
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books to Become Movies/TV Shows

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1.) All the books by Brandon Sanderson
This list could be nothing but Sanderson books. I mean how amazing would it be if there were a Mistborn TV show or a Reckoners movie. I haven't read The Stormlight Archives but it sounds like it would be great too.

2.) Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - My Review
Imagine Celaena Sardothian kicking ass and taking names on the big screen. She deserves that. We deserve that. Plus the alternating perspectives makes things more well-rounded. I don't love that in books but I do in movies and TV shows.

3.) The Young Elites by Marie Lu - My Review
I love villain stories and this one is so amazing. The world that Marie Lu created here is also really visual and lush so it would be amazing to see it on TV or in a movie. Plus the characterization with Adelina just makes things so fascinating.

4.) The Storyspinner by Becky Wallace - My Review
I seriously loved this book. It's such a cool and interesting world that I think would translate well to a visual medium. Plus like Throne of  Glass with the alternating perspectives it would make a really well-rounded story.

5.) NIL by Lynne Matson - My Review
Lost is one of my all-time favorite shows and the Lost vibes in this book are obvious and amazing. Plus the cool thing about this series is that with it being a companion type series you get to know new characters ever season which intrigues me.

6.) Sekret by Lindsay Smith - My Review
Who doesn't love a good spy thriller? Who doesn't love a good movie about people with superpowers? Who doesn't love Cold War politics? Everyone loves these things and the three of them combined would make for a thrilling movie.

7.) Uprooted by Naomi Novik - My Review
I just read this book and it is freaking amazing. It's dark, mysterious, the world is visual and vivid. I would watch the crap out of this movie. Imagine seeing "The Wood" on the big screen. Amazing.

8.) A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab - My Review
Kell, Lila, Rys, the Dane Twins all on a movie screen. Plus how out of control would the different Londons look? This book series has some of the most vivid settings I have ever experienced and it needs to be a movie. I'll give my left eye to make that happen (GET IT?)

9.) Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee - My Review
I really loved this story about two diverse characters and their misadventures on the Oregon Trail. It would make a brilliant and interesting movie or TV show. Or video game. Oh, wait.

10.) The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker - My Review
I love period pieces. Add a really interesting historical time period with a lush setting and subtle magic and I am completely on board. I would love to see this book in a more visual format.

11.) Finishing School Series by Gail Carriger - My Review
Steampunk, boarding schools, supernatural creatures, and tons of action. All things that would make this series into an amazing movie or TV show. How cool would it be to see Miss Geraldine's brought to life.

12.) Beauty Queens by Libba Bray - My Review
Lost meets Drop Dead Gorgeous. This book has as much humor as it does action which would make for an amazing movie or TV show. Plus they could use the fake commercials in the book and really freak people out.

Honorable Mention 
The Magicians by Lev Grossman - My Review
This is honorable because it's actually happening and I could not be more exciting. There is a trailer out and it looks amazing! Check it out, tell your friends, and watch it so we can get a second season. (Book 2 has some amazing stuff that I need to see on screen)

That's my list! What books are on your list of books you would like to see as a movie and/or a TV show? Leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!


  1. It's such a shame but I haven't read a single one of these. I will walk away in shame. LOL!

  2. We share Throne of Glass and A Darker Shade of Magic. The rights have been picked up to The Young Elites!

    Check out my TTT.

  3. Throne of Glass would be AMAZING! As long as they don't cut anything out of course!

    Lizzie @

  4. Oooooh! I totally forgot about The Golem and the Jinni! That would be SUCH a great show/movie! Great list!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  5. I had Darker Shade of Magic on my list too, wouldn't it be such fun to see all those alternate London's and Lila? I just picked up Uprooted, so happy to see that on the list. Now I'm looking forward to actually reading it soon.

  6. ALL BOOKS BY BRANDON SANDERSON!!! I definitely agree with this statement! :D
    Throne of Glass also made my list. I would love to see NIL and Etiquette & Espionage!
    And I still need to read the rest of the books on your list, but I am sure I would love to see them all too.
    Great picks, Cassi!
    Stephanie My TTT

  7. Beauty Queens is already kind of written like a movie (or a few hour TV feature...) It would make a strange , quirky kind of film with some pretty great messages. (I 100% agree about the commercials).

    My TTT.

  8. OOoh nice! I still need to read Nil but I already know I'll love it! And ooh LOVE Gail Carriger too! I still need to read her YA series. Only read the first book so far and that was as an ARC! I fell massively behind! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Throne of Glass and ADSOM are one's I've been seeing on a lot of TTT's today, and I completely agree with you guys! I'd pay good money to see those two on screen haha.

  10. I've heard so many good things about Uprooted, I cannot wait to get my hands on it!

  11. Yes yes yes! Throne of Glass on the big screen. I NEED that in my life! A lot of these books I haven't read and that makes me want to run and hide in a tiny hole of shame but they all sound really good for films/tv shows.

  12. Nice list! You have some I ran out of room for. Uprooted would be an absolutely fantastic fantasy, especially if some quirky director did it.

    Sarcasm & Lemons

  13. I read Beauty Queens but didn't really like it. I do think with some changes it could be a good movie though.

    Joana @ The Boundless Book List

  14. Throne of Glass was on my list this week as well!
    My TTT:
