series.

The very top shelf is some non-bookish things like photos, figurines, a giant pen, and cat toys I hide from Eponine because she gets crazy with the catnip ones. There are also some coffee table books like America the Book, The De-Textbook, and my personal favorite What Would Wonder Woman Do? The first shelf is my mass market paperbacks. A lot of Fantasy faves like the Mistborn trilogy, A Song of Ice and Fire, and The Wicked Years. Plus Classics like Little Women and The Portrait of A Lady
The second shelf is trade paperbacks. Some favorites on this shelf are Attachments by Rainbow Rowell, The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo, and Wuthering Heights. This shelf is also where I store my bookmarks. The third shelf is mostly paperbacks, but has some of my absolute favorites. The Heart is A Lonely Hunter, Vicious, The Bone Season, The Historian, and The Magicians trilogy (one of the few I shelf together despite it not being the same format). I tend to also keep my monthly TBR on this shelf. It's usually bigger but the month's almost over.
The fourth shelf is some of my only hardcovers. As you can tell I prefer paperbacks. But this also has some favorites. The Tao of Pooh, The Name of the Wind, Bitter Greens, and the rest of my Wicked Years books. Finally the bottom shelf is ARCs. The ones in the front are ones I want to read. I'm pretty partial to The Magician's Land because I have a tortured past with it, Landline (also a tortured past), and NIL which was one of the first I received, I won it from Lynne. It also has the gorgeous The World of Ice and Fire book.
My Young Adult Shelf

I got this shelf a few weeks ago because I definitely needed it. I was attempting to shove all these books on one shelf (the one that's now got the hardcovers) and it wasn't working too well. I shelf this one a little different. Most of my YA books are series, either full or partial series, so I organize them by genre.

The top shelf is my Middle Grade. It has my Harry Potter books, Chronicles of Narnia, and America Girl books. The first shelf is Fantasy. I love basically every book on the shelf I have read. The left side is High Fantasy and the right is Historical Fantasy. Obviously I love Harry Potter, it's a total favorite! The Grisha trilogy is fantastic, The Young Elites is a new favorite, The Gemma Doyle trilogy is really good, and The Falconer is amazing and got me into steampunk and fae stories!
The second shelf here is mostly Science Fiction. The left side is standard Sci Fi and fades into Dystopia. In the front is Retellings. Because The Lunar Chronicles (a favorite) are SciFi it's a good transition. Other favorites include the Starbound trilogy, The Darkest Minds, Steelheart, and The Hunger Games (which are hidden). The bottom shelf is the most eclectic. The left side is Contemporary, the right is Historical Fiction, and in front of that is my "Maggie" collection. Favorites on that shelf are the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, my Rainbow Rowell books, The Luxe series, and The Raven Boys.  

And those are my shelves! What do you think? Some great books. Remember leave me a comment with some of your faves!


  1. Your bookshelves look so awesome! I spy Vendetta by Catherine Doyle! Have you read it yet? I read it earlier this year and was TOTALLY surprised in a good way!

    1. I haven't read Vendetta yet. I just got it in the mail on Friday but I hope to read it soon. I'm glad you liked it, it sounds really great!

  2. You've read The Tao of Pooh?! I actually just bought The Te of Piglet to go with my Tao of Pooh haha! I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but if it's anything like Tao of Pooh, I'll likely enjoy it. And I LOVE that you've organized your shelves into subgenres - it's so cool!

    1. I have read The Tao of Pooh. It seriously changed my life. I'm not big on philosophy and that kind of thing but Taoism and Zen Buddhism is something that I always really liked and it seriously made me look at life so much differently. The Te of Piglet is also really good. I hope you like it!

    2. That's pretty much exactly where I'm at - I'm not huge on philosophy, but I am very interested in Buddhism and I remember when I had read The Tao of Pooh that it explained a lot of things about myself (and made me feel a bit relieved. Particularly that bit where if I lose something and stop looking for it, it'll show up. IT'S SO TRUE.)

  3. Aww I love these! What's at the bottom left hand corner of the top pic? Zili

    1. HAHA! That is a bookworm! I got it from my OTSP Secret Sister. It's cute in a weird and gross way so I had to put it there on my shelves!

  4. Love the bookshelf snapshots! I see The Wrath and The Dawn!!! I'm so excited for that book :)

  5. I spot owls on your second shelf! <3 But your YA shelf though- MAJOR LOVE for the titles on there!

    1. There's owls all over the place! Except on the bottom two shelves because that's where my cat hangs out so I try to keep them free of clutter for her. Well spotted though. I love owls, like I seriously love them! And speaking of the YA shelf. That colorful thing you can't really see is also an owl. I wanted to get it in the shot but I couldn't.

  6. Your bookshelves are so glorious! I think I spot one of The Raven Boys books :)

    1. I think it's glorious too! Sometimes I get distracted by them and just stare at all the pretties! It is The Raven Boys! I love that series. I can't wait for The Raven King. I'm definitely going to be on an emotional roller coaster for it though!

  7. I love seeing how everyone organizes their shelves. I need like twelve more shelves... lol

    1. ME TOO! When I bought my YA shelf I thought the little one would do the trick but it definitely hasn't. I need so many more shelves. And yes, I love seeing how everyone organizes their shelves. I feel like it portrays they're personality. Like my organized chaos and disconnected system definitely says a lot about me.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks! Me too. Although I am constantly thinking I should reorganize them.

  9. I think it is cool that you have Adult and YA shelves. I have a lot of bookshelves, but mine aren't really organized well. They are very full and I kinda worry that the shelves will eventually collapse. I love your snapshots and all your gorgeous books! :D

    1. I worry that mine will collapse too. I got the new bookshelf because the shelf I had my YA on was buckling under the weight of all the pretties. You know, it's funny that you say that about the separation because I normally hate that but for some reason on my shelves I like them apart.

  10. Thanks for sharing your shelves with us! Love that you've got your adult and YA stored separately; I aspire to do that when I upgrade to shelves that are a little bit bigger ;)

    1. I've been doing it that way for awhile. I didn't used to have that much YA but now it seems like that's all I'm getting. I normally hate the separation but for some reason I like it on my shelves.

  11. Your shelves are chock full of goodness!! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. You're welcome and thanks! There really are some amazing books. And a bunch I need to read!
